December 21
KISS' Record Company To Cut Jobs... and Bands?
From KISS Kollector Online
Now that Seagram has taken over PolyGram from Philips (on December 10
instead of December 4, as KISS Kollector Online reported on November 20) the
staff has begun to lay off employees. All in order to create cost savings, of course. Executives also have been or will be asked to focus on a smaller roster of acts. Rumor has it KISS might be one of the acts to be dropped from the Mercury Records label. Read the full story at the KISS Kollector Online web site.
From Providence to Detroit Rock City
By Ann Tweedy
Rhode Island native Carl Dupre is the screenwriter of a major motion picture,
Detroit Rock City, starring Edward Furlong, Natasha Leon and Shannon Tweed, that is about to wrap up production in Canada. The movie is named after a Kiss song, one that Carl heard played live for the first time at a Kiss Concert at the Providence Civic Center in 1978. His mom bravely escorted Carl and his two younger brothers to the concert but Carl was the only one who wanted to stay for the entire show. He stored the exciting experience of seeing Kiss live and summoned it up to create the script. Detroit Rock City takes place in 1978 and centers on four kids from Ohio who go to extreme lengths to see a Kiss concert in Detroit. They initially have tickets to the show but unfortunately a mom destroys them. If you can remember the 70's, you might recall the conservative hype about the satanic influences of the make-up wearing rockers whose name was supposedly an acronym for Knights In Satan's Service. The kids make getting into the concert their quest and much mayhem ensues. Yes, KISS will appear in the movie in their full regalia. Initially, Carl thought heąd be lucky to get a few songs and maybe the KISS logo. "I'm counting my lucky stars because when I wrote this I didnąt have a connection to Kiss at all, itąs been a series of small miracles," said Carl. When the band and their manager read the script, they were all for the project and have been extremely cooperative.
Click Here To Read The Full Story!
More News On The KISS Live EP
From: (The Official KISS Website)
Terre Haute, IN was the last of about a half dozen shows to be recorded for use on the upcoming six song Live EP (to be released in Europe in promotion for the KISS Psycho Circus European leg of the tour). According to one source, Terre Haute was definitely the best show recorded.
Peter Criss In Modern Drummer Magazine
From: Byron
For all you Peter fans & drummers go get the new issue of Modern Drummer. It's about time a drum magazine gave Peter the respect he's due! The coolest thing is reading stuff like Peter writing his drum parts old & new,how PC was recorded,and even old recording stories as well. OK,here's a tidbit for everyone. The middle drum break in God of Thunder was recorded in an elevator shaft at 4:00 AM while garbage men were looking at Peter and giving him weird looks. LOL!! Even Gene has a section in the interview saying some really nice things about Peter. I highly recommend this great publication.
KISS Mention in VH1 Motley Crue Special
From: Suze
KISS was mentioned in a recent "Behind the Music" program featuring Motley Crue. Drummer Tommy Lee said that KISS was an inmense influence as he was growing up and that he copied their theatrics and Peter Criss' drum set, which he thought was spectacular since it was a "wrap-around" drum set (innovative for the 70's). Tommy used to take trash cans and boxes and "wrap them around" his room, making believe he was Criss.
Gene in "US" Magazine
From: Mike Hogan
Gene appears in the new "US" magazine (Jan.'99 issue, Leonardo Dicaprio cover) on page 92 in the Loosetalk section. There's a picture of Gene and a quote; "When I look in the mirror, I see a powerful and attractive man. Nobody else sees it, But I don't give a s---." Gene Simmons,49, of KISS. Also in the Leonardo Dicaprio article there's a picture of him dressed as Peter Criss on Halloween.
KISS In "Guitar One" Magazine
From: Brett Meyer
Paul and Ace are interviewed in the new Guitar One magazine. There is a 8-10 page article with reunion stage pix of Ace and Paul and vintage group shots. Also, Paul's Marshall ad is on the back cover. No front cover but it's a nice article.
December 18
New Opening Act: Carolines Spine
From: (The Official KISS Website)
Carolines Spine will be finishing off the first US leg of the Psycho Circus tour, beginining in Madison, WI on 12/27.
