June 30
June 29
New England KISS Expo '99 Update
From: Loukiss98@aol.com
September 26, 1999 Special Guests include Mark St. John and Andre Augustine! Also appearing will be Frank Dimino (formerly of Angel). We are also currently working on more guests. There will also be a live performance by New York's Own DRESSED TO KILL. Please visit our web site for more details: The New England KISS Expo
June 28
Chip Rock's OUTTAKES Book Update
From: Studio Chikara
Studio Chikara's upcoming book, OUTTAKES by Chip Rock Dayton, has been rescheduled for early September 1999 release. "In order to have OUTTAKES completed by our high-quality standards, this delay couldn't be avoided," says publisher Robert V. Conte. "We've added 16 additional pages including more photographs and more text essential to this book. Fans who paid $24.95 for 144 pages will NOT be charged additional money for what is now a 160-page book. That's one of several ways we're saying thanks for fans being so patient with us." Customers who keep their original orders not only get a low-numbered copy signed by Chip Rock, they will also receive two 8" X 10" photographs (see attached file) AND an excerpt from Lydia Criss' upcoming book, SEALED WITH A KISS--THE LYDIA CRISS SCRAPBOOK. These items will be shipped with every order. Studio Chikara will grant immediate refunds to those who want it. Customers may e-mail StuChikara@aol.com with a refund request.
"Detroit Rock City" Soundtrack Pushed Back 1 Week
From: Bob Rodrick
According to ICE CD Newsletter, the "Detroit Rock City" soundtrack is scheduled to be released on August 3, and not on July 27 as originally planned.
Bruce Kulick's Argentinian Expo '99 Photos
From: Bruce Kulick's Virtual Studio
Well fans, Bruce has once again shared some awesome photos from one of his many journeys, this time from his trip to Argentina for the first ever KISS Expo in South America! As you will see, Bruce had an amazing time with his KISS Fever hosts, friend and interpreter Jules Rocca, local tribute band KEFREN, and about a thousand wild and crazy Argentinian KISS fans! Just click on over to Bruce Kulick's Photo Album on the Virtual Studio where you'll find Bruce's complete Argentinian Expo '99 photo album!
KISS Army Q&A with Andre Augustine
From: KISS Asylum
With the announcement of Andre Augustine's upcoming book "Guardian of the Gods" came many intrigued questions from the fans as to the extent of Andre's involvement with the band and what kind of information they could expect in the book. Well, here now in a bit of "ask it before you can read it" comes your opportunity to find out as Andre has agreed to field questions from online fans about the "GOTG" book and his time with KISS. Of course, Andre can't answer every question received so be sure to be specific and creative in your submissions. To get an idea of the types of questions Andre has fielded in the past you can check out his previous KISS Asylum interviews via the below links and then send your questions to MzCharisma@aol.com.
KISS Asylum's Andre Augustine Interview!
Fans Ask Andre Interview!
New KISS Kollector Fanzine Available
From: Joop
New issue of KISS Kollector magazine out now. The June issue of KISS Kollector magazine (No. 29) is out now. Members in Holland have received it in the mail this weekend. Members in other European countries should receive it early this week, and members in the rest of the world will receive it in one or two weeks (depending on the mail service in your country). Issue 29 includes the following:
June 25
"Detroit Rock City" Bootleggers Shut Down
From: Launch.com via Steve Araki
A bootlegging operation focusing on the upcoming KISS movie Detroit Rock City has been shut down. Variety reports that a man had somehow obtained a copy of the forthcoming film from New Line, copied it repeatedly, and targeted 'Net-friendly Kiss fans by peddling the tapes for $50 each through the online auction house eBay.com.
"The guy had a full-page ad heralding he had the movie... and he was fool enough to list all his e-mail customers to vouch for its quality," Detroit Rock City's associate producer Tim Sullivan told Variety. His list of clients allowed the FBI to both get the tapes back from those who had purchased the bootleg, and nab the bootlegger--who, incidentally, claimed he bought the original copy from a New York City bootlegger. The movie, which follows a group of teens' attempts to sneak into a Kiss concert in 1978, opens in theaters Aug. 13.
