“Ace Frehley” Background Vocalist Susan Collins: “New York Groove” Has “Balls”

Tim McPhate | KissFAQ

Solo Album Mosaic

KissFAQ  has launched Back In The Solo Album Groove: The KISS Albums. 35 Years Later…, an ambitious multi-week retrospective dedicated to arguably the biggest milestone in KISStory: the 1978 KISS solo albums. Today, the site has published an interview with vocalist Susan Collins, who sang background vocals on three tracks on Ace Frehley’s 1978 solo album, including the hit “New York Groove.”

The following are excerpts from Collins’ interview with KissFAQ’s Tim McPhate:

On her first impressions of Frehley:

KF: What were your first general impressions of Ace?

SC: You know, I have to be honest and tell you he was the nicest and sweetest guy. He knew who I was by my reputation and he wanted, through Eddie Kramer, “my sound” on his record. That’s why he hired me, for my sound. But he didn’t know what he was going to be getting when I walked into the room. He was so respectful and so sweet. When I said Ace, “What do you think about this?” He was like, “Susan, just do whatever you want. I’ll take whatever I like and I’ll leave the rest.” He really respected and allowed actual creative freedom.

On the background credits for “New York Groove”:

KF: Regarding the album’s credits, you are credited as singing background vocals on three tracks: “Speedin’ Back To My Baby,” “What’s On Your Mind?” and “New York Groove.” The credit actually reads “David Lasley and Susan Collins & Co.” Can you shed some light?

SC: Yes, I’ll tell you why because this is what happened. Are you familiar with David’s sound? David has one of the most gorgeous voices you’ve ever heard in your life. I happen to love the way he sings low, but he’s a very high singer. He always sings higher parts. The reason Co. is listed is this — when we did “New York Groove,” I did “New York Groove.” I tripled myself. My voice is tripled.

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