KISS admit to using recorded tracks in concert

Jeff Giles | Ultimate Classic Rock

At this point, it’s almost a bigger deal when a major band doesn’t rely to some extent on pre-recorded music during live performances, but it’s still kind of embarrassing when a group gets caught miming. Just ask the members of Kiss, who were forced to answer questions about what was actually “live” after a recent gig.

The band’s currently in Japan for a brief run of tour dates, and as you can see in the above clip, they’ve added their new single “Samurai Son” — one of two songs they recently collaborated on with Japanese pop group Momoiro Clover Z — to the set list. But as they told followers in a new tweet, some of what audiences are hearing isn’t being played by the guys onstage.


That announcement might seem like a bold admission from a band that’s earned the right to do whatever it wants without needing to make excuses, but as Kiss co-founder Gene Simmons quickly pointed out, the group might not have been moved to post the tweet if they hadn’t been caught. True to form, he even managed to mix some old-fashioned Simmons showmanship into his reply.

Whatever their reasons for doing it, we applaud Kiss for ‘fessing up without being defensive about it — and that goes double for Simmons, who added in another tweet that the band “came clean and admitted it … albeit it was after we got caught and it was all over YouTube.”

New KISS items debuted at the New York Toy Fair

2S2A6748The KISS Museum is back from a wild weekend at the incredible New York City toy fair to bring you the latest news on some of the newest KISS merchandise to be hitting the streets soon.

2S2A6790Starting off, the new KISS 3 3/4 inch figures have been a much anticipated arrival. The prototypes shown here are an exciting idea of how the final products will look. There have been small, cartoonish KISS figures released in the past, but none as detailed as these – guitars included!

2S2A6782-2 copyOne of the most original KISS products out in a long time, and something we are looking forward to own, is the KISS Light-up Logo Journal. This book-sized piece has blank sheet music pages for writing notes, (or music) and features a light-up logo on the cover that flashes the famous K-I-S-S letters sequentially, just as the stage logo of the ’70s!

2S2A6806Next is a collection of several different KISS lunch boxes, including a mini-tin tote set, good for keeping business cards or whatever small items you may need. The updated full-size lunch box comes complete with, instead of a thermos, a travel mug and coaster set – much more practical for the adult KISS fan.

A few pieces for the automobile will be available soon too, such as several different KISS license plate holders, (with one being glow in the dark), and a set of KISS Car Wind Shield Shades, the Gene prototype shown here being one of 4 that will soon see the (bright) light of day…2S2A6746

2S2A6741One of our favorite items to see in person was the Blade-Runner-inspired KISS Light-up Umbrella with a shaft that has the option to glow in one of the 4 KISS Solo Album colors or rotate sequentially between all four. A nice, large, high-quality item with well-built electronics. Even has a built-in flash light in the handle.

2S2A6771Rounding things off is a large collection of glass ware and drink ware. The stand-out for this category are two brilliant sets of KISS Coasters – one being highly-detailed cut-outs of the guitars and a drum. Next is an awesome “puzzle-set” of coasters of an amazing collage that comes together to form a single image. Great display pieces you need to have shown on your coffee table. And to put the coasters on, there are 2S2A6762quite a few variations of KISS Shot Glasses, KISS Coffee Mugs, KISS Travel Mugs, KISS Pint Glasses and a KISS Water Bottle.


Items will start to be released in the early to late spring, 2015.
will be a major distributor for this new KISS line of merchandise and will be shipping on or before the release date.

All the new KISS Merchandise will be at when released in the near future -check back with us then! (we are not currently taking pre-orders).

Gene Simmons Tells Jeffrey Hazelett: ‘Lack of Money is the Root of All Evil!’

Brian Ives | CBS

genesimmons-770“Money is just an indication of how well you’re doing. It really isn’t an end, in and of itself. It ain’t what it’s about.” Shocker and spoiler: that quote came from none other than Gene Simmons in Jeffrey Hazelett’s All Business podcast, which is live now on CBS Local’s Play.It podcast network.

Of course, the KISS frontman and  mogul hasn’t lost his love for the almighty dollar. Far from it.

As he told Hazelett (his one-time sparring partner from Celebrity Apprentice), it’s not just about the amount of commas in your bank statement; it’s also about the actual quest to earn it. “The people that you meet in life who say, ‘I just want enough to get by,’ are losers! Sooner or later they’re going to be wrapping fish. It really isn’t about the wealth: the wealth is good. It buys you security, and it buys you toys and games and it buys your mom the hip operation that she needs, it does all that stuff. But what it is, is the numbers that the judges hold up when you do tumbles in front of them.”

