Feyyaz Ustaer | Metal Head Zone

During a recent interview with The Morning Call, KISS frontman Paul Stanley has shared his thoughts about their farewell tour.

He has revealed the differences between them and other bands which doing a farewell tour.

Paul claimed that ‘they are not any other touring’ band, and also other bands wouldn’t make it in KISS’ way. Here’s the reason:

“If we were wearing T-shirts and jeans and athletic shoes, we could do this into our 90s. There’s no reason to stop. But take any one of those bands and put 40 pounds of gear on them and they wouldn’t make it through a tour.

So it just has reached a point where we just felt let’s go out there and be at our best, knowing we can be at our best, and not look to the future. Let’s stop when we believe we can deliver the best KISS ever.”

Click here for the entire interview.

Back in February 2019, he talked in an interview with Minneapolis Star Tribune, and claimed that ‘other bands go on final tours because they hate each other’.

Here’s the statement:

“We reached a point where we all looked at each other and said, ‘We can’t do this forever.’ We didn’t want to take a year off, and then another, and kind of fizzle out. That’s not who we are. We’re not a band that’ll ever fizzle out.

We want to go out with heads up high and fists in the air. Bands go on final tours because they hate each other. We’ve honestly never had more fun.”

Click here for the source. (Brave Words)