Be In A DRC Soundtrack Video!
From: KissOnline
Would you like to be in the Everclear video for their Detroit Rock City single
"The Boys Are Back In Town?" New Line Cinema is looking for extras next Tuesday,
June 29th. In the video you will be hanging around the backstage area of a KISS
concert. And if you haven't already heard, Gene Simmons will be appearing in the
video in makeup! You need to be 18 or older and you also need to wear '70s attire, long hair is preferred. So, at 7:00 am on Tuesday, June 29th (prepare to spend all day) show up at the LA Convention Center, Kentia Hall Loading Dock, 1201 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA. The first 100 KISS fans to arrive at the location will be in the video.
UNION Studio Update, Photos & Song Titles
From: UnionAsylum.com
UNION has been very busy in the studio and has made great progress toward completion of their second album. Producer Bob Marlette is doing a bit of pre-scheduled work with Toni Iommi during the next few weeks, but will then be back at the helm to help UNION finish the new record sometime in July. According to Bruce, "We are very pleased with the songs. Some titles (subject to change) are: 'Never Coming Down', 'Who Do You Think You Are', and 'Dear Friend'. The band is very excited about the songs and performances, and more titles and info will be coming." In the meantime, you can check out some UNION Studio Photos from the band's sophomore sessions.
June 24
Short KISS Hell Q&A with Paul Stanley
From: Joe / KISS Hell Online
These answers are taken from a hand written Q&A from Paul Stanley to KISS HELL fanzine (6/23/99). #1-How did you get the role as Phantom? PS: "I Was Called By My Agent To See If I Was Interested." #2-When did you become a fan of the Phantom? PS: "Always Loved Theatre." #3-What kind of training was required to play this role? PS: "None." #4-Is it true the band will add 80's song to the next tour? "It's Possible."
Sneak Preview "Detroit Rock City" Screening
From: Metal Edge
A few hundred lucky KISS fans will be able to see Detroit Rock City before it opens to the
public at a screening in conjunction with the Comicon convention in San Diego. New Line Cinema will host the screening at 8 PM on August 12 at the Gaslamp Theater.
June 23
Las Vegas KISS Expo Update
From: Warren
Due to unbelievable demand, the Las Vegas KISS Expo has been given a second breath! Unfortunately, in order to continue with the expo we are forced to slightly raise Vendors table fees(contact us for details), and may have to drop a guest. It is possible that we might be able to keep all of our guests if you act quickly with a pre-pay if you know for sure that you are attending. Send pre-pays to: 631 N. Stephane St.,#112, Henderson, NV, 89014. Also, another rate has been added to the Expo Program ads. We now have 1/6 of a page ads for $10. These ads must be sent in no later than July 1st, and must be ready to be printed. All other Program ads are also due on July 1st. We CAN NOT stress enough how important your pre-pays are to the Expo. It is honestly the difference between having all of our guests or not. We plan on this being a GREAT Expo and we would really enjoy having you attend. Please make plans to pre-pay and show up. If there are any questions, please feel free to e-mail us.
June 22
Eric Carr Video Title Change: "Tale of the Fox"
From: KissAsylum.com
The Official Eric Carr video-biography, formerly titled "Inside the Fox," has undergone a minor face-lift and will now be titled "Tale of the Fox." The video itself remains on track for a late August release and will provide an intimate, encompassing, behind the scenes look at Paul "Eric Carr" Caravello's life and music. The video is currently available for pre-ordering, and you can find out how to get yours by clicking over to the Official Eric Carr Video Webpage at: http://KissAsylum.com/taleofthefox/ One important new piece of ordering information for orders received from outside the US:all foreign orders will need to add $6.50 to the cost of the $19.99 video to cover S&H expenses.
June 21
KISS Fact of the Week:
THREE YEAR Anniversary
From: KissAsylum.com
KISS Asylum would like to congratulate Bob Rodrick and his KISS Fact of the Week feature here on KISS Asylum for three years of very cool facts! KISS Fact of the Week is the longest running "feature" in the online KISS community and we thank Bob for making it very special. We appreciate the time and effort Bob has taken to look up these facts (many before the plethora of KISS books came out). What better way to learn cool KISS trivia than to check out KISS Fact of the Week!
