KISS Tribute Band’s Paul Stanley’s hair catches fire during show


KISS tribute band Hairball’s singer Bobby Jensen was nearly burned alive on stage, during their recent live show in Sioux City, Iowa on February 8, 2019.

As you can see in the footage below, Bobby’s hair immensely catches fire. Yet, he doesn’t interrupt the song, and goes along with the band just fine. This may stand for one of the coolest moments in the history of rock ’n’ roll. Check the video below.

Bobby Jensen talked with Ultimate Classic Rock, and said:

“I live an Evil Knievel kind of life, so if I’m on fire a little bit, I don’t care, that’s just part of the fun. I knew I was on fire right away, and that wasn’t a wig, that’s my hair. It was really nice and foofy before the show, now I have a much better Alice Cooper cut.”

Click here to source of the statement.

On Twitter, former KISS guitarist has reacted to video:

“I know this went viral, but if you missed it you HAVE to watch my friend Bobby Jensen who does a great Paul Stanley in the band Hairball have a frightening time, with his hair on fire from a pyro mishap! I did…”