December 15
December 13
1999 Atlanta KISS Expo Guest List
From: Phil Elliott / Kreatures of the South
The 5th Annual Atlanta KISS Expo updated guest list includes the following :
Very special guest: Bruce Kulick
special guest: Bob Kulick
guests: John Corabi & the entire band "Union."
special guests: KISS Tribute band "Love Gun" from Chattanooga,TN.
special guest: Gordon Gebert
Click Here For More KISS Expo Information
Russian KISS Expo
From: Alex Fedotov
Date: 1/9/99
Where: Moscow / Russia
Org.: Moscow Rock City F.C. & KISS LEGACY F.C./ Zine
Special Guests: Two russia cover band
For more information please email me.
KISS KISSmas Merchandise
From: David Snowden Promotions
December 10
Vote For KISS
From: Jeff Walzer
There is a vote going on at for the greatest Rock-n-Roll band. Some of the options are KISS, Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Fleetwood Mac, and a few others I believe. Right now, KISS is dead last with on 2.7% of the already 1500+ votes (Aerosmith is second behind the Beatles which is unbelievable!). Go there now and vote for KISS!
European Psycho Circus Tour Dates
From: KISS Asylum
The new European Psycho Circus Tour Dates are in courtesy of Check the Tour Dates page for the latest tour info!
"You Wanted The Best" On The Charts
From: Chris
"You Wanted The Best" continues to make a pretty nice push on this week's FMQB Top 100 charts. It moved from #41 to #28. It is the 5th most added (17 stations) bringing the total to 111 and is the 3rd most increase in plays (+374) for a total of 1081 spins. "Psycho Circus" dropped from #16 to #21 with 1479 spins.
KI$$ Wants To Rock-N-Roll All Night, Market Every Day
From: New York Post via Mark Stroming
By Mary Kuhn
Call it Kiss Inc. As part of its continuing licensing and merchandising strategy, the band, known more for its showmanship and live records than hit singles, is heading
into cyberspace. Kiss, fronted by bassist Gene Simmons and rarely seen without its black-and- white makeup, is moving into its third decade. The band, a cultural icon since the '70s, has always unabashedly seized on licensing opportunities, lending the Kiss image to products, such as lunch boxes and action figures. But in the coming year, there will be more Kiss stuff around than ever before - even Kiss toilet paper.
On the new-media front, Kiss will have a computer game based on their latest
release, "Psycho Circus." Simmons admits he and the band aren't gamers and that he "hates e-mail," but they want to lead the march online. "I can't say in any way, shape or form I'm at the top of the ladder in terms of experience or use of the Internet, but it's there and we all have to deal with it," Simmons told The Post. The four-piece band has also launched a Kiss Internet service provider - similar to BowieNet, David Bowie's ISP - and plans to build a humongous Kiss website, which ties together all the unofficial websites. Unlike Bowie, however, Simmons says, ther will be no Kiss bonds in the future. "Psycho Circus," released in September, is the band's first new album in 20 years with all four original members. Kiss also has launched a credit card with First Bank. But before the question is even asked, Simmons defends what might be labeled "selling out." In fact, Simmons revels in the amount of licensing and merchandising Kiss does. "We're proud that we can do it and other bands can't. They're jealous," says Simmons. "We win. They lose."
Metal Edge KISS News
From: Metal Edge Online via Mike Hogan
KISS' Detroit Rock City movie, for which the climactic concert scene was filmed last
Thursday at Copps Coliseum in Hamilton, Ontario (standing in for Detroit's Cobo Hall), has been moved up from summer to a mid-April release. KISS' current tour plans include a January break (between dates on Jan. 2 in Nashville, Tennessee and Jan. 30 in Miami, Florida), a European tour from late February through March, and a return to American stages in April, to time with the movie's release. In other KISS
news, Bloodshot Entertainment will develop a computer game based on Psycho Circus.
Psycho Circus Chart News
From: KISS Asylum
For the week ending 12-6-98 the "Psycho Circus" album fell from #165 to 171 on the Billboard Top 200 charts selling 12,744 units. Units sold so far total 310,082.
