Kiss Off Cancer! – Wisconsin Dirty Girl Mud Run

Jen Christianson

mudlicious_kiss_teamWisconsin Team ‘Mudlicious’

We’re friends. We’re sisters. We’re girls. We’re bad ass. We love to get dirty. We’re Kiss fans. Most of all, we’re pissed off at that ugly, damn disease called cancer. Therefore, it was very fitting for our “Team Mudlicious” to run this years WI Dirty Girl Mud Run with the theme of “Kiss Off Cancer!!” Our bad ass selves donned on the makeup, had a fabulous time constructing our costumes and perfected sticking out our tongues as far as they could go. And yes, we ran the course in costume and got very, very muddy!

The Dirty Girl Mud Run series is a women’s mud 5K run event, with more fun, more obstacles, more girl power, more creativity, more high fives, more excitement and, of course, more mud than any other mud run can muster. Additionally, Dirty Girl Mud Run continues to support Breast Cancer awareness and research, donating more monetary support to this worthy cause every year.

Before the race, Team Mudlicious gathered and said a team prayer. We prayed for all the women who are currently fighting breast cancer. Unfortunately, this ugly disease has affected women very dear to us:  Friends, a Mother-in-law, a Mother, a Sister and an Aunt. We tearfully remembered loved ones that we have lost to breast cancer. In Loving Memory, Virginia Scott and Jan Hess.

Of course, we screamed all day long — KISS OFF CANCER!!!


Jen Christianson