Ex-KISS Guitarist Ace Frehley Says a Reunion Performance at the Rock Hall Ceremony Is “a Great Idea”

Amber Lee | 93 Rock

tmp8uqwJr_jpg_475x310_q85KISS singer/bassist Gene Simmons recently told Rolling Stone that he was open to a reunion performance of his band’s original lineup when the group is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in April, and now ex-KISS guitarist Ace Frehley says he’d also be up for playing with his old band mates at the event.

“That sounds like a great idea,” Frehley commented to Rolling Stone when told that Simmons was agreeable to a reunion.

Asked whether he’d be apprehensive about hitting the stage with Gene and KISS singer/guitarist Paul Stanley again, Ace says, “Not at all.  I think it will be great.  I think it will be great for the fans to witness and a lot of fun.”

As for how he feels about his old band getting inducted into the Rock Hall, Frehley says, “It’s such an honor,” adding, “It should be a great evening.  I’m really excited and looking forward to the night.”

With regard to KISS having had to wait more than a decade after first being eligible for the honor, Frehley notes, “I had a sense that someday we’d have to get recognized, and that someday has come to pass.”

Frehley also reports that despite the negative remarks that KISS leaders Simmons and Stanley have made in recent years about him and the band’s founding drummer Peter Criss , he’s still on relatively good terms with his former band mates.

“I’ve always had a pretty good relationship with Paul and Gene,” he says.  “We parted company on more than one occasion, but there’s always been mutual respect and admiration.”

As for how he thinks the atmosphere will be when the four founding band members hit the stage to accept the Rock Hall honor, Ace says, “It’s going to be intense, but it’s going to be great.  I don’t foresee any negative vibes.  I don’t foresee any bad blood.”

And while the Rock Hall ceremony could be the last time the original KISS lineup performs together, Frehley says he won’t completely close the book on the possibility of another reunion.

“It’s a nice way to end the story — or a nice way to re-begin the story,” he suggests.  “Who knows?  I’m always one of those people that say never say never.”