Dave Lifton | Ultimate Classic Rock

Paul Kane
With the decision to induct only the original lineup of Kiss into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame serving as a point of controversy, the Hall’s President and CEO has sought to clarify their position. In a new interview, he says that the group isn’t being inducted for their “entire body of work.”
“With Kiss,” Joel Peresman told Rolling Stone. “There wasn’t a single person we spoke to that didn’t feel the reason these guys were being inducted was because of the four original members. It’s an incredibly unique situation. I can’t think of another band, outside of GWAR, that has members that are dressed up in costumes. You basically have these new members that are replicating exactly and playing the music that was created by the two other members that are being inducted.”
For all the justification, Peresman’s actions have, instead of providing a platform for a reconciliation between the Gene Simmons/Paul Stanley and Ace Frehley/Peter Criss factions, made that divide even bigger. The two camps have traded jabs back and forth ever since the news was announced, but possibly no words harsher than when Stanley branded the Hall as “tainted, corrupt and distorted.” Peresman responded to Stanley’s accusation with a small degree of diplomacy while further explaining his position.
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