Looking to sell your KISS collection?

I want to buy your KISS COLLECTION

CASH PAID !!!! — No collection too large or too small – Even if you have a $30,000 or larger KISS collection, yes I can pay you in CASH.

I buy all KISS and KISS solo related items spanning 1974 to 2013…I want everything you have…..magazines, newspapers, promo Items, toys, T-shirts, hats, books, concert items, picks, drumsticks, posters, concert posters, paper items, KISS Army items, foreign items, CDs, cassettes, records, picture discs, 45s, official DVDs, signed items, out of print items, non-makeup items, original lineup items, newly released items, tour books, cards, cars, stickers, road crew items, 1 of a kind items, awards, guitars, photography…..EVERYTHING.

I WILL TRAVEL to buy your KISS COLLECTION — I can travel to you anywhere in the United States…East Coast, West Coast, down South, Midwest….I will travel to buy your collection and pay you in cash on the spot.

All transactions and contacts are kept absolutely PRIVATE….No deals will be discussed with anyone….I have purchased items from collectors, former band members, people who worked for the band, and other dealers.

Please contact Ross Koondel at either 267-566-2046 or by email at

KISS Collection

One of my typical purchases



KISS reunion possibility dismissed for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction

Sean Michaels | The Guardian

Not even rock’n’roll’s greatest honour could persuade Gene Simmons to reform Kiss‘s original line-up. Describing his former bandmates as “a cancer”, Simmons dismissed the idea of a 40th anniversary reunion, should the band be accepted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Kiss are one of 16 nominees for this year’s hall of fame inductions, vying for a place alongside Nirvana, NWA, Chic, Deep Purple and many more. But even if they do get selected for the gala in April, don’t count on a reunion with Ace Frehley, their original lead guitarist, or Peter Criss, who first played drums.

Kiss original line-up Simmons Stanley Criss Frehley

“No,” Simmons recently told Radio.com. “When you have a cancer in your system, it’s best to cut it out as fast as you can. It used to be a part of your body [but] then it turned intocancer so you gotta cut it out.”

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KISS KRUISE III: The PreParty at Will Call Miami confirms 18K+ gross for Sophie’s Place, Child Advocacy Centre.

Roman Fenandez


Miami, FL – Organizers of the twelve hour “KISS KRUISE” Pre-Party to take place on Sunday, October 27th at Will Call Miami, confirm over $18,000 has been raised to benefit Sophie’s Place, Child Advocacy Centre. Sophie’s Place is a program of The Centre for Child Development in British Columbia named after its patron, Sophie Tweed-Simmons – daughter of infamous KISS frontman, Gene Simmons, and Canadian model turned actress, Shannon Tweed.

“We are not certain what the final tally will be yet since the event doesn’t take place until this Sunday”, admits entertainment director at Will Call Miami, Coz Canler, “…but we expect lots more ticket sales in the next few days”.

Sophie’s Place, Child Advocacy Centre is focused on providing specialized services to physically, mentally or sexually abused children in a child-friendly designed setting.

“It’s really important that kids have a place to go where they can be taken seriously, and where they can express what’s happened to them in a safe environment”, says Sophie Tweed-Simmons.

The full day festival will include KISS-related special guests, Q&A’s, meet and greets, raffles, activities, food, themed drinks, and live music. Amongst the special guests are Sophie Tweed Simmons, Alan G Parker, director of the new KISS documentary film in production, You Wanted The Best… You Got The Best!; author of newly released KISS biography, Ken Sharp; KISS producer and studio guitarist, Bob Kulick model and TV personality, Megan McCracken; and recording artist, Lyn Christopher, whose debut album in 1973 saw the first appearance of KISS’s Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley on a major record label release.

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KISS Army Argentina interview with Bill Baker

KISS Army Argentina

BILL BAKER - KISS ARMY ARGENTINA - 1KISS Army Argentina: Hi, Bill. Since some time ago we wanted to contact you and here weare; thank you! First of all, please tell us how you became a KISS fan and, especially, an AceFrehley fan.
Bill Baker: I remember hearing “Destroyer” when it first came out…a friend had the 45 of “Dr. Love”and “Take Me”. We were hooked from then on. I must have been around ten years old when I wasfirst introduced to their music.
KISS Army Argentina: Until the time in which you began to work with Ace, do you remember how many KISS shows you had attended, and how many Ace’s shows (during the Cometsera)?
Bill Baker: I know this is hard to believe, but unfortunately for me, I never got to see KISS or Aceback in the day. I first got to see Ace on the 1992 tour when my friends opened for him at”Hammerjacks” in Baltimore, Maryland. He wore the famous blue leather jacket that night.
KISS Army Argentina: As we know, you met Ace in 1990, in a KISS convention in which youwere selling part of your personal collection of Jimi Hendrix’s items and then investing thatmoney in buying some Ace’s items; is this correct?
Bill Baker: I didn’t meet Ace at the convention, I met a friend of his who was trying to sell Ace’s”Washburn” guitar. We ended up making a trade for the guitar, and I happened to meet Ace the next day when I delivered my side of the trade (Which was a rare “Marshall” guitar speaker cabinet). I was in the process of selling off Hendrix records and memorabilia, and that’s how the subject of Hendrix came up over dinner. Ace told me he had “roadied” for Hendrix once. I had some video from that very show and Ace wanted a copy of it! I gave him my number and to my surprise he called me the very next day and our friendship developed from there.