"World Without Heroes" Novel Returns!
From: KISS Asylum
The Hiatus is over! Well, here we are again. The start of the end. But there's more. Seriously, thanks for everyone's patience in waiting out the delay. Several (and I do mean SEVERAL) fans have written wanting to know when the next chapter was finally to appear of the novel. I have to say, I was delighted to have everyone enjoy it as much as they have been. I only can hope that everyone will enjoy the rest of the novel just as well, and I promise to have a chapter every week to a week and a half from this point forward. I also want to thank everyone that has written to me with their thoughts about the story so far. As you may have guessed from the start of this introduction, not only am I a Todd Rundgren fan, but we are on the final stretch of the story. Within the next few weeks we will see how Ace arrived on the asteroid as seen at the beginning of the novel, along with the fate of the Elders and the Talismans. Who will survive? Who will become the final owner of the Talismans? What is the ultimate reason for the Elders to give such powers to humans? In the weeks to come, we will see. Hope you'll stay around to see it! -- Dale Sherman
Click Here To Read The New Chapter, Chapter 14
Psycho Circus Exposed: Peter Criss Q&A
From: Chris Akin, editor of
For the months leading to the release of KISS' latest, PSYCHO CIRCUS, rumors flew wildly throughout the music community regarding the band. With all the turmoil that always surrounds this band, rumors were nothing new. The band had just finished their long awaited, highly successful REUNION tour, reuniting Peter Criss and Ace Frehley with KISS main men Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons. The tour was successful, but would the band actually be able to record together again? It was definitely a big question, a question Paul and Gene went around the country screaming "Hell Yes" too. As the release date for PSYCHO CIRCUS approached, the rumors started. "Peter Criss didn't play any drums on the record." "Ace Frehley split the guitar duties with former Kiss guitarist
Bruce Kulick." "All the music was performed by studio musicians." "Peter's songs were intentionally left off the record." You heard a little bit of all of this prior to the release. PSYCHO CIRCUS was released, but the rumors didn't stop. Even so, the band kept up their "original members played on the record" excuse...UNTIL NOW. In a recent interview with KISS' Peter Criss, MUSIC'S BOTTOM LINE found out who played what on PSYCHO CIRCUS, as well as a lot of other interesting little tidbits about the band circa '98. Check it out!
Click Here To Read The Full Interview!
December 8
Request KISS through MTV Europe's Select MTV
From KISS Kollector
MTV Europe has added the Psycho Circus video to the 'jukebox' of their
Select MTV show. You can request your favourite video by sending e-mail
to or by visiting the MTV Europe web site. At this time however, the song hasn't been added on the site yet. You may also phone or fax MTV Europe in the U.K. at these numbers: +44 0171 757 7001 (phone), +44 0171 478 6003 (fax). Select MTV airs live monday to friday from 16:00 - 18:00 CET. The most requested videos will be added to the show's play list. So, start requesting Psycho Circus now!
International "Second Coming" News
From: Polygram Records Australia via Scott Cousins
I just got this email from Polygram Records Australia. They says that:
"The story is on the Kiss video (the Second Coming) that rights for the world outside of America have not yet been signed. Until this happens the video department can't even put this thing into work. They are on the case and are hoping to get the rights any day now - I doubt though that it will be released before Xmas locally."
Second Coming Video Debut
From: (The Official KISS Website)
Second Coming debuted at #3 on the Music Video chart this week, selling
almost 15,000. There are TWO KISS videos in the Top 10: Second Coming at #3 and Psycho Circus at #8.
Psycho Circus Album Report
From: KISS Asylum
"Psycho Circus" dropped from #145 in the Billboard charts to #165 selling 13,127 units this week. The total sales for the album so far are 297,350 units.
KISS Sighting
From: Rhett Lumsden
Last night (Mon. Dec. 7) KISS showed up on Tony Bennett's Live By Request on A&E. Paul did most of the talking but all the guys told Tony how much they admire and were influenced by him. They were in full costume. It was an awesome surprise.