Photos of Paul Stanley On MuchMusic
From: Lefki
I was able to attend the MuchMusic Interview with Paul Stanley last week and wanted to share a few photos I took that day.
Paul Interviewed | Paul getting out of the car | Phantom Marquee
Patrick Vick's Digital Art Gallery
From: KissAsylum.com
Patrick Vick is well known in the online world as one of the best online KISS artists from his work which is featured at the great KISS Eye Kandy webapge! Now you can see also see his work here at KISS Asylum in the monthly feature, Patrick Vick's Digital Art Gallery! Each month Patrick will be submitting a new piece of artwork created just for KISS Asylum for all to enjoy!
Click Here To See His Latest Digital KISS Art!
Eric Carr Video Available For Pre-Order
From: KissAsylum.com
BD Productions is now accepting advance orders for the Official Eric Carr Video. The video, currently scheduled for availability at the end of August, can be pre-ordered for $19.99 plus 4.00 shipping and handling (Please Note: Foreign orders add $6.50 S&H and send international money orders in U.S. funds only). To order, please send your name, address, number of videos desired, and total amount of your order along with a check or money order (payable to BDP) for the proper amount to:
Las Vegas KISS Expo Still a Go
From: Warren
The Expo is back on! We may have to lose a guest, but we are going to go on ahead with the Expo. If you plan on attending the Expo, please send your pre-pay to:
631 N. Stephane St., #112, Henderson, NV, 89014. ASAP. If we recieve enough pre-pays, we may not have to lose any guests. Thank you.
June 18
ESP Japanese Promo Tour
From: Keith Leroux
The ESP CD "Lost and Spaced" is scheduled for release in Japan on Friday, June 25th on the Big MF/Zain Records label. The Japanese release will have two additional songs (for a total of 14) and different packaging than the U.S. version. Eric Singer and John Corabi will be representing ESP during this brief promotional tour in Japan, and as an added surprise for Japanese KISS fans former KISS Head of Security Andre Augustine will be on hand as well to promote his forthcoming book "Guardian of the Gods." Some pertinent dates and times for the ESP Japan Promo Tour are as follows:
Paul Stanley Interview on Much Music
From: Shandi
I just finished watching the interview with Paul on Much Music. The interview was mostly promotion for Phantom of the Opera however the tour was mentioned briefly. He stated they will resume touring, but was hesitant to say when it would resume. He said it could be October, November or December. He made no mention of this being a "Farewell Tour." So basically we don't know any more than we thought we did. Paul did say that he is interested in doing more theatre. He also briefly talked about the DRC movie and the single being released in July.
June 17
KissAsylum.com Taking It To The NextLevel
From: KissAsylum.com
KISS ASYLUM wanted let its readers know that we will shortly be moving the KISS ASYLUM website from the Simplenet server to our new home on the NextLevel.com server. It is possible (but doubtful) that during this transition the webpage may be unaccessible for brief periods of time. To that end, we wanted to post up this information so as to not alarm any of our readers in the event this should occur. Things are ok and the move should be a smooth and unnoticeable one for KISS ASYLUM visitors. The move to NextLevel will greatly benefit you the viewer in several ways, including the fact that we will be using a MUCH faster server that will allow the webpage to download even quicker! Other great things are planned for KISS ASYLUM in the coming months as well, so get ready as we take KISSASYLUM to the "NextLevel!"
Eric Singer To Join Alice Cooper On Tour
From: Metal Edge
Alice Cooper has signed with Spitfire Records for his next album but it won't be finished or released in time for his tour of the U.S. and Canada in September/October. Eric Singer will once again be joining him on drums.
