The New Jersey KISS Mart is open once again for a one day buying experience later this month! We have been buying up TONS of merchandise from some KISS Collectors who have been doing their spring cleaning – We’ve been helping them clean out their garages, attics and family rooms to bring you yet another massive truck-load of KISS merchandise to fill up table after table… If you are a KISS Collector and live in the Tri-State area, you really don’t want to miss this event!
SUNDAY, May 31, 2015
SUNDAY, May 31, 2015
KISS MART is a 1 day Kiss Memorabilia Collectors Meet where Kiss Fans can gather to
Buy, Sell, and Trade official items spanning 1974 to 2013….All types and genres of Kiss Collecting will be present ….Magazines, Promo Items, Toys, T-Shirts, Hats, Books,ConcertItems, Picks, Posters, Paper Items, Kiss Army Items, Foreign Items, official CDs, Tour Programs, official Cassette Tapes, Records, Picture Discs, 45s, official DVDs,
Signed Items, Out Of Print Items, Non Makeup Items, Original Lineup Items, newly released items, Tour Books, Cards, Cars, and of course Rarities…..1,000s of items will be available!!! Come hang out with all the other other die-hard KISS collectors from the Tri-State area!

Both events are set up and ready to go! We are so excited, and you should be too… Two great days for KISS collectors that you do not want to miss!