December 7
Detroit Rock City Magazine
From: (The Official KISS Website)
Even though Gerri has left Metal Edge, she will be working on a special magazine about "Detroit Rock City" that will come out to time with the film.
KISS TV Guide Covers
From: (The Official KISS Website)
The TV Guide covers that were originally planned for Halloween, have now been scheduled to coincide with the release of the movie "Detroit Rock City."
Chip Rock Book
From: Studio Chikara
Here's a taste of OUTTAKES VOLUME ONE by Chip Rock, coming soon. For more title information, please e-mail or e-mail for ordering instructions.
Gold in Canada
From: (The Official KISS Website)
KISS was awarded thier Gold album for the Canadian release of Psycho Circus at the Toronto show. This was the fastest selling KISS Gold album in Canada.
KISS Shoots Film Scenes In Ontario
From: Rocktropolis via Steve Araki
By: Karen Bliss
It was 1978 all over again. Hamilton, Ontario's Copps Coliseum was transformed Thursday (Dec. 3) into Detroit's Cobo Hall for the filming of a concert scene from New Line Cinema's Kiss movie, Detroit Rock City, about the adventures of four Kiss fans. The dress code for the thousands of extras, all of whom were required to sign a release form before entering the arena, was Kiss regalia or '70s garb. Some audience members didn't have to make much of an effort -- no one can grow a mullet hairdo that quickly. Some brought banners, like the one painted by Wingham, Ontario's Grant Joloi, 34, emblazoned with the likeness of Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Peter Criss, and Ace Frehley. Others brought the whole family. Stratford, Ontario's Jennifer Davis, 3, there with dad Stephen, mom Kim and sister Michelle, 8, hoped Kiss would sing "Ring Around the Rosey." Kiss had played the night before at Toronto's SkyDome stadium and stuck around to shoot the scene, which required them to play "Detroit Rock City" over and over again. Filming took from 5:30 p.m. until 3 a.m.
Click Here To Read The Full Report
KISS News From Metal Edge
From: Metal Edge via Mike Hogan
KISS' Detroit Rock City movie is becoming a family affair. Not only is SHANNON TWEED, the mother of GENE SIMMONS' kids, playing a featured role as a sexy older woman who seduces EDWARD FURLONG's character, PAUL STANLEY's wife PAM and ACE FREHLEY's daughter MONIQUE will be extras in the climactic concert scene, which was filmed on December 3, in Toronto.
KAOL CDs Shipped!
From: Kathy Labonte
For everyone who pre-paid their order for a KAOL remaster of "Music From The Folder '99", they were shipped out last Thursday. Most of you will get them this week. The couple of hundred pre-paid orders we had are the ONLY ones that will be shipped out until the official release date of January 2nd. Thanks again to everyone for ordering early - we sent some cool coupons for free KISS fanzines with your order. Anyone who hasn't ordered can do so now and the disc will be shipped just after Xmas so that you will receive it on or about the 2nd of January. There IS a problem with the batch that went out last week, so all of you currently awaiting your order please read on: The discs were shipped from the factory with the wrong color tray in the jewel box. We kept about 200 of these so that we could fill the priority orders and not keep you waiting. The factory provided us with an overnight delivery of the proper colored trays so that we could include them with your CD. So when you get it, you can assemble the new tray the way we intended it to be. How's that for unique? "KAOL - Some assembly required, batteries not included!" LOL! We also have since discovered that the CD booklets were misprinted. Within the inside credits where the bands are listed, bullets used to separate the names showed up as Japanese yen type symbols instead! Needless to say, these are also being corrected and the new replacement booklets WILL be shipped to everyone who is currently receiving their CD this week. The rest of the discs will be re-packaged properly this month and ready for the official release after the holidays. They will also be available in various stores in January including: Detroit, LA, and Montreal.....more to be announced.
Would You Like To Know More? Click Here!
Famous Monsters Cover
From: (The Official KISS Website)
The April issue of Famous Monsters will feature KISS on all four covers: front cover, inside front cover, back cover and inside back cover. Each cover will a painting of each member. Inside you will find an interview with Gene Simmons.
