Chris Harris | Gun Shy Assassin

Peter Arquette
Sometimes, I share my troubles and tribulations in life, hoping it will not only make me feel better for venting but also, that it might make you feel better, in the event you’re going through something similar.
Sometimes, it’s nice to know you’re not the only person on Earth going through shit. Me? My main problem right now is cash or the lack thereof…which is a problem the members of Kiss haven’t faced for fucking decades.
I work my ass off, both at the day job and trying to keep this site mildly humorous and relevant, but…I don’t know how I am going to make it to my next paycheck.
I’m broke. No, this site doesn’t make me much money. It’s mostly a labor of love. But the love is dying, man. Maybe I need to focus my efforts on finding a better-paying job or freelance work? Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother.
It sucks, man. But Gene Simmons’ life doesn’t.
He’s in Kiss, who just released a new album called Monster. Gene spoke with that hacky rag Revolver recently, and said the band’s current lineup is his favorite.
“We’re so comfortable now, this should have been Kiss always: Tommy, Eric, Paul and myself,” Simmons says.
“We like each other’s company, we like playing onstage with each other. And the creative process is just second skin. We could have just as easily gone into the studio and done another record.”
Gene said that “Eric and Tommy have revitalized the band, made Paul and myself realize what lucky bastards we are to be in Kiss and to have each other. And this should have been the lineup of Kiss from the beginning.”