Joe Polo
Monthly Archives: August 2013
Drummer Richie Fontana Remembers Comfortable Creative Environment For “Paul Stanley” Sessions
Tim McPhate | KissFAQ
This week, KissFAQ launched Back In The Solo Album Groove: The KISS Albums. 35 Years Later…, an ambitious multi-week retrospective dedicated to arguably the biggest milestone in KISStory: the 1978 KISS solo albums. In conjunction with the launch, the site has published an interview with former Piper drummer Richie Fontana.
With Piper being managed by Bill Aucoin, Fontana received an invitation to play drums on Paul Stanley’s 1978 solo album. Fontan plays on the first four tracks of the album. The drummer detailed his recolllections of the sessions, plus his thoughts on the entire album and Bill Aucoin, amongother topics.
The following are excerpts from Fontana’s interview with KissFAQ’s Tim McPhate:
On learning the material and getting takes of the songs:
KF: Did Paul play you any of the material? How did you first hear the songs?
RF: Actually, I first heard the songs — I think the other guys too, Bob Kulick and Steve Buslowe, probably also — when I walked into the studio to record them. I walked in, Paul was there [with] Bob Kulick [and] Steve Buslowe. We just sat around and Paul played the songs solo on guitar, just so we could hear them from top to bottom. And then we all plugged in, got on our instruments and we started to create the parts. And we just started running through some ideas of what to play where and all that. Everything was pretty much done on the spot. Once we had it together, we had a structure and an arrangement going for the basic track, they started rolling tape and we just started doing takes. And it was like bang! Just like that.
Photo Gallery from this week’s Toronto KISS show
Mike Fowler
You wanted the best. You got the best … KISS!
Like many KISS fans, waiting for the next tour or even show to come close to your home town is a big deal: a big event!
I’ve been fortunate enough over the years to have met the band, hung out with Doc, Tommy and Eric after a concert in 2009, ( ),and even had my photo of Gene Simmons displayed on his desk on GS Family Jewels, ( ). This time it was my 15th time seeing them in concert and it happened during the KISS 40th Anniversary- Monster Tour.
Once again, my seat was front stage, Gene’s side and I had a great time! I have to admit, I was hoping for new material and varied set list, but what songs would they take out and annoy the masses? All in all, a great night and I wanted to share a few of my photos with you.
Mike S. Fowler
Autographed Ace Poster #1 of 25 auction ending Sunday
An original printing, near mint, 1977 poster signed by Ace Frehley is up for auction this weekend on eBay. Making this all the more special, this poster is number 1 in a series of 25 signed at a private signing session Ace did with the KISS Museum, (not one of those Horror Convention lines), and the signature is as neat and clear as they come.
Go to to view the auction and to read all other details about this piece. Auction ends Sunday.
CLICK HERE for eBay auction ending Sunday.
KISS rocks Metro Centre
Stephen Cooke | Entertainment Reporter

You wanted the greatest contrast between Halifax Metro Centre concerts in one week, you got the greatest contrast.
It’s hard to imagine many fans of Tegan and Sara’s emotional and vulnerable indie-electro pop from Tuesday night also being in attendance for Thursday night’s uncorking of some vintage overproof testosterone, courtesy of Kiss.
OK, maybe some of the parents from Tuesday were present to cut loose and shout it out loud; and there was more makeup per capita on Thursday night as nearly every row in the house had at least one Kissciple with batwings or cat whiskers painted on their faces.
After the obligatory ads for the Kiss Kruise and Hotter Than Hell Las Vegas Wedding Chapel on the giant video screens came the words everyone was waiting to hear: “YOU WANTED THE BEST, YOU GOT THE BEST. … THE HOTTEST ROCK ’N’ ROLL BAND IN THE WORLD …”
As the curtain dropped, a skin-warming blast of pyrotechnics provided the exclamation point, and over 8,000 fans were on their feet with their fists in the air. Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley and Tommy Thayer descended from the ceiling atop the metal framework of the Monster Tour’s much-vaunted Spider Stage, while Eric Singer pounded out the beat to Psycho Circus.
