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News Archive April 2009

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KISS Made Venezuela Shudder

Last Friday, I was lucky enough to be present in one of the most impressive concerts ever present in our country. The hard rock band KISS made Venezuela shudder.

It was on April 17th, a day that will be part of history for being magical and full of energy. An energy that held since very early hours of the morning and even more, as many of us may not have slept for days in anticipation, longing every minute for seeing the hottest band of the world.

A big black curtain with the word KISS printed in silver letters hid what was behind it, 4 blinding stars that invited us to rock and let our emotions go free without fear.

Paul, Gene, Tommy and Eric were the hosts of the night, each one on their very particular style.

Paul, the starchild, with his great use of the stage stole the sympathy of everyone present in the concert as he wanted us to have a great time and to make this party unforgettable. Paul doesn't master the Spanish language, but it wasn't necessary as I always say "the music is the expression of our emotions and doesn't make any differences between our believes, origin and nevertheless languages... it unites us and makes us feel alive" and for all of this, everybody together as one we sang the songs and were one for more than 2 hours just united by the music... united by KISS. Gene, the irreverent spirit of the band made his own show, from showing his long tongue until spitting fire through his mouth without forgetting his marvellous performance before the song "I love it loud" where he dropped blooded from his mouth and flew through the airs until arriving to the stage!! Gene, you are a genius, master!!!

Tommy, mastering his guitar, until now many tend to compare Tommy to Ace, as there are many fans that have feelings of rejection towards change, but we need to understand that life is made of different stages, in some we are present and in some others is impossible to be there and sometimes people need to go on their own path.

Tommy's performance was spectacular and for some seconds he had a hypnotic power over me when playing his precious guitar, may be he is not as expressive as the others but his magnetic performance on stage force you to connect with him.

Eric, is implacable when playing his drums, he just purely blinded all the audience showing his exceptional mastery of his instrument

Thanks KISS for allowing us a break, letting us fly with your music and giving us the privilege of seeing you live finishing with a long dying wait

I always saw KISS as a band that may never be present in my country, but it was possible, it really happened and I was fortunate enough to be present and not even the rain could ruin such an amazing night much less to put down the fire in the souls present that night.

*Paul, you will always be the star boy of the band, the perfect host!

*Gene, you are a master without a doubt, with your irreverent spirit!

*Tommy, your mystery caught me, you are an important tool in the group, maybe the fans will always compare you, but you are an excellent guitar player... just what Kiss needs!

*Eric, one of the best drummers for me, you are a naughty boy... the rebel that steals the attention when is his turn!

To all of you that made me laugh, cry and scream, know that I am taking every single detail of this concert with me... Thank you for so much!!!

Believe me there are no pictures, videos or experiences ever told to match what it is to live the concert. That night was our and as Paul told us, "we have played in many different cities, but tonight you are the number 1, Caracas"

Thank you until our following encounter!!