June 16
Much Music Paul Stanley Interview This Thursday
From: Paul Boyd
Get up! and Get down! But don't leave your seats 'cause Paul Stanley from KISS (maybe you know him better as the Phantom???) will be here for an interview Thursday, June 17th at 4:00pm EST. He'll probably be chatting about the release of KISS's new movie, Detroit Rock City, which was filmed right here in the True North, strong and free. http://www.muchmusic.com/chalkboard/
Angel Medina - Psycho Circus Artist Website
From: Angel Medina
Hi, I am the artist on the Kiss Psycho Circus Comic Book and I wanted to let all the KISSASYLUM visitors to know that I have a brand new website up at
http://www.comicbookpros.com/angel.html . It is filled with cool KISS comic art and more! Check it out!
June 15
"Detroit Rock City" Movie Magazine News
From: KISS Asylum
The official "Detroit Rock City" Movie magazine from Metal Edge goes on sale August 10th. Inside there will be exclusive interviews with Gene, Paul and the cast, the making of the "Nothing Can Keep Me From You" video, behind the scenes with the director, screenwriter, producers and designers as well as a contest giving away an autographed DRC script and soundtrack! Fans can "pre-order" issues before the national on-sale date by visiting the Metal Edge website or by filing out the coupon listed in the back of the upcoming Metal Edge magazine (september issue) which will be on sale shortly. In other KISS Metal Edge News, next month's (october issue) Metal Edge will have a feature on KISS' upcoming "Detroit Rock City" motion picture as well as the latest on the movie soundtrack!
"Detroit Rock City" DVD & Video Release
From: KISSonline
The "Detroit Rock City" DVD and video rental is expected to be available for release December 23rd.
Additional Info on Paul Stanley on Pamela Wallin Show
From: Pamela Wallin Show
The reapeat show with the Paul Stanley interview will DEFINITELY be airing on July 26th at 10pm. We were advised today by CBC Newsworld that they will be ceasing our 1:00 a.m. (Eastern) repeat time later that night, and substituting a 4:00 a.m. repeat at some time later this summer--they just don't know exactly when! Additionally, as it seems quite a number of the people contacting us about Pamela's interview with Paul Stanley are interested in obtaining a copy of the program, the company from whom they can order tapes is Bowdens (416-750-2220 or 1-800-363-1281).
Cool KISS Desktop Icons
From: Mathew / Mad Science Laboratories.com
I've just completed an icon set dedicated to the hottest band in the world, KISS!
Knowing of the massive KISS fanbase, I have made them available for download at my website. Click Here To View The Icons!
June 13
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June 11
Ace Frehley On New York Radio
From: KISSfucco@aol.com
Great news for all New York City area KISS fans. Ace Frehley will be on the radio
on Saturday night on Ed Trunk's 80's show - WNEW-FM 102.7. It starts around 10:00pm. Check it out.
June 10
"Detroit Rock City" Movie Trailer / Austin Powers
From: James Dunn
Just returned from an advance screening of Austion Powers (which is pretty funny if you go into it with an open mind), and as promised, the 'Detroit Rock City' trailer made its' debut. Very cool trailer with a LOT of KISS references. Looked really funny. One major disappointment about the trailer, though. No shots of the actual band or the live footage shot in Hamilton. Guess we'll have to wait till the movie is
released to see how it turned out on film.
Argentinean KISS Expo A Huge Success
From: Bruce Kulick's Virtual Studio
Well, the dust has settled and it's official..... the Argentina KISS Expo was a huge success! Nearly a thousand fans showed up for the first KISS Expo ever in South America. Bruce performed with a great local band called Kefran, including such KISS rockers as Deuce, Strutter, Tears are Falling, Love Gun, Unholy, Crazy Nights and Jungle. Bruce said that the Argentine fans are very wild and passionate and that he was very moved by all the excitement the fans demonstrated. KISS FEVER sponsored Bruce coming to the Expo and he wanted to be sure to give a special "Thank You!!" to them all for the great job they did and to congratulate them on the success of the Expo. Together Bruce, KISS FEVER and a thousand Argentine KISS fans boldy went were no man has gone before in South America!!
KISS Nite At The Ball Park III
From: Steve Stierwalt
Just a quick note. If you are attending the KISS Nite at the Ballpark III in South Bend, IN this weekend you are in for a big treat. I just confirmed today that Bill Starkey (Founder of the KISS Army) will be throwing out the game ball! Also the tribute band Detroit Rock City will be performing before and after the game. Should be a great time. I will be there along with Bill, so if you see us say hi. In case you are interested in attending here are the details:
KISS Nite at the Ballpark III, South Bend, IN, Saturday June 12, 1999, Stanley Covelski Stadium, Game to start at 7pm doors open at 5pm.
