Anton Fig: “‘Ace Frehley’ Is One Of My Absolute Favorite Records That I’ve Played On”

Tim McPhate | KissFAQ

Solo Album MosaicIn conjunction with its Back In The Solo Album Groove series, KissFAQ has published an interview with drummer extraordinaire Anton Fig. “The Thunder From Down Under” revisits his work on Ace Frehley’s 1978 solo album, meeting Frehley and working on the album’s demos, and offers insight regarding some of his favorite tracks such as “Rip It Out” and why “Ace Frehley” is not only an important part of the Spaceman’s evolution, but one of the favorite albums he has ever played on.

The following is an excerpt from Ballard’s interview with KissFAQ’s Tim McPhate:

KissFAQ: Anton, what was going on with your musical career in 1978?

Anton Fig: I was playing around New York in the rock scene. I had moved down from Boston where I had gone to music school and got a music degree. I studied classical percussion and jazz. So I was pretty much heavily into jazz all that time but when I moved fig3down to New York I got back into rock, which is what I had grown up playing as a kid in South Africa. And I think around that time I had done a record with Link Wray called “Bull Shot.” I was in a rock band called Topaz; some of the guys in the band had gone off to play with Bob Dylan. Through that I got to play with Robert Gordon and Link Wray. So I was kind of touring around and playing with Robert and Link and at the same time I had formed my own band with some fellow South Africans. At the time we were called Siren, but we became Spider. We were rehearsing and actually looking for musicians around that time. We had a loft downtown in New York.

KF: I think that’s where your connection to Ace comes in. I understand that you came to play with Ace through a bass player named Larry Russell, who was auditioning for Spider. How did Larry bring up the Ace opportunity?

AF: Well, he was auditioning for us and he said to me, “I’ve got a friend, Ace. He’s doing a solo record and he’s looking for a drummer. I think I can get you an audition.” You know, I had heard of KISS. But to me, KISS was a band on the side of a bus basically. It was a lot of advertising and marketing but I didn’t know the material that well. Anyway, I went up to play with Ace. He did four demos up at a small studio in Queens or [maybe it was] the Bronx. And we did “Rip It Out” and three other songs I don’t remember. We barely spoke. I just kind of played with him. I mean, I asked him if he was the rhythm guitarist [in KISS]. I didn’t even know. He asked me to come up and do another four songs with him. And then there was also another connection through Siren. Eddie Kramer was interested in our band and he was also going to produce Ace’s record. I knew Eddie. I had never really worked with him but I knew him. After the two demo [sessions], Ace asked me to do the record. I was about to go on a five-week tour of Europe with Robert Gordon and Link, so I went off and did that. And when I got back, I think the next day I went up to the Colgate Mansion in Connecticut and we recorded most of the album there.

KF: If you think back to the demo sessions, did you feel an instant chemistry with Ace?

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