How Ace Frehley and Tommy shared guitar solos during KISS’ reunion, Kulick explains

Feyyaz Ustaer | Metal Head Zone

Former KISS guitarist Bruce Kulick spoke in an interview with Ultimate Classic Rock and revealed the story of how he shared guitar solos with Ace Frehley and Tommy Thayer during the KISS’ reunion show.

As you know, two weeks ago, former KISS guitarists, Ace Frehley and Bruce Kulick, performed six songs with KISS after more than 20 years. You can watch the performances from below.

Here’s the statement:

“In the middle of the afternoon, on the day we boarded, I got a text from [drummer] Eric Singer: ‘Heads up, I think at the sail-away, something’s going to happen, and you’re going to play.’

On guitar selection, Bruce Kulick said:

Tommy uses those Chet Atkins acoustics. I’ve always owned one and I use them. So I went up to Tommy’s room, he had two guitars, one that definitely played better than the other.

I jokingly begged him, ‘Look, if you’re going to give me the majority of the lead guitar work for ‘Domino’ and ‘Hide Your Heart,’ give me the ‘A’ guitar — just hand it over onstage, it’ll look good.’”

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