Good choice, since there was more clown-white in the crowd than onstage, and these larger than life, hotter than hell rock figures went into action, with bat-man Simmons spreading his costume’s leathery wings, spaceman Thayer weaving dreamily in his platform moon boots and Stanley as the star-faced ringleader.
Ex-Starz Guitarist Brendan Harkin Recalls “One Small Credit” On Peter Criss’ 1978 Solo Album
Tim McPhate | KissFAQ
This week, KissFAQ launched Back In The Solo Album Groove: The KISS Albums. 35 Years Later…, an ambitious multi-week retrospective dedicated to arguably the biggest milestone in KISStory: the 1978 KISS solo albums. In conjunction with the launch, the site has published an interview with former Starz guitarist Brendan Harkin.
With Starz being managed by Bill Aucoin, Harkin received an invitation through Sean Delaney to play on Peter Criss’ album. The following are excerpts from Harkin’s interview with KissFAQ’s Tim McPhate:
On his recollection of the invitation to play on Criss’ album:
KF: Do you recall how you were offered the opportunity to play on Peter Criss’ solo album?
BH: This is interesting. Because I don’t know if I’ve even listened to that record. This record was just one of many records I did at the time. You [mentioned] Vini Poncia [co-]produced it, and maybe he did, but my involvement was through Sean Delaney. And I just assumed that Sean was producing it. Maybe he just produced several tunes on it or maybe he was working with Vini, I don’t know. But it was through Sean and he knew I could do the session [guitar] thing and put in what was needed on stuff. I actually played on a bunch of stuff on that record. I got credited with one song and Sean said, “Well, Peter wants stars, not Starz the band, but actual stars to play on the record. He doesn’t want people who are not huge stars.” And he said, “I can only credit you [with] one small credit on the record.” But I went into Electric Lady with Sean numerous times to fill in lots of little parts, just kind of polishing stuff off. And to tell you the truth, I couldn’t tell you what I played on and what I didn’t. I can’t even tell you what I got credited to play on.
Three Sides of the Coin #34 – Inside A World Without Heroes tribute CD
Michael Brandvold
Citrus Singers Founder Ben D. Bollinger Details His “First-Class” Experience On Gene Simmons 1978 Solo Album
Tim McPhate | KissFAQ
This week, KissFAQ launched Back In The Solo Album Groove: The KISS Albums. 35 Years Later…, an ambitious multi-week retrospective dedicated to arguably the biggest milestone in KISStory: the 1978 KISS solo albums. In conjunction with the launch, the site has published an exclusive interview with founder of the Citrus College Singers Ben D. Bollinger.
As director of the Citrus Singers, Bollinger played a key role as the liaison between Gene Simmons and his ensemble of 30 students. The ensemble provided lush background vocals on three songs on Simmons’ 1978 solo album: “True Confessions,” “Always Near You/Nowhere To Hide” and “When You Wish Upon A Star.” The students’ participation added a key element to the LP, which spanned a variety of material — from straight-ahead rockers and Beatlesque ballads to experimental songs and a cover of a Disney classic.
The following are excerpts from Bollinger’s interview with KissFAQ’s Tim McPhate:
On the invitation to participate on the album:
KF: And moving ahead one decade later to 1978 and the natural question: How did you come to receive an invitation to participate on Gene Simmons’ solo album?
BDB: Well, it’s really interesting how this happened. I was doing a lot of television work and a lot of studio work and I had a dear friend in Cher. Gene ended up living with Cher for a period of time. And he asked me if I would bring my singers in 1978 to celebrate her birthday at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Sunset Boulevard. And I told him, “Sure, I’d be happy to.” And she loved a song called “If.” And I had a brilliant young singer by the name of John Cavazos, and the group was excellent at the time. And we went out and sang for