Vinnie Vincent – Metal Tech Guitar Video – Complete

Vinnie shows you his unique approach to soloing. Topics included are: Major and Minor scale patterns, chromaticism, arpeggio shapes, sweep picking, hammer-ons and pull-offs, intervals and altered, diminished and whole-tone scales.

Vinnie also teaches you his Pick-Finger combinations for playing super fast scales, arepggios and licks along with right hand tecniques to create rhythmically accented picking. This video will enable you to expand your melodic range and develop state of the art Rock techniques.

Vinnie Vincent first established himself as a guitar player and writer in one of the most

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Ace Frehley working on new album

Peter Hodgson | Gibson

ace-frehley_111Guitar legend Ace Frehley is in the studio working on a new album, the follow-up to the critically-acclaimedAnomaly.

Ace is recording with members of his live band, drummer Matt Starr and bass player Chris Wyse. Starr posted a pic of himself and Ace in the studio on his blog with the caption: “Had a great week in the studio with Ace Frehley and Chris Wyse making some great new music Ace’s new record. Stay tuned.”

Wyse added “Had a blast these last few days playing with Ace Frehley and Matt Starr!!! Exciting new record coming from Ace!”

When pressed for further details on his official Facebook fan page, Starr said “No details yet. Just that we’re working on it & it’s gonna ROCK!”

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