New Bruce Kulick interview on Full Throttle Rock

Full Throttle Rock

Bruce Kulick - 02Put simply, I am crazy for all things Kiss. They have been a ruling force in my life since I was in school. In that time I have seen the band go through many changes, with many degrees of success or failure. One of the bands best decisions was to bring Bruce Kulick into the fold in the mid 1980s, in my view, this move helped the band stay relevant and fresh during this period. By the mid 1990s the original band reunited for a reunion world tour and Kulick found himself on the outer, but instead of moaning and groaning about it, like so many others would, Kulick remained on good terms with the band and move on, forging a career of his own with John Corabi in Union and as a solo artist. So when a member of the ‘Hottest Band In The World’, current or past, wants to give me a call, that is an opportunity I am going to take.

Rock Man: You have had a long outstanding career playing with some of the biggest names in the music industry, could you have imagined your career would take the shape it has?

Bruce Kulick: Well you know, the more I go back and look at all the things I have done the more I realize, while I was doing then, of course I was excited and as professional as possible, but I did not realize the impact that all the things, especially the Kiss years, would ultimately have. Even prior to that the dual lead guitars for Meat Loaf and touring the world for the Bat Out Of Hell Tour, you know, when it first came out, I mean that album is still huge and the version of that record you buy now has a couple of live tracks on it featuring Bob (Kulick) and I. So I am very blessed to be a working musician all these years, could I have imagines it? … not completely, definitely not.

RM: Who are some of the artists or guitarists that influenced your musical upbringing?

BK: Well you know, it all started, I mean, I need the mention The Beatles before anything else, because that was such a huge moment, the Ed Sullivan Show here in America, it was quite remarkable to experience something really magical musically and then their kind of vibe about how it is to be a band and play music, kind of changed our culture and I am very, very pleased, as much as I will be nearing 60 at the end of the year, I am happy that I grew up in that era that I can enjoy that. Because from The Beatles everything else started to fall into place with bands like The Who, Led Zeppelin and Cream and The Rolling Stones and all, and Jimi Hendrix had to go to London to make it, you know, the whole British Invasion was fascinating to me and I was a huge fan of all the bands that came out of that time. And that music is still timeless, I really think there is no mystery why The Beatles is still huge and Hendrix is on the cover of magazines. So strictly guitar hero wise, I will say someone like Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck and later on a guy like Eddie Van Halen who kind of supercharged some of the stuff he heard from Clapton and those were the people, Eric Clapton I need to mention of course, being a huge influence on me loving guitar. So it was never a dull moment in my bedroom with what to listen too and what to try and pick up.

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KISS on the nominee list for 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

KFBK News Radio

Frazer Harrison

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has announced the nominees for its Class of 2014. In alphabetical order:

  • Paul Butterfield Blues Band
  • Chic
  • Deep Purple
  • Peter Gabriel
  • Hall and Oates
  • KISS
  • LL Cool J
  • Nirvana
  • N.W.A
  • The Meters
  • The Replacements
  • Linda Ronstadt
  • Cat Stevens
  • Link Wray
  • Yes
  • The Zombies

Voting will be done by more than 600 people from the music industry — musicians, historians, record company staffers — as well as (for the second year) fans. Fan voting begins today and ends December 10. You can vote at RockHall.com/vote.

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KISS branded spicy meat buns look like Rocks, taste like Rolls

Steve Levenstein | Inventor Spot

kisman1KISS your buns? With pleasure but for a limited time only, and it’ll cost you 100 yen each time. We’re talking about the KISS Super-Spicy Chili Tomatoman meat buns on sale at Japan’s Circle K Sunkus convenience stores of course, a tasteful promotion seeking to boost awareness of Gene Simmons and the band’s upcoming Japanese tour.

The buns are delivered cold to each individual Circle K Sunkus location and are then heated to serving temperature in an in-store steamer. Peel back the collectible black-on-white wrapper featuring the made-up faces of each band member and you’ll find a gray flattened spheroid branded with a small KISS logo.

The bun’s not moldy; its rock-like look is purely intentional and is achieved through the use of Bamboo Charcoal in the pastry mix. It’s not near as black as Burger King Japan’s Premium KURO Burger so it’s got that going for it, which is nice. It gets better… lurking in the center of the bun is a fiery red tomato-meat mixture which, combined with the stone-simulating bun, evokes scenes of molten lava oozing down the slopes of Vesuvius, Kilauea, or Japan’s own Sakurajima.

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Gene talks about new recordings and a huge 40th anniversary tour complete with symphony

Something Else!

Gene Simmons is already writing new stuff, just a year after 2012′s Monster, Kiss’ 20th studio effort. The band had previously gone three years between albums, dating back to 2009′s Sonic Boom.

