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The KISS Asylum Presents: Fans Ask Andre!
KISS Fans have spoken! The following interview with KISS' Head of Security/Road Manager Andre Augustine represents the questions YOU the fans were curious about. We received questions from as far away as Australia, Russia, and Singapore to present to Andre on your behalf for this interview, so read on to see what was on your fellow fans' minds and how Andre responded to your questions!
As always, we extend a huge "thank you" to Andre for taking time to do this interview for (and with) the greatest fans in the world...... KISS fans!!!!
Fans Ask (FA): What's the first thing that jumps to mind when you think of each of the members of KISS that you've worked with?
Gene - Hard nosed businessman
Paul - Worldly
Ace - Computers
Peter - Family
Bruce - Music in his blood
Eric S. - Friend
FA: What can you tell us about each member of KISS that would surprise us (you can just mention the "surprising thing" without names and let us guess if you want!)?
Dessert, doctor, comedian, strict moral standards!
FA: Having first started working with the band in the non-make up era, what was your reaction the first time you saw the original group up close & in person in full War Paint? Where were you when it happened?
We were in Detroit, and I thought it was the best thing I had ever witnessed!
FA: How do the members of KISS really feel about fans hanging out around the hotels and venues trying to meet them?
Different members think differently about it: Peter doesn't like to sign that much, likes to have his privacy, Paul and Gene know the value of it, and Ace likes to see and interact with fans a lot.
FA: What's the weird/strangest thing you've ever caught a fan trying to do to get to meet the band?
Not really odd, but when a fan tries to use a bootleg laminate to get backstage it really is funny because they always look so fake!
FA: What is the best way to get back stage and meet the guys (without pissing anyone off)?
The best way is if you know someone on the crew or in the band, but if you don't then the best way it to just ask me! I might be in a good mood that day, but you have to say please and thank you ..... ;)
FA: Which band member is most concerned about wild fans and personal security, and who is the least concerned?
The least concerned is Gene, does that surprise anybody? The most concerned is Peter, figure that!
FA: Since you've been working with the band, but especially on the Reunion Tour, has there ever been a "real" case of the band being in danger?
Coming into Australia at the airport it got a little crazy, but just because there were too many people in too small a space.
FA: Prior to the Reunion Tour you had probably heard tons of crazy stories about what it was like trying to keep up with Ace and Peter.... did they live up to the stories?
They didn't live up to them at all....perfect gentlemen all the time ;)
FA: What was your most memorable "Ace" moment during the Reunion
I can't tell you the most memorable one, but one day when we were in the van on the way to the gig from the airport Ace asked where David was.... the funny thing is David NEVER traveled with us!
FA: How about your most memorable moment from the Reunion Tour altogether?
Walking them to the stage in Detroit, by far!
FA: Are any of the guys (from any line up) practical jokers, and if so, what are some of the best gags you've seen get pulled?
Not to much of that - some fruit stacked up on you if you fall asleep on the plane, but that's about it.
FA: Have you ever had to break up a fight between any of the members of KISS or seen them get really pissed off at each other?
I haven't seen them get that angry at each other except once, when Gene said some things in an interview that Peter and Ace didn't like. It wasn't pretty, but I think that all bands go through that kind of stuff.
FA: What's your favorite KISS album? Revenge and Destroyer.
FA: What was the reaction of the crowd on the Reunion Tour compared to past tours you've worked with the band?
It seemed to be more intense and a lot more of a family event this time.
FA: What is the schedule of the group immediately before and after the concert? For example:
-- Do they get dressed in a dressing room at the venue or at the hotel?
They only get dressed at the hotel if the dressing rooms aren't adequate.
-- In a common dressing room or separately?
Always in the same room, unless the room isn't big enough.
-- Is there a lot of conversation between them as they get ready or is everyone thinking about other things?
Always a little quiet, or the conversation is about current events in the world, just trying to relax and have quiet time. Sometimes a little music, different CDs.
-- What do they each of them do as part of their warm up routine?
You're kidding right? No warm up routine except Ace on the guitar a little.
-- Do they leave the venue immediately following the last encore, or do they hang around and change at the venue before leaving?
They usually leave right after the last song.
FA: Did security have to be "beefed up" for the Reunion Tour compared with previous tours?
I didn't do anything different for this tour security wise from any previous tour.
FA: What happens when someone is foolish enough to jump on stage?
FA: At the Milwaukee show in August of '96 some guy tried to get up on stage and was promptly removed by you. Obviously with the amount of pyro going on you don't want someone on the stage who doesn't belong there. However, this guy looked pretty messed up when they carried him out past
us. I know the band is being sued by some guy who claims to have been hit with part of a guitar. What, if anything, came from the guy in Milwaukee?
First of all, if you are up on stage from the audience you are trespassing! Second, you are on my turf.......... I'll let you figure out the rest ;)
FA: Have you ever unintentionally hurt anyone while acting in your capacity as security (for any band)?
Never hurt anyone or ever been sued for that matter, but I did scare a guy so bad he pissed on himself!
FA: Are you personally protected by the band from any liability as an employee?