June 9
June 8
Detroit Rock City Soundtrack Lineup
From: KISSonline.com
UNION's "Live In The Galaxy" Available At UnionAsylum.com
From: UnionAsylum.com
UNION's latest album "Live In The Galaxy" is now available for order online at UnionAsylum.com. For $15 plus $3 S&H you can order a copy of UNION's awesome live album. In addition, exclusively available at UnionAsylum.com, for $20 plus $3 S&H you can order the live album FULLY AUTOGRAPHED by the band! Click over to the MERCHANDISE section for more information!
KISS: Psycho Circus - Wild Child E3 Video
From: Bluesnews.com via imbach@home.com
For those that want to download this video you can take a closer look at the KISS Psycho Circus Video Game from Gathering of Developers and Third Law. Click Here For More Information.
KISS Second Coming On The Charts
From: Chris
In the June 5th issue of Billboard Magazine, Second Comings checks in at #31 on the Music Video Top 40 in its 26th week on the charts. Incidentally, that issue of Billboard contains a large special on the state of heavy metal music (poised for a big comeback). I scanned the articles and it looks really good. It includes a blurb on KISS.
June 7
Diamonds In The Rough
From: KISS Asylum
In Dale Sherman's latest issue of "Diamonds In The Rough" entitled "The Phantom Menace" Dale discusses his feelings about Paul's role in Phantom of the Opera as it pertains to KISS and how fans have reacted since learning about Paul's decision to take time off from KISS to persue one of his dreams in playing the Phantom of the Opera. Click Here To Read "The Phantom Menace!"
KISS Years 1st Printing Sold Out
From: StuChikara@aol.com
Studio Chikara is pleased to announce that the first printing of "The KISS Years" is sold out! 24,000 copies were printed. 20,000 were shrink-wrapped with a limited-edition interview CD and Cornerstone's KISS Series One promotional trading card #P5. 2,000 copies were bagged with Cornerstone's KISS Series One promotional trading card #P5 only, and 2,000 copies were bagged with Cornerstone's KISS Series Two promotional trading card #P3. We thank the retailers, distributors and most importantly the fans for their support.
1999 Detroit KISS Expo
From: Jeff Necker
The Detroit KISS Expo has been finalized. the event will take place Sunday, August 1st. from 11:00am - 7:00pm. The Expo will be held at the Ramada Inn, Romulus, MI, Near Detroit Metro Airport. The hotel is located on Merriman Road at I-94. For reservations call the Ramada at: (734)729-6300 and ask for the KISS Expo room rate (59.00 + tax). Admission is $12 in advance and $15 at the door. For Advance tickets call TicketMaster at (248)645-6666. This years special guest will be former KISS Guitarist Mark St. John. Mark will do a Q&A, autographs, & photos. Performing will be "War Machine". Any questions may be e-mailed to jnecker@nbpts.org
June 3
KISS Hell Fanzine #33 Out Now
From: Joe / KISS Hell Online
KISS HELL #33 OUT NOW!! - The new issue is our 7th Anniversary Issue &
features Interviews with: Eric Singer (also on color cover), Adam Mitchell,
Hotter Than Hell, & Paul Bassett(drum tech). Written Q&A's with Brent Fitz &
Eric Singer. Euro. KISS Tour Reviews. PSYCHO EP Review. Huge update with tons
of new photos. Black Diamond in Vegas (photos). "Time Passages" Chapter 6 of
comic strip(full color). Messages from Bruce Kulick, Eric Singer, Brent Fitz,
Cynthia Plaster Caster, Mark St John, Richie Scarlet & more for our 7th
Anniversary. NJ EXPO photos & more. 40 pages of Pure Hell. To order send
$6-current issue, or $20 for a yearly subcription (4 issues) to KISS HELL,
503 Willis, Noble, OK, 73068. (Payable to Joe Degraffenreid). Mention you saw
it on Asylum & I'll throw in a KISS HELL 3 colored sticker.