With Simmons, even when he’s doing an interview, he’s performing. If there’s a vocal mic or a digital recorder in front of him, he’s “on.” Which isn’t to say that there’s not some substance and hard truth to what he says. “Everything in life is a business. Every step you take, every day you live is either going to push you forward on that road to becoming self-sufficient, or you’re gonna be sitting on your thumb watching reruns of I Love Lucy and losing money. If you stand still, inflation and other things are gonna kick in, and then you’re done! You have to approach life and business like a shark: it has to keep moving, otherwise it drowns.”

He told a story of his first business in Israel, selling pieces of cactus, and also how, once he immigrated (legally, as he is quick to note) to America, a game of marbles provided a young Demon with an important moment of clarity.

“What are you stupid, can’t you speak English?” he recalls some children asking him. “And it was actually a lesson learned. People here think you’re an idiot if you can’t speak English. And I’m saying this as an immigrant!”


Gene Simmons: Women want to be wanted

Gene Simmons thinks all women secretly ‘want to be desired’.

The Kiss rocker has gained a reputation as somewhat of a lothario during his long career. As well as relationships with Cher and Diana Ross, the 65-year-old once claimed to have slept with over 4,600 women. And he’s now revealed how he managed to bed so many.

‘They call me Dr. Love blah, blah, blah,’ he told Kerrang! magazine, quoting the Kiss track Calling Dr. Love when asked which song he’d had the most sex to. ‘That and the legend of the supposed number of beddings I may have had are what brought me the most action. Secretly all women want to be desperately desired by men, while men are not at all inclined the same way ‘ we just want to conquer.’

While Gene may have been around the block a few times in his younger days, he has been in a relationship with former Playboy Playmate and actress Shannon Tweed for 28 years. The couple finally married in 2011 and together they have two children, Nick and Sophie.

During his chat with Kerrang!, Gene discussed which of his songs had proved most popular with his fans over the years, and when it came to weddings, he thinks Forever gets the top spot.

‘A great many people have had this song played at their weddings. I can’t say if having this makes for a successful marriage though,’ he mused. ‘A lot break down because of men ‘ we have the attention span of a gnat.’

However, Gene is most proud of the fact his records feature in a lot of fans’ baby-making processes; particularly Christine Sixteen.

‘I’ve heard countless stories from a great many people telling me that they were conceived to my music,’ he laughed. ‘But making sure that kids are conceived is part of my job, isn’t it?’

Alive! ’75 Kicks-off 2015 on 3/28 at the Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg, PA!

Anthony De Lucia, Jr. |

Alive75-LogoFollowing their debut success this past November, Alive! ’75 has plans to take their production across the northeast this year, with their first stop being the Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg, PA on March 28th…

“We are very excited to kick-off 2015 at the Sherman” says Anthony De Lucia, Jr., the shows creator and producer.  “They were one of the first theaters to show an interest in the hosting show and they have been absolutely fantastic to work with.  This is a great big venue with a fantastic sound system and excellent sight-lines.  More importantly it’s a classic theater with a very cool vibe that will totally add to the overall Alive! ’75 experience!”

And the “experience” is what an Alive! ’75 performance is all about.  Alive! ’75 is a live, classic KISS tribute concert that brings the KISS Alive! album to life within a period-specific 1975 atmosphere. So much more than guys dressed as KISS playing KISS songs, the overall experience is completely immersive and is designed to take you back to 1975, to see, hear and FEEL what a 1975-era KISS performance was really like.

Alive 75After their successful pilot-performances, the group decided this was too good a show – and way too much fun – to be just a “ once and done” production.  “The response to our initial production was phenomenal and the feedback since then has been overwhelming!  Our Facebook page was inundated with questions about where we were playing next and requests to bring the show to one city or another.  So many people were digging the concept, we just knew we were on to something and decided to take the show as far as we can.”

The group decided they would play any theaters or large rock-clubs within a days drive from their home-base of northern New Jersey.  In addition to their Stroudsburg, PA show in March they’ve already booked or are actively in the process of booking additional dates in PA, as well as NY, NJ, MD, RI, MA and CT.  “We basically threw the question out to the thousands of our Facebook Fans, asking them to recommend the venues they would like to see us in.  The response was incredible and we’ve run down every lead provided.”

