Drummer Richie Fontana Remembers Comfortable Creative Environment For “Paul Stanley” Sessions

Tim McPhate | KissFAQ

Solo Album MosaicThis week, KissFAQ launched Back In The Solo Album Groove: The KISS Albums. 35 Years Later…, an ambitious multi-week retrospective dedicated to arguably the biggest milestone in KISStory: the 1978 KISS solo albums. In conjunction with the launch, the site has published an interview with former Piper drummer Richie Fontana.

With Piper being managed by Bill Aucoin, Fontana received an invitation to play drums on Paul Stanley’s 1978 solo album. Fontan plays on the first four tracks of the album. The drummer detailed his recolllections of the sessions, plus his thoughts on the entire album and Bill Aucoin, amongother topics.

The following are excerpts from Fontana’s interview with KissFAQ’s Tim McPhate:

On learning the material and getting takes of the songs:RF_Pic_#2

KF: Did Paul play you any of the material? How did you first hear the songs?

RF: Actually, I first heard the songs — I think the other guys too, Bob Kulick and Steve Buslowe, probably also — when I walked into the studio to record them. I walked in, Paul was there [with] Bob Kulick [and] Steve Buslowe. We just sat around and Paul played the songs solo on guitar, just so we could hear them from top to bottom. And then we all plugged in, got on our instruments and we started to create the parts. And we just started running through some ideas of what to play where and all that. Everything was pretty much done on the spot. Once we had it together, we had a structure and an arrangement going for the basic track, they started rolling tape and we just started doing takes. And it was like bang! Just like that.

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Photo Gallery from this week’s Toronto KISS show

Mike Fowler

KISS JUL 26 2013You wanted the best. You got the best … KISS!

Like many KISS fans, waiting for the next tour or even show to come close to your home town is a big deal: a big event!

I’ve been fortunate enough over the years to have met the band, hung out with Doc, Tommy and Eric after a concert in 2009, ( http://kissasylum.com/Archives/News/2009/07/20090725-01Meet.shtml ),and even had my photo of Gene Simmons displayed on his desk on GS Family Jewels, (http://kissasylum.com/Archives/News/2011/10/20111019-01Gift.shtml ). This time it was my 15th time seeing them in concert  and it happened during the KISS 40th Anniversary- Monster Tour.

Once again, my seat was front stage, Gene’s side and I had a great time! I have to admit, I was hoping for new material and varied set list, but what songs would they take out and annoy the masses? All in all, a great night and I wanted to share a few of my photos with you.


Mike S. Fowler

KISS JUL 26 2013