Everyone is liable for his own actions, but the band does carry a huge amount of liability insurance for a lot of different reasons.
FA: I am interested in working in security for bands, but have a hard time finding a venue that will hire me because of my age (I'm 19). Do you have any suggestions on what I can do in the meantime before I turn 21 to prepare myself for a possible job in the security field for bands?
Keep trying the venues! That's where I got my initial training and got my first break.
FA: Will you work with KISS on the next tour?
God and KISS willing.
FA: Do you play any part in "obtaining" women from the audience for the band, and if so, do you feel at all embarrassed by your involvement?
Women for the band? I plead the fifth........
FA: What sort of guidelines do you and Tony use to pick girls for the now infamous front row "upgrade?"
I usually picked families or a father and son, Tony was the one who got all the girls with the big tits!
FA: Has any part of your job changed with the reformation of the original band or do you do the same things you have been doing with KISS as on the other tours?
I did more for this tour than I have ever done in the past, and I give thanks to the band and Doc for believing in my ability.
FA: You mentioned in the first interview you did with The KISS Asylum that you liked Australia very much. What did you like about it and what did ya think of the fans?
The fans are really the best, very open and inviting (if you know what I mean guys), and the cities are big and uncrowded. Great food and a real fun party time.
FA: Do you know if KISS has any plans to tour South East Asia, especially Singapore, on the next tour?
There was talk of it the last tour but we just ran out of time.
FA: Have you ever heard anything from the band about how they feel about their Russian fans or the possibility of a tour stop in Russia on the next go round?
Again, they talked about it for this tour but just couldn't get everywhere before it ended. They would love to see and play for those fans too.
FA: What was the real reason for the cancellation of dates at the end of the Lost Cities leg of the Reunion Tour right before the band went to Europe?
Everyone was so tired and just needed as much rest as we could give them that it was in everyone's best interest to have as much time off as we could give them at that point in the tour.
FA: Peter Criss being replaced at the Columbus, GA show has quickly become a legendary (and to some blasphemous) event in KISStory. What are your thoughts on that situation?
That was really a catch 22 situation for the band, and the decision made was, in my opinion, the best for everyone, especially the fans.
FA: Did any fans says anything to you about the Peter Criss/Columbus incident that night or at any of the shows following that night?
Sure I got some negative comments, but most of the comments were asking about his well being, not how disappointed they were.
FA: Gene mentioned recently during one of the radio appearances to promote "Carnival of Souls" that at one show Ace was in such extreme pain right before the show that he had to have a doctor attend to his knee(s) so he could go on at all. Can you tell us a little about that show?
Not too many people know this, but at the beginning of the tour Ace was so sick with the flu that all he would do for about two weeks is get up to do the show and then after go right back to the hotel immediately afterward and get back into bed. He was playing with a 102 degree temperature during
that time!
FA: KISS must be the only band whose Head of Security/Road Manager is on first name terms with the fans - you're somewhat of a celebrity yourself among KISS fans. Is that status something you enjoy, or does it make your job more difficult?
I LOVE IT !!!!
Andre, on behalf of The KISS Asylum and all online fans we want to say thanks so much for taking time out of your schedule to answer the all the questions the fans had for you! We hope you are enjoying your time off, and wish you and your friends and family a very happy holiday season!! We look forward to seeing you on the road when KISS heads back out again in '98!!
KISS ASYLUM NOTE: Individual pairing of names with questions was not done
because in many instances more than one fan asked the same or a substantially similar question as was submitted by another fan, and as a result some questions were "morphed & modified" to reflect the multiple versions we received.
However, we do want to offer our sincere and public THANKS to the following KISS Fans (in no particular order) for submitting great questions and helping make this interview a success:
2000man@labyrinth.net.au - Gill48028@aol.com - KissRevenge@drbit.com.ru - m14934@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU - spawn1@bright.net - iniguez@overland.net - unmask@mbox3.singnet.com.sg - sobrian@ptd.net - jderrick@orbitor.ica.net - campion1@webtv.net - ajbrutico@pol.net - BFSweb@aol.com - reyjoe@webtv.net - Picknfling@aol.com - Brian1@webtv.net - aloone1@tiger.lsuiss.ocs.lsu.edu -
johnman@intercall.com - asylum85@colba.net - kiss@lwtc.ctc.edu - PKELLEY748@aol.com - Calvinator@worldnet.att.net - luckydog@AAM.net - DURAN2112@aol.com - ADAM.ROZENSKI@saultc.on.ca - snowblind4@webtv.net - jwallace@bellatlantic.net - crawford@whale.st.usm.edu - M63Fisher@aol.com - dturn@castlemaine.net.au - KISSDRUMMER@webtv.net - UnholyGirl@aol.com - Mr.Jones@t-online.de - j.price@sarcos.com - rfeltham@interhop.net
Copyrighted (c) 1997 The KISS Asylum
We kindly ask that you please not reproduce this interview/article without prior consent!
Interview conducted by Elizabeth White of The KISS Asylum using questions submitted by the above acknowledged fans.