Paul Davies | Express
Pantomime season started early, as metal gods Kiss made their grand entrance at the O2 London Arena.
Self-parody being a market that Kiss maximised and monetised a long time ago, the visuals are what most came to see.
Their stage production of hydraulics, zip wires and pyrotechnics would give Alton Towers a run for its money.
The band definitely lived up to their motto: ‘you wanted the best, you got the best!’
Banks of multi-coloured lights, spelling the Kiss name, lit up the stage
Although his voice was noticeably croaky, the glittering charm of lead singer Paul Stanley always shines through.
Stanley likes to ask questions of a bawdy nature between songs.
None more so than, ‘how many girls like to be licked, how many boys like to be licked?’ – the boys cheered the loudest – before rocking out to a delirious Lick it Up. The audience shouting along to the chorus.
But Gene Simmons is not one to be upstaged. As he pounded out a chunky bass solo, spitting fake blood from his mouth, he flew into the air over the stunned crowd. Still clunking away, with menace, he returned to the stage to growl out the words to God of Thunder.
With the blistering chant of Crazy, Crazy Night’s ringing in everyone’s ears, and the crowd chanting his name, it was time for Paul Stanley’s solo turn.
Gene Simmons pounded out a chunky bass solo
Encores included the disco oddity I Was Made For Lovin’ You. Better still, it was followed by classic head-banging rocker Detroit Rock City.
Never a band of the highest musical ability, Kiss make the most of what they have got: chunky rock riffs strummed and sung loud.
On tonight’s evidence, their motto should read: ‘you wanted bombast, you got bombast!’ Which is exactly what their dedicated army of face-painted followers got.