February 2
From: Chris & Beth
Hello KISS ASYLUM visitors. It is hard to believe, but this past October marked the eight year anniversary of KISS ASYLUM. Though our intent in starting the site was simply to provide a forum for sharing our love of KISS with our fellow KISS fans all over the world, the site grew beyond anything we could have ever envisioned. Over the past eight years we have been fortunate to work with some really great people, without whose participation the site would not have been nearly as successful. We won't attempt to mention everyone individually by name because we would inevitably leave someone out, but from the fan who sent in a single news item to those individuals who contributed substantial/ongoing features, every single one made a difference.
And though we have enjoyed seeing the site through to this point, we realize that the time has come where other obligations in our lives make it impractical for us to continue to maintain the page; we simply do not have the time. However, in speaking with some of those closest to the site it quickly became clear that everyone agreed that it would be a shame to just "close" the page down. Accordingly, in order to ensure that KISS ASYLUM continues to be an online presence for fans worldwide to visit and enjoy we are pleased to announce that Keith Leroux will be assuming the helm from here forward. Keith is a longtime, dedicated KISS fan who has been involved with the world of KISS and KISS fandom for many years, and we are confident he will continue to carry the KISS ASYLUM flag with pride and professionalism.
We sincerely thank you for your input, patronage, and friendship over the past eight years. May KISS and KISS ASYLUM continue to "rock and roll all nite and party every day" for a long, long time! -- Chris & Beth
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