Michael Dwyer | Sydney Morning Herald

Wayne Taylor
Old dude in scary make up dribbling blood? Cool. Old dude in scary make up dribbling dribble? The horror, the horror.
Demonic bass player’s unsightly rivers of sweat and spittle aside, ’70s spandex metal monsters Kiss had several advantages over their ’80s successors Motley Crue, not least face-paint and girth-flattering superhero costumes.
Gene Simmons’ grimace and arthritic lumber were Frankenstein-esque as ever in plastic armour and dragontooth boots. Pouting, prancing frontman Paul Stanley had a very wide sparkly belt and lace-up man-bra to keep focus on his firmly packed butt.
The Crue were a slovenly mess by comparison. Cluttered stage, sloppy sound, pointless bondage stunts with bosomy bikini blondes and oh yeah, dreadful songs, f Continue reading