News Archive October 2009
From: Joe Penn
Posted: October 14, 2009
October 9th marked the second time I got to see KISS live! This time more local (Nassau Coliseum) than Las Vegas! A bigger bonus was that I was able to share this moment with some FIRST time KISS Army members; My Girlfriend Samantha, my Brother Nino and his Girlfriend Rebecca. The show was amazing and everyone agreed, as Nino put it best; "No words in the English dictionary can describe how KISS was!"
I've included some pictures of us at the show; Myself meeting Gene's Mom, Florence (with her doing the classic looking-up pose), Samantha meeting Shannon Tweed (Shannon was awesome and remembered me from Vegas), and lastly the gang with Doc! I'd like to thank Doc for giving us some Paul Stanley picks after the show. More pictures are coming soon and can be viewed on my Facebook (Facebook.Com/DrummerJoePenn), and on YouTube I have some awesome videos (YouTube.Com/JoePennDrums). Now comes the time to save up for the Meet & Greets next year! What a show!