KISS Army Argentina

KISS Army Argentina: Hi, Bill. Since some time ago we wanted to contact you and here weare; thank you! First of all, please tell us how you became a KISS fan and, especially, an AceFrehley fan.
Bill Baker: I remember hearing “Destroyer” when it first came out…a friend had the 45 of “Dr. Love”and “Take Me”. We were hooked from then on. I must have been around ten years old when I wasfirst introduced to their music.
KISS Army Argentina: Until the time in which you began to work with Ace, do you remember how many KISS shows you had attended, and how many Ace’s shows (during the Cometsera)?
Bill Baker: I know this is hard to believe, but unfortunately for me, I never got to see KISS or Aceback in the day. I first got to see Ace on the 1992 tour when my friends opened for him at”Hammerjacks” in Baltimore, Maryland. He wore the famous blue leather jacket that night.
KISS Army Argentina: As we know, you met Ace in 1990, in a KISS convention in which youwere selling part of your personal collection of Jimi Hendrix’s items and then investing thatmoney in buying some Ace’s items; is this correct?
Bill Baker: I didn’t meet Ace at the convention, I met a friend of his who was trying to sell Ace’s”Washburn” guitar. We ended up making a trade for the guitar, and I happened to meet Ace the next day when I delivered my side of the trade (Which was a rare “Marshall” guitar speaker cabinet). I was in the process of selling off Hendrix records and memorabilia, and that’s how the subject of Hendrix came up over dinner. Ace told me he had “roadied” for Hendrix once. I had some video from that very show and Ace wanted a copy of it! I gave him my number and to my surprise he called me the very next day and our friendship developed from there.