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News Archive April 2010

Click to enlarge Tommy Thayer Q&A
From: KISSHell/Metal Hell Int'l

1) What's the latest news on the Hottest Band In The World?

TOMMY THAYER: We're leaving for Europe next week. We've been rehearsing for several weeks now and we're very, very excited about the new 2010 Sonic Boom tour.

2) On SONIC BOOM? How did you generally approach writing your solos?

TT: Some solos I worked out on my own, on others Paul helped me with direction. I usually had an idea where I was going to go with each solo before we recorded them.

3) How would you compare writing with Gene to writing with Paul?

TT: There are no rules to writing songs, particularly where you start from. Paul and Gene have different styles and approach to writing songs. Gene usually has a backlog of song ideas that he pulls from. Paul usually has newer ideas. I think they are both best when they're spontaneous.

4) How did it feel to do the lead vocal on "When Lightning Strikes?" & was this written specifically with your voice in mind?

TT: Yes it was. I wrote the song with some help from Paul. We wanted a straight ahead rocker and I think it came out great.

5) With KISS guitar solos generally being pentatonic based, how do you feel other modes fit/or don't fit within the context of KISS' music?

TT: The KISS style and sound is timeless and was established early on. It's a blues-based hard rock style. It is what it is.

6) In the the current show, on the jam in '100,000 Years', how did it develop into you & Paul trading licks?

TT: I think it was one of those things we didn't plan the first couple times, and then eventually it became a part of the show.

7) "Lick It Up" has some interesting elements live, how did the current arrangement come together, with the segment from 'We Don't Get Fooled Again'?

TT: I think originally I was doing that finger-plucking thing and Paul was singing "I Want You.. I Need You" Later on that evolved into the Who part. I really like that.

8) How did the idea for new costumes come about?

TT: We were flying on our jet to Milwaukee for a one-off gig last year and we were talking about that we needed to get started on new KISS outfits. Paul picked up a pad of paper first and started sketching some ideas. We all tweeked things a bit.

9) Can you tell us a bit about your Hughes & Kettner signature amp?

TT: The HK Tommy Thayer Signature amp has a warm ballsy, in-your-face tone that really works well. I'd recommend it to anyone that wants a serious guitar amp. They look good too!

10) Any set list surprises planned for the European leg of the Sonic Boom tour?

TT: There will be some new songs and other great stuff. Always taking it to another level! We can't wait!

* See full interview in Metal Hell issue #27; contact Joe D. @ for ordering info.