I was very pleased that my complaint was able to travel all the way to those that needed to hear it! Thanks a lot to everyone at KissAsylum for giving the fans an outlet to voice their opinions. I've attached a copy of the letter I got from MasterWorks for everyone to read.
Hello Kevin...
We are MasterWorks Marketing and have been coming to the KISS ASYLUM site for some months now. We noticed that you addressed your frustration about the kissonline.net site and the lack of Mac support. Please let us explain a couple of things. First, our company on behalf of CommunityISP, contacted Sony/KISS about this ISP venture and also hired Arachneweb.com to do the design work.
The problem with getting Mac on the CD was time...we ran out! By the time all parties reviewed the opportunity, brought their various ideas/requests, etc. to the table, and development of the product began, we found ourselves at the deadline for making the cut of the PC CD. This is a new venture for KISS and they wanted to be sure and include MAC users...that's why it says on the printed insert on the CD to call tech support for configuring. Goodness.. this would never have been put in print for the thousands of CD's if we had thought it was going to take 3 months to work! The surprise glitch is between the network and the tech support company and they are working on the misunderstanding. It will not be 3 months and we will be posting a notice on the kissonline.net site ASAP! We are so sorry this occured.... It will be fixed...and the tech support folks will be prepared for the calls. There are other plans as well....and we will keep you posted.
A very important issue we need you to know about....and we would appreciate a revised posting on the site please....is that the folks you called "idiots" @ Arachneweb.com are not at all responsible for any part of the Mac not being included. They are the design company we chose to develop the band's introduction screens and the screen saver because they do excellent work and have earned a stellar reputation. As a result of your posting..they have received very unfair e-mail from other mis-led fans. The project ran out of time to develop branded scripting for both Windows 95 and Mac, so the decision had to be made but was made by the ISP supplying theservice...not KISS and not Arachne.
We are so sorry about this unfortunate situation and we want to let you and all other KISS fans know that there are many people working diligently to get this resolved. KISS and all parties involved in providing this unique ISP remain committed to serving up the finest to their fans.
Could you please make a post and clear the air about Arachneweb.com....they sure didn't deserve the bad publicity.
Thanks Kevin...in advance for clearing this up.