KISS Merchandise Update: Set Of Four Headliners
From: David Snowden Promotions
Set of four "little big head" figures - one each of Gene, Paul, Peter and Ace. Each is approximately 3" high - amazingly detailed and impecibly painted! Each figure comes individually packed. DUE LATE JULY '99. (Note: Due to crrent availablility, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss figures are only sold with the collector's set of all four figures.)
$50.00 Order #4SBH
Click Here For More KISS Merchandise News
Click Here To Order KISS Merchandise
KISS Singer 'Adequate' in 'Phantom'
From: Toronto Sun
By Jane Stevenson -- Toronto Sun
TORONTO -- The diverse worlds of rock and roll and musical theatre collided last night as KISS singer Paul Stanley officially opened in the title role of the long-running production of The Phanton Of The Opera at the Pantages Theatre. And if Stanley didn't exactly shine as the deformed composer haunting the Paris Opera House while obsessing on a beautiful soprano, neither did he completely embarass himself. After 27 years with that revved-up and rowdy rock machine known as KISS, Stanley had the theatrical stage thing down pat as he moved gracefully around the various elaborate Phantom sets, even when he was literally crawling on his hands and knees. His singing voice, meanwhile, was almost
unrecognizable but perfectly adequate -- even during the Phantom's signature song, Music Of The Night -- as long as he was required to belt it out in the mid-range level.
Click Here To Read The Rest Of The Review!
June 1
KISS Freaks Special Delivery Issue #15
From: Steve Stierwalt
KISS Freaks.com Special Delivery Issue 15! Order Now! Issue 15 Highlights:
KISS of the Phantom
From: Toronto Star
By Ben Rayner - Toronto Star Pop Music Critic
Rock band vocalist throws everything into his new gig.
From KISS Meets The Phantom Of The Park to Phantom Of The Opera. There's actually a fair amount of continuity between Paul Stanley's best-known role as the
double-entendre-spewing lead vocalist for enduring rock cartoons KISS and his latest endeavour, playing (as of tonight) the title character in Andew Lloyd Webber's equally enduring theatrical spectacle at the Pantages Theatre. Both ventures, after all, jibe nicely with Stanley's personal philosophy of ``entertainment in capital letters,''
favouring grandness and pyrotechnic flash over, say, subtlety and evocative
minimalism. KISS and Phantom, too, have both weathered years of critical abuse to amass millions in album and ticket sales. Those same critics and Phantom die-hards are no doubt itching to take a few shots at Stanley's first foray into musical theatre. But the budding thespian, who got the part after a ``full-on'' audition in New York in
January, is throwing everything into his new gig to ensure he has the last laugh.
``I'm not one who ventures into areas I don't plan on winning,'' says the surprisingly soft-spoken Stanley, 47, pausing for a chat at a downtown hotel between rehearsals, voice lessons and all-important mask fittings. ``No guts, no glory. The philosophy that will get you the farthest in life is the one that dares you the most.
``I think we're innately fully aware of what we're capable of doing, and that it's up to
us to confirm our gut instinct.'' Stanley's gut instinct has told him he could do musical theatre since he first caught a production of Phantom in London 11 years ago, an experience he compares to seeing The Beatles for the first time. ``I felt like `Mmm, I can do that,' '' he recalls. ``I see it as a stretch, but not something that's so shocking. Musically, I'm a singer who sings rock, not a rock singer. So with some adjustments and some modifications, it's a perfect role . . . KISS is my vehicle, but it's not the only car on the road or the only car I want to drive.''
Click Here To Read The Rest of The Interview!
All news should be considered an unconfirmed report until proven fact, and all information published at The KISS Asylum is attributed to the source from which it was received so that one may judge the validity of the statements for themself. All information is confirmed where possible, and all publication is governed by common sense.
All data contained in The KISS Asylum is property of its respective, individually credited owners and/or creators.
The KISS Asylum © 1999-1995, all rights reserved.
Webmasters: Chris, Elizabeth & John White