As KISS bassist Gene Simmons told Goldmine, there’s “something about KISS, I don’t want to say it’s timeless, but it connected with a 5-year-old back in the ‘70s and it sure connects with a 5-year-old now.”
It’s what keeps KISS collectible, too. There’s always a new generation of KISS fans wanting all things KISS. And Goldmine is going to increase the fun with a KISS/Gene Simmons Giveaway.
There will be four (4) lucky winners. The Grand Prize is a poster of Goldmine’s January 2017 KISS cover — a rare shot of Gene Simmons on the Dynasty Tour, July 1979 in Florida — autographed by Simmons himself. It’s a VERY cool magazine cover (shown above — lots of kudos from KISS fans on this one). The poster is 21.25″ w x 29″ h.
And if you don’t win the poster grand prize, you have a chance to win one of the three Goldmine magazines autographed by Gene Simmons.

The Gene Simmons autograph on the poster
All you have to do to enter for this “KISS Kontest” is submit your email address in the box below by Wednesday, May 31, 11:59 p.m. You will be immediately entered in the Giveaway and as a bonus you will receive Goldmine’s informative weekly eNewsletter (collecting news/tips and exclusive articles and interviews with your favorite classic artists). We will randomly draw winners from the entrants.