Photo Gallery from this week’s Toronto KISS show

Mike Fowler

KISS JUL 26 2013You wanted the best. You got the best … KISS!

Like many KISS fans, waiting for the next tour or even show to come close to your home town is a big deal: a big event!

I’ve been fortunate enough over the years to have met the band, hung out with Doc, Tommy and Eric after a concert in 2009, ( ),and even had my photo of Gene Simmons displayed on his desk on GS Family Jewels, ( ). This time it was my 15th time seeing them in concert  and it happened during the KISS 40th Anniversary- Monster Tour.

Once again, my seat was front stage, Gene’s side and I had a great time! I have to admit, I was hoping for new material and varied set list, but what songs would they take out and annoy the masses? All in all, a great night and I wanted to share a few of my photos with you.


Mike S. Fowler

KISS JUL 26 2013