Robin Leach | Las Vegas Sun

L.E. Baskow
A local author has penned an intriguing parody book and behind-the-scenes look at rock legend Gene Simmons. Packed with interesting facts, the tome “Gene Simmons Is a Powerful & Attractive Man — and Other Irrefutable Facts” is published by Plume Books from the Penguin Group and also is available as an eBook. Gene authorized the book and also wrote its foreword.
With tongue firmly planted in his cheek, Gene himself sets the tone of the book: “I have known Gene Simmons for a very long time. Over the years, I have witnessed astounding feats, met incredible people and seen amazing places, but none so astounding, incredible or amazing as Gene Simmons himself.
“I look at Gene Simmons, a 60-plus-year-old man with the energy and vitality of a teenager, and think he is exactly the living legend he always knew he would be. To this day, I am still Gene’s closest friend, ally, admirer and confidante. I am his biggest fan. So I can say with complete confidence that even now, Gene’s best is still yet to come. The best thing about Gene Simmons is that there will only ever be one. It’s been the honor of a lifetime knowing him.”
He admits in the book to sleeping with 5,000 women because he wanted “to get all the girls.” “There was only one reason why I made the decision to become a rock god: Girls!”