KISS Psycho Circus Tour Stats
From: (The Official KISS Website)
More tour stats have arrived, and it appears that for the nine shows reported so far, KISS have sold 96% of the tickets available. Click Here To View The Stats
KISS Aquarian Interviews
From: Byron Fogle
Hey folks the 1st issue of the 4 KISS Aquarian issues hit the stands last Tues. Each band member is gracing the cover for the week of their interviews. The pictures seem to be the ones from the back of the PC album. One tidbit of unconfirmed info from Gene's interview is: Gene was asked if their was any truth to the rumor of them doing Giants Stadium in NJ in the summer to which he said, "We want to we're ready willing and able" So look for that possible date in the summer. Yes, it will include the whole Psycho Circus act like at Dodger Stadium.So, stay tuned here for more details.
KISS In Request Magazine
From: Mike Hogan
Gene interview in December issue of Request magazine (Phish cover) p.13 Gene answers questions on why bands break-up, the new album, Bruce and Eric's thoughts on the reunion, why there's Kiss beer in Europe,the merchandise, if he listens to heavy metal, and the Spice Girls.
December 4
European KISS Tour Kicks Off In Helsinki Late February
From: KISS Kollector Online
It looks like KISS will be getting ready for 3 to 4-week tour of Europe in late February and March. Officialy nothing has been confirmed, but it seems quite certain the Psycho Circus World Tour is crossing the Atlantic early next year. According to the rumours, the European leg will kick off in Helsinki (Finland) late February, followed by two or three dates in Stockholm (Sweden), depending on the ticket sales. Read the rest of this story at the KISS Kollector Online web site.
Lights, Camera ... KISS
From: Hamilton Spectator via Russell Grabowski
by Glen Nott
They Came, They Filmed And The Crowd Went Wild.
In the parlance of acting, this was not a stretch. Not for this tinsel-free town. About 6,000 rabid soldiers -- the elite guard of the unwavering KISS Army -- were on hand to re-live 1978 for a while at Copps Coliseum last night, helping their kabuki-faced commanders film a scene for the movie Detroit Rock City. And it was a match made beautifully in hell. Hollywood meets Hamilton. Asked to dress for the part, most aptly came as they were, not having to dig too deep in the closet for this wardrobe change. If you were in a lumberjack shirt, you were OK. Exposed navels were the inny thing, many puffed to a squint. "I've been a fan since Day 1 and I wouldn't miss this for the world. It's all I listen to," said Gerry Hill, a lifelong fan of the band who brought his wife, Nancy and daughter Sarah from Wellandport for the shoot. The throng, a few well-masked but others looking more like Halloween Al Jolsons, had to contend with the grind of movie production. Long boring delays punctuated by brief but fiery appearances by the band was the order of the evening, but folks managed to keep their cool as camera booms hovered around them. Sound and light technicians fiddled endlessly with equipment, and band members sympathetically entertained the crowd, preening themselves, signing autographs and flicking guitar picks into waiting hands.
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
The Gathering to Publish Game Based on KISS Comic
From: Adrenaline Vault Gaming News via Sgt. Hulka
by David Laprad
Although I could not see Harry Miller, president and director of new business development for Gathering of Developers, as he spoke with me on the phone this morning, I imagined he arrived at work in kabuki makeup, black leather and metallic studs to celebrate the announcement of the Gathering's new publishing deal. This morning, the developer-driven game publisher announced a deal with new design group Bloodshot Entertainment to create a game based on the best-selling KISS: Psycho Circus comics by Todd Farlane. Bloodshot, composed of former ION Storm programmers, artists and designers, is coupling the 3D action genre with McFarlane's stylistic interpretation of the KISS universe. Picture a towering polygonal likeness of vocalist Gene Simmons prancing through a detailed 3D realm spreading murder and mayhem to the heavy metal strains of his music, and you have a good idea of the creative potential. To Miller, the eccentric nuptials are a perfect fit. "From a creative standpoint it is a lot of fun," he grinned. "To people in our age group, the KISS property has a lot of value because it is something we grew up with. It is wild and crazy, and this is a fun way to bring it into our media. Topping that is the presentation of the comic book, which leads very well into a 3D action game. It is a fantastic set up."
