GENE SIMMONS On What Sets KISS Apart From AC/DC, METALLICA, And IRON MAIDEN: ‘I Prefer to Make Dollars’

Long, successful careers in music can be built by either maintaining a consistent style or by embracing constant change. Gene Simmons, during a conversation with Billy Corgan‘s on “The Magnificent Others” episode, expressed understanding for both career paths.

“I could argue the AC/DC or METALLICA idea, which is, you stay true to your DNA,” Simmons said (as transcribed by Ultimate Guitar). “Well, it’s an argument that works well for them. And IRON MAIDEN. We didn’t have a choice because we gave in.

“There were those first records that had, you know, sort of Chuck Berry crossed with this and that: a little BEATLES, a little MOTOWN, a little this, a little that. Whatever that thing was, the identity, the fingerprint, was diluted as members within the band started to veer from the band. There are other bands that have stayed true to who they are and have survived and become bigger. By the way, I don’t do that. I go, ‘That’s their journey. This is ours.’”

Simmons acknowledged that KISS‘s initial attraction extends beyond their music. He also stated that he welcomes fans regardless of what specifically draws them in.

“I prefer to make dollars,” he said. “The only thing I care about is a brand new five year old who experiences Kiss or the imagery, even if it’s not the music, just somehow gets seduced and beguiled by that.”

On December 2, 2023, KISS performed the final concert of their “End Of The Road” farewell tour at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

In a fall 2023 interview with Rolling Stone, Simmons emphasized that the band’s final performance on the “End Of The Road” tour would indeed mark their last show.

“My hand on the Bible,” he said. “And I should know because my people wrote that book. In fact, my people also wrote the follow-up book, the New Testament. And so I’ll say right here, right now, my hand on the Bible, it will be the final KISS-in-makeup appearance.”

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