“We are self managed and promoted, and it’s a lot of work to go knocking on all these doors trying to get talent buyers who have never heard of us give us the time of day. Even so, we’ve been pleasantly surprised to find a good number of the venues genuinely excited about the show and eager to have us perform.  We’re confident that as more folks become exposed to the show the demand will only continue to grow.”

Taking the show on the road meant some additional, significant investment.  Anthony continues: “We rented a large portion of the equipment for our initial performance, including the entire backline.  We weren’t thinking at that time that there would be additional shows.  Now we’re investing in all of the equipment and infrastructure necessary to easily and repeatedly deliver a great performance anywhere we can drive to!”

That investment includes the purchase of a tow-vehicle and new 14’ trailer that carries everything necessary to deliver the show, including their custom-built, elevating drum riser.  “It’s been a little intimidating, considering all that is involved to deliver a production such as ours.  It’s an incredible amount of equipment  – over 4,000 lbs. of gear, and it can be a logistical nightmare for a small production crew such as ours to organize.  We’re looking forward to the challenges and excited to put it all to the test!”

With so many KISS-tribute bands in the marketplace,  Alive! ’75 – A Tribute to KISS looks to be different by providing a complete package, including the period-specific 1975 experience.  For die-hard classic KISS fans (those who appreciate their early works), as well as general fans of rock ‘n roll niostalgia, this is definitely an experience not to be missed!

Tickets are now on sale for their Stroudsburg, PA, performance on March 28th.  Complete details on this one-of-a-kind experience may be found at  Contact ‘‘ for more information.

Celebrity Drive: Paul Stanley of KISS Loves His ‘Vette


AA94SvjQuick Stats: Paul Stanley Kiss front man, author, painter
Daily Driver: 2015 Corvette Stingray (Stanley’s rating: 9 on a scale of 1 to 10)
Other cars: See below
Favorite road trip: Interstate 95 from New York to New England
Car he learned to drive in: 1963 Ford Galaxie
First car bought: 1961 Rambler American

Kiss front man Paul Stanley is a bit of a Renaissance man as a singer-songwriter, painter, New York Times best-selling author, star of “Phantom of the Opera,” and, in a former life, a New York City cab driver.

He can add styling a Corvette for General Motors to the list after working with the automaker on a 2015 Stingray for the SEMA show in a car that would also become his daily driver.

AA94Xa2“I’ve yearned to be driving an American car without apology,” he says. “I like driving a car that says ‘Corvette’ on it. I like driving an American car because we’ve always had capabilities to turn out great cars, and for reasons that are lost to me, we chose not to. But as the competition became stiffer and as the car industry seemed to be folding, I guess the message was resounding, and lo and behold, here were some great cars.”

Continue reading…

KISS Kruise V Pre-Party for a good cause

Andy Moyen

Living in Sinners, The rooms at The Holiday Inn Port of Miami- Downtown 340 Biscayne Blvd Miami Fl 33132 right across the street from Bayside Market are ready to be booked. Dates available are Oct 26,27,28,29,and Nov 3 , 2015 You can call in and make your reservations NOW by calling 1 800-526-5655 or 305-371-4400 and for our international guests the best way to reserved is by sending an email to reservations by email. Weather your emailing or c…alling please make sure to tell them this is for KISS KRUISE 2015 in your email and when calling. We have a better deal than last year’s rates. This year the rates are $159.00 plus 13% tax . Book now before there all gone. Credit card # to make reservations. Card WILL NOT BE CHARGED until You check in.

We will have transportation from the Holiday Inn to the Port of Miami starting at 10 AM Oct 29th for only 5.00 DOLLARS


Ex-KISS Guitarist BRUCE KULICK On Getting Married: ‘It Took Fifteen Years To Find The Right One’


Frankie DiVita of the 95.5 KLOS radio station conducted an interview with former KISS and current GRAND FUNK RAILROAD guitarist Bruce Kulick at this year’s NAMM show, which took place January 22-25 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. You can now watch the chat below.