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
"You Wanted The Best" On The Charts
From: Chris
"You Wanted The Best" made a nice move in its second week on the FMQB Top 100 charts, going from #96 to #41. It was second in most stations added with 19 bringing the total to 89. Plays were up 530 for a total of 718 spins. In the meantime, PC is still hanging in there at #16 with close to 1800 spins.
KISS Presented With Gold Plaques
From: Space Ace
Kiss was presented with gold plaques in Toronto when they played the Skydome. The presenters said that Psycho Circus was the fastest rising Kiss album of the 90's.
KISS "DRC" Filming In Hamilton Report
Thursday, December 4th: I just arrived home from attending the Hamilton,
Ontario film shoot for the New Line Cinema feature film: "Detroit Rock City." Tonight, KISS recreated their 1978 LOVE GUN stage show while pretending to perform a pre-recorded version of the song: Detroit Rock City. The stage resembled the Love Gun tour. It was very cool to see that again (I've always loved the look of the staircases). However, Gene's dragon/snake was missing, I don't think the stair cases (which did light up) had as many steps (so they weren't as high), Peter's drum riser had a cheap looking recreation of the old cats banner, and yes, the band wore the LOVE GUN outfits. Peter's hair (wig) had grey streaks in it. He looked much
more like the Peter of the 70's. The stage was set up at center ice, so only half of the arena was used. Their were no seats on the floor, so we stood in front of the stage just a few feet away from the band. It was AWESOME! One by one, the members came out on stage. Paul talked to the crowd, of course everybody was thrilled (freaking out). It was great to be there hanging with KISS, and see them up close. Eventually, the band got into their hydraulic cages and were elevated up. The cameras then began to roll, and the show started with KISS descending to the stage. They used smoke, torches, confetti, fireworks, etc. The ending of the song had a tag that resembled the ending of Black Diamond. Peter's drum stage levitated during this. They ran through this routine about 6 or 7 times. The crowd went nuts during the filming. KISS were very happy with the audiences enthusiastic response. The director also filmed takes of Peter throwing drum sticks into the crowd. Between takes, Paul got on the mike and hyped the crowd, they signed autographs, posed for pictures, threw out dozens of guitar picks, clowned around, Peter performed a brief drum solo(!), Gene balanced things on his nose, etc. In alot of ways, the day had the same vibe to it as the 1995 official conventions. To sum things up, it was a tremendously exciting day for the local KISS ARMY!
ESP DownUnder Tour Report
From: Parasite
Last nite I had the privledge of going to the first ESP show, which was at The Palace in Melbourne. After the opening acts finished (one of which done an awesome version of War Machine!) ESP took to the stage for a 90 minute set. Although I believe that the show was origionally meant to go a bit longer (the PA system was playing up and causing Eric's bass drums to crackle when played). Songs played included "I Walk Alone," "Jungle," "She," "Goin' Blind" and a whole heap more of stuff of Eric's new ESP album. All up it was a great show and all the guys seemed really into the show, especially John Corabi. Anyone in either Sydney or Adelaide who are thinking about going, GO! Truely not to be missed! Also there is a signing seesion at the end of the show, where I go my right bicep signed by Eric (who tried to talk me out of getting a tat over it, even though I wasn't going to get a tat in the first place).
Click Here For ESP Ordering Info!
Do You Want KISS In Dutch Top 100?
From: KISS Kollector Online
Do you want KISS in the Dutch Top 100 of All Time? TMF, a Dutch music video station similar to MTV Europe, and Radio 538 will air their Top 100 of All Time on December 27. You can help them put the Top 100 together by e-mailing your favourite 10 singles (they have to be at least one year old) by 10 different acts. If the KISS Army votes for "I Was Made For Lovin' You" (KISS' most popular song in Holland - so some other people who are not KISS fans will probably also vote for this song!), we can expect KISS to appear in the Top 100 of All Time. The URL of TMF's web site is: Go to the menu on the left, click on 'What's Hot' and then click on 'Eeuwige Honderd'. Fill in your Name, E-mail address, and your 10 favourite songs of all time. Click on 'Versturen naar TMF/Radio 538' to send in your list.
