Gene Simmons: Michael Jackson Was Probably a Pedophile, Whether Fans Like it or Not

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1Gene Simmons has rekindled his feud with Michael Jackson fans, refusing to dial down his previously-expressed belief that MJ was a child molester.

A fan group supporting Wade Robson – the dancer-choreographer who recently accused Jackson of child sex abuse – reached out to the KISS rocker.

Their Twitter exchange drew the wrath of Jackson fans, but Simmons, who was booted from an MJ tribute concert in 2011, would not back off.

The glam rocker retorted, “In 80s, i went out w/Diana Ross, we visited Michael Jackson. You don’t know me. Don’t make up things about me.”

Simmons then continued, “FACT, He paid a family $22 million to settle one case. FACT, He paid $3.5 mil to another family. I stand by my words.”

Of long-festering reports of MJ child abuse, he added, “Millions around the world believe he was. Difficult to believe. That does not mean it’s untrue.”

In 2010, Simmons infamously said, “Where there’s smoke there’s fire… There is no question in my mind he molested those kids. Not a doubt.”

Accused of molesting a 13-year-old boy in 2005, the “Thriller” singer was ultimately acquitted of all charges. Robson testified in his defense then.

In 1993, Jackson settled a similar case out of court. Wade (below) now says he was brainwashed and wants the truth to come out at long last.

Who do you believe?

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