David Konow | TG Daily
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, in this writer’s humble opinion Kiss absolutely deserve to be in the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame. You can’t compare them to Nirvana in a million years, it’s like comparing apples and oranges, but both groups, on completely opposite ends of the spectrum, have made major rock history, and deserve their place in the hall.
Now as Blabbermouth
.net tells us, Kiss has actually come out in the lead to be inducted in the rock hall. Kiss fan votes are at 15.2%, Nirvana
is right behind at 14.87%, third is Deep Purple at 11.89%, and Yes are at 10.52%.

Now these are the fan votes, and they will be combined with 600 votes from other artists, rock historians, music business professionals, etc. Yet rock and roll has always been fan based first and foremost, and the Kiss fans are often like the Trekkies in their obsession and devotion to the band.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony will be held next April, and we’re willing to bet that Nirvana
will be inducted for sure. We also have the feeling that the bourgeois snobs and critics may not be able to hold Kiss back from being inducted as well.

As Paul Stanley told the Huffington Post, “It’s absurd for anybody to look around and hear the acts and artists who cite us as an inspiration, and then tell me that were’ not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I would certainly accept on their (the fans) behalf because it seems to be a major sore port for them, but I don’t need the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.”
Anyone who knows Kiss well enough can tell you that as much as they may dismiss it, you know they desperately want in to the Rock and Roll HOF, and next year they may indeed get their wish.