KISS Sighting In MacAddict
From: Peter Sanfacon
The January '99 issue of MacAddict, a publication for Macintosh computer users,
features several bits of humor on page 112 called "NEW! MacAddict Collectibles."
One of these bits is called "KISS Fong." "Now you can feel the noise with this scale replica of MacAddict's glam-rockin' CD-ROM editor. Comes complete with four customizable guitar-solo sounds and lethal throwing disc. Attack ferret not included." Adjacent to the text is a cartoon of Ace in Gene's boots.
December 3
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Reminder: KISS Army Q & A With Bill Aucoin
From: KISS Asylum
Just another reminder about the KISS Army Q & A with Bill Aucoin. KISS ASYLUM along with Lochness Monster Productions is giving the KISS Army Online a chance to ask Bill Aucoin some questions. Ask him anything! Submit your questions (with the subject header to read "BILL Q&A") to There will be a limited amount of questions that will be able to be answered, so be creative and make 'em count -- the best will be submitted to Bill.
Click Here For More Details!
December 2
KISSTORY Repeating
From: Viewmag via Sean Palmerston
By: David Young
"The more we're in touch with our past, the more we know where this band is going in the future." Gene Simmons, 1994
If you're a serious music fan, you've probably made a list of great rock moments you'd like to revisit once you get your time machine back on-line. If you've lost the schematics, don't worry: a week tonight, KISS and New Line Cinema set the clock back 20 years as the Creatures of the Night resurrect their 1978 Love Gun tour in meticulous detail for one night only. Copps Coliseum will serve as a stand-in for Cobo Hall, the setting of the film's climax, and extras will be treated to a rare delicacy.
Thursday, December 3 - Copps Coliseum: 6:30 - 11:30 p.m.
No unreserved admittance. To reserve your space call 1-877-663-6646
Detroit Rock City is the story of four teenaged boys - Edward Furlong (American History X, Pecker), Guiseppe Andrews (Independence Day), Sam Huntington (Jungle2Jungle) and newcomer James De Bello - whose quest to see KISS in concert is thwarted by a vigilant, ultra-religious mom, but only long enough to send them scrambling through a series of impish misadventures that usher them in to manhood and, ultimately, Cobo Hall, where they finally bask in the glow of their idols. The film also stars Natasha Lyonne (The Slums of Beverly Hills), Lin Shaye (Something About Mary), Melanie Lynskey (Ever After) and Shannon Tweed (No Contest). A "sweet, kind of edgy adventure comedy with KISS," this coming-of-age
story indeed seems to have it all, and Hamilton is, in the words of associate producer Tim Sullivan, " the gold at the end of the rainbow."
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
Rock N Roll All Nite at the Superbowl
From: (The Official KISS Website)
KISS will be performing "Rock N Roll All Nite" for the world during their pregame show at the Superbowl on January 31st.
KISS Platinum Visa Credit Card Package
From: Brett Meyer
I received the KISS Platinum Visa credit card application in the mail yesterday and , wow, what packaging. There is a thin plastic card stuck to the letter head with all 4 of their faces. It is like a thin phone card. (The best I have ever seen.) It has info on the back about getting involved with the "Feed the Children" thing. Within the packaging is a leaflet with their signatures that tells about all of the benefits of using the card. KISS logos appear throughout. There are four different cards to choose from and each is pictured. The best part? If you become a card holder and use the card or complete a balance transfer, you get the "Second Coming" video free! Last but not least, you get a KISS Car Sweepstakes scratch-off card, too. It is about 2 times bigger than the CD insert card and is silver foil. Overall, a wicked piece of KISStory. I have a feeling that many new KISS credit cards will appear in department stores and restaurants all over the counrty.
For More Detials Visit
KISS Products In "go figure!"