Speaking about his decision to marry girlfriend Lisa Lane in Janaury 2014, Kulick said: “I had that kind of typical, I’ll call it the ‘trophy wife,’ during the KISS years. And that worked for a little while, until we divorced right around when the KISS thing ended — unrelated, of course, actually, I will say. But it took fifteen years to find the right one and get married. And Lisa Lane is that. She’s a beautiful singer, but not, like, rock, even though she can kind of do that. We just put the song that we did our first dance at at our wedding a year ago up on our anniversary. It’s called ‘I Dreamed Of You’. And [it’s billed as] ‘Lisa Lane‘ — like ‘Lois Lane‘ but ‘Lisa Lane‘ — ‘featuring Bruce Kulick.’ And it’s like, jazz. It’s a trio. And she’s got a voice [that makes] everybody go, ‘That’s you?’ I mean, I cry when she sings. She just has such a beautiful voice. [I’m] very proud of her.”

Bruce, 61, proposed to Lisa on Christmas Eve in 2012 in London, England.

In 1984, Bruce joined KISS, where he remained as their lead guitarist for twelve years, accompanying the band on the “Animalize” tour and continuing with the band until the 1996 reunion tour. Bruce is heavily featured on “Kissology – Vol. 2” and “Vol. 3”, the band’s DVDs spanning their historic 35-year career.

Kulick‘s third solo album, “BK3”, was released in Europe in January 2010 via Frontiers Records and in North America in February 2010 through Twenty 4 Records/Rocket Science Ventures. The first single from the album, “Hand Of The King”, featuring Nick Simmons (son of KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons), was a digital-only release available at all online music stores, including iTunes.


Tommy Thayer Interview from Backstage Axxess

Gus Griesinger | Backstage Axxess

After a successful run on his initial first signature series with Epiphone, KISS guitarist Tommy Thayer was at NAMM to promote his second series. The Les Paul Outfit “White Lightning” guitar is just as beautiful in person as it looks on video. Tommy is proud of the guitar and why shouldn’t he be? We talked about how the idea to do another guitar came about and what went into the specifications of it. It was the night before Tommy played a few songs with glam band Steel Panther and we talked about that as well. In addition, we discussed the upcoming KISS Kruise and how the band can fit more obscure songs into the setlist of either the electric or acoustic show. Check out his response is right here.

Tommy has been nothing but gracious to us and I personally have interviewed him four times now. He is always one of my favorites to talk with. A small distraction during our interview is the Robbie Krieger band. The band started to play during our interview so you will hear a little classic Krieger. It doesn’t get more candid than this. Enjoy KISS and The Doors coming together a little!

KISS’s TOMMY THAYER Says Technology Enables Musicians To Make ‘Perfect’-Sounding Records With No ‘Soul’


Music Junkie Press conducted an interview with KISS guitarist Tommy Thayer at the Hughes & Kettner booth at this year’s NAMM show, which was held January 22-25 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. You can now watch the chat below.

Speaking about how modern technology has affected the way musicians create music, Thayer said: “All the technology and even the social networking and everything that goes on, it gets a little overwhelming, and I think we sometimes do lose touch with getting back to the roots of music and the creative aspect of everything. I think we never wanna lose track of that or lose that connection, because with all the technology, even recording with Auto-Tune and all this stuff, you can make something sound perfect, but you lose the real personality and the soul of something when you do that too much. So it’s something… You have to not lose track of that. Music is feel, it’s soul… it’s the heart.”

Thayer joined KISS in February 2003, stepping into the boots Frehley had been occupying for the KISS reunion that lasted from 1996 to 2002.

Speaking about the first time he performed with KISS in full makeup, Thayer told Guitar World magazine in a 2013 interview: “The first time was at a private corporate concert in Jamaica in early 2002. It was exhilarating and over the top, but also very comfortable. It didn’t seem that out of the ordinary. I had been around the band a long time, so I wasn’t new to the family. I’d also played in a KISS tribute band in the early Nineties and we’d wear KISS makeup. Actually, I even used to put on KISS makeup as a kid. So it was more of a familiar feeling than not. It all came very naturally. But of course, you’re filling big shoes because there’s such a big legacy with KISS. There’s high expectations and pressure to step up and do a great job.”

He continued: “And yeah, some people say, ‘Why didn’t you come in and introduce a new character?’ It’s an interesting question, but when I got in the band I was just honored to be there. I also respected where they came from and what they’re all about. So who am I to ever suggest I need a new personality or a new character, or the band needs a new guitar sound or style? That’s ridiculous. Sometimes it just takes people a long time to understand that.”