Gus | Backstageaxxess
40 years ago, the band KISS pulled off something that was unheard of at that time. Each member (Peter Criss, Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons and Ace Frehley) all released solo albums on September 18, 1978. This hasn’t been matched before or since. KISS’ following tour which was Dynasty, had each member perform a song from each of their respective solo albums. Each of these albums sold over a million copies with selling the most. His also charted the highest and spurned a top 20 single in “New York Groove.” None of the original KISS members have ever performed their respective solo album until now. At this year KISS Expo at the Hilton in Parsippany, another chapter n KISStory took place. Ace Frehley gave fans what they have been dying to see and hear, to perform his famed self-titled solo album in its entirety.
Recently, Frehley changed his entire band and enlisted the same musicians that his former bandmate Gene Simmons had in his solo band. They are Phillip Shouse on bass, Jeremy Asbrock and Ryan Spencer Cook on guitar, and former and now current drummer in Matt Starr. Having these players has upped Frahleys game to now try things he hasn’t been able to do in a handful of years. For starts, he recently tried to do a few rarities on this year’s KISS Kruise (“Save Your Love’ and “Dark Light”). The results may have been mixed but mostly the consensus overall was that all KISS fans were glad that at least Frehley was brave enough to step outside the box. Fast forward to December 8th as fans from all over made the trek to see Frehley perform this beloved album in its entirety. Frehley dedicated the performance to the memory of Gene Simmons’ mother who recently passed away at the age of 92.
They started the performance with what Frehley currently uses to open his set up which is the track “Rip It Out.” He talked about the next song which was about his ex-wife Jeanette Frehley (who was in attendance by the way) “Speedin’ Back to my Baby.” Frehley talked very little in between each song as he let the music really do most of the talking. Asbrock handled vocals on “Ozone” and” Wiped Out.” Those along with “I’m in Need of Love” were played for the 1sttime ever live. In addition to this, Frehley had a small monitor to help on words for a few tracks. The band only played the album (which was 9 tracks) and no other songs were thrown into the set once the album was played in its entirety