From: (The Official KISS Website)
The latest issue, #9, of go figure! the toy culture magazine has the new 24" KISS figures gracing the cover. Inside is a six page story on Fun 4 All and Art Asylum who created these incredible figures. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of go figure!, visit their website at
ToyFare Magazine Contest
From: (The Official KISS Website)
This months issue of ToyFare, January 1999, is running a contest giving away a set of all four 24" KISS figures! Visit the ToyFare website at
ESP DownUnder Report
From: Matthew Miller
I went to Eric Singers Drum Clinic here in Melbourne Last night and it was pretty damn good (as last time was in 96). Eric himself admitted he didnt know what the hell he was goind to do except maybe wing it, that was fine with me i've seen it all before I just knew I wasnt goind to miss seeing him. He talked and answered questions for 2 1/2 hours mainly talking and the most interesting thing he said was about the Ace track on the ESP album he said to Ace what do Gene and Paul think of you doing this, Ace said "aw fuck'em." Then he was telling us about when they we're recording for Psycho (which he had absolutely no part in to set the record straight) that Ace and him would go out all the time and go to concerts & clubs and hang out. He spoke about how hugely rich Brian May is and that he wasn't making
any money on this tour he basically just wanted to tour the world and play. He also spoke about the ESP tour he said he doubted they would play much off Union and maybe only bruce's song off Carnival. In fact he wasnt sure at all what else would be played as they only played their first rehersal today (tuesday) and they would see what happens at the show the first ever show for this line-up; which is Thursday 3rd December at The Palace Complex, Lower Esplanade, St Kilda. The support for this event is Cyclone Tracy (kiss fans of course).
December 1
Q & A With Gene Simmons
From: E! Online
by Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith
A Tongue-Wagging KISS-and-Tell About Blood Seats, Whoppers and Flying Drum Kits...
Offensive, ear-splitting and rich as hell, KISS is the monster rock act that just won't fade away. And Gene Simmons--bass-playing, blood-spitting, fire-breathing, tongue-wagging heart of the band--is the main reason why. The six-five Simmons is a rock 'n' roll icon who blends kabuki makeup with P.T. Barnum chutzpah. He helped mastermind the band's rise in the '70s and has guided its remarkable comeback today. Simmons, guitarist Paul Stanley, drummer Peter Criss and guitarist Ace Frehley--the band's original lineup--have just released Psycho Circus (their first album in 17 years) and unleashed a massive, special-effects-laden tour that could run into the next millennium. As always with KISS, there's more than just music. Detroit Rock City, a movie starring the band and Edward Furlong, is due next year. And, of course, there's a vast array of merchandising and marketing deals to keep the KISS army girded for battle. Offstage, motormouth Simmons operates as the mouthpiece for the near-fiftysomething rockers. And what a mouthpiece he is! If you're not intimidated by outrageous statements and decidedly un-PC views, read on. If you have delicate sensibilities, however, turn back now.
Click Here To Read The Interview!
KISS Bringing The Circus To Europe
From: Florian / KISS Asylum News Germany
Good News for all European/German KISS Fans. KISS will tour Europe in the end of february/begining march. Ossy Hoppe (German Promotor) signed KISS for 6 shows in Germany. He signed the contracts last week in New York. The tour will officially anounced on Friday in Germany and the tickets will go on sale next monday. I do not know very much of the exact dates yet, but the will play 3 times in a row in the Stockholm Globe Arena (20.000 seater!!!). More infos as soon as possible!!!
Second Coming Hits "Big" In Madison?
The "Second Coming" Home Video is so popular here in Wisconsin and sells so quickly, that the Madison area selected movie theaters are going to start showing it in theaters for around $5.76 (to get in must be 21), This was announced on 94.1, Madisons hard rock station.
All news should be considered an unconfirmed report until proven fact, and all information published at The KISS Asylum is attributed to the source from which it was received so that one may judge the validity of the statements for themself. All information is confirmed where possible, and all publication is governed by common sense.
All data contained in The KISS Asylum is property of its respective, individually credited owners and/or creators.
The KISS Asylum © 1998-1995, all rights reserved.
Webmasters: John & Chris White
Writer/Interviewer: Elizabeth Sneed