Simmons is comparing “Your Wish is My Command,” a new song, to one of Kiss’ iconic concert favorites: “It could,” he tells Dorothy Lucey in this clip, “be the next ‘Rock and Roll All Nite.’”

But whatever excitement he has about these fresh sounds is tempered by huge plans out on the concert trail.

“We are going to go back in the studio at some point,” Simmons tells Dorothy Lucey. “But there’s a 40th anniversary world tour that’s going to happen, including Kiss with symphony orchestras. We already did that at Melbourne Stadium (on 2003′s Kiss Symphony: Alive IV), where the entire symphony orchestra was playing Stradivariuses — you don’t know what that is, but look it up — and we’re all wearing Kiss makeup, the entire 70-piece orchestra. You will have landed on Planet Kiss. We’re going to duplicate that around the world.”

Local orchestras will be used, Simmons says. “We’re going to have us a good old time,” he adds, “and of course blow stuff up.”

One day shipping on all KISS Costumes for the KISS Kruise and Halloween


Need a costume for the KISS Kruise or Halloween? We ship all orders out within one business day! We will get it to you as soon as possible, guaranteed! Overnight air and 2-Day air shipping options available. Every costume and accessory is in-stock and ready to ship!

Visit the KISS Halloween Costume store HERE.

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Visit the KISS Halloween Costume store HERE.


KISS to appear at this year’s annual Alice Cooper’s Christmas Pudding event

Ed Masley | AZ Central

L169_CIFRed92ee3e2641286c516d5df00cdd9706The four current members of Kiss — Gene Simmons Paul Stanley, Tommy Thayer, and Eric Singer — will join Rob Zombie and Vince Neil of Motley Crue at Alice Cooper’s 13th Christmas Pudding.

Former “Seinfeld” and “Family Feud” star John O’Hurley will serve as a guest host for the festivities.

More special guests will be announced as we get closer to the date.

All proceeds benefit Alice Cooper’s Solid Rock Teen Center.

“Although I have played more than 100 shows this year, Pudding is the one I look forward to most,” Cooper says. “We love bringing people together for Christmas, for the sake of music and dance and the mission of Solid Rock.”

Tickets are $38 to $253, with all proceeds benefiting Alice’s Cooper’s Solid Rock Teen Center, which reaches out to teens through free music, dance, and voice lessons and more.

Tickets will go on sale at 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 18, through Ticketmaster, the Comerica Theatre box office or by phone at 602-379-2888.

Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley talk L.A. KISS football

Lance Pugmire | LA Times 

Rock ‘n’ roll legends Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley of the band KISS have cut back their concert schedule to about 70 shows a year now.

Stanley is finishing his autobiography. The pair are opening a chain of restaurants/bars.

And they’re anticipating the start of the Arena Football League season, where the new team they own, the L.A. KISS, will debut at the Honda Center in Anaheim.

In video interviews with The Times this week at the Ducks’ home opener at Honda Center, Simmons and Stanley discussed their vision and hopes for the team.

Simmons also talked about singing the national anthem at last month’s Minnesota VikingsPittsburgh Steelers’ NFL game in London.

Stanley, who lives in Beverly Hills and has children ages 2, 4, 7 and 19, said part of his motivation in forming L.A. KISS – he designed the helmets and uniforms – is to make it community-friendly with $99 season tickets, a KISS concert as part of the deal and donations to organizations like Wounded Warriors.

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30 Years Ago: Kiss Play Their First Show Without Makeup

Matthew Wilkening | Ultimate Classic Rock

On Oct. 11, 1983, Kiss performed the first-ever show without their trademark facepaint. The change helped revitalize the band’s sagging commercial fortunes, but also marked the beginning of an extended “troubling time” for founding member Gene Simmons.

This inaugural live unmasked appearance — in the unlikely and remote setting of Lisbon, Portugal — came just three weeks after Kiss, long famous for hiding their identities in public and onstage behind elaborate costumes and makeup, first revealed their real faces on national television during a special MTV appearance.

Of course, by this point, only two of the group’s original members were around for the unveiling, with founding drummer Peter Criss having departed in 1980 and guitarist Ace Frehley following him out the door in 1982. The former “hottest band in the land” had also fallen far from the height of their massive ’70s commercial fortunes. This was partially because of the lineup changes and most certainly also because they spent the early ’80s dabbling indisco-influenced rock or making a much-derided concept album.


Even when they did get their act together — and how! — with 1982′s thunderous return to form ‘Creatures of the Night,’ the public barely took notice. Despite new guitarist Vinnie Vincent’s insistence that it was “time to grow and change” by unmasking, the move was most likely borne at least partially to try and garner a higher level of attention for their highly deserving new album, ‘Lick It Up.’

The change (and the often-underrated music they made during this time) helped Kiss regain some, but certainly not all, of the popularity they had lost during their last few years. However, it also signified yet another shift in the already fractured band’s power dynamic, with Simmons finding himself uncomfortable in his new non-Demon persona.

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