Exclusive Song Premiere: Lost 1981 Song Featuring Vinnie Vincent

Tim McPhate | KissFAQ

ScanV1981-1Exclusive Song Premiere: Heat “What Does It Take” Feat. Vinnie Vincent

Heat — an early ’80s West Coast R&B/rock/fusion collective led by bandleader/principal songwriter Tom Saviano — are set to release “Heat Revisited” in Japan on July 17. In advance of the release, KissFAQ has the exclusive online premiere for “What Does it Take,” an infectious up-tempo rock shuffle dusted off from the Heat vaults. Recorded circa 1981, the track features lead guitar by a then-young hotshot guitarist named Vinnie Cusano, who would later be rechristened Vinnie Vincent in KISS.

The track is available to stream here:


More information on the song/Heat here:


In conjunction with the premiere, KissFAQ’s Tim McPhate conducted an exclusive interview with Heat bandleader Tom Saviano.

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