Deep Down You Know I'm Right.
By: Fred Battiato

Should the orginal lineup add songs from the Elder through Revenge era? It's an interesting question. Certainly, it would be great to hear those songs again, but it is my belief that us KISS fans should be careful what we ask for!! I have many reasons for my being of the opinion that this current lineup should stick with what they know.

First, a little background, so no one can say I haven't lived with this band for almost my entire life. I fell in love with this band at the age of 4. I was watching Dick Clark's "In Concert" in '74, and fell in love with the makeup and theatrics of it all. I was hooked, and stayed hooked to this very minute. They are the reason I started playing guitar, and Gene Simmons has had as much of an influence on my life as anyone I can think of.

It wasn't always roses. In the 80's, my teenage years, I started to be seduced by heavier music. I couldn't stand bubble gum, glam garbage. Even with Crazy Nights, though, I was able to seperate KISS from all the other pop bands, and recognize the genious behind most of the music, which lay in it's simplicity. The ability of their music to touch one's emotions and connect with one's own life experience kept me around, and always will.

I was also was disapointed in many of my fellow soldiers in the KISS Army. Too many were (are??) dorks with no lives, and couldn't get laid in a morgue. THIS WAS NOT WHAT KISS WAS ABOUT!! KISS was about rebellion, and getting laid, and being cool, and owning a room when you walked in the door, not being a short overweight slob with no game, or a skinny, mousy, wimp! Of course, I would be proud to call most KISS fans brothers, but there is a large population of them that I would rather not associtate with.

So why don't I think the original lineup playing those "other" tunes is a good idea? Firstly let me say, I'm not as jazzed about this whole reunion as many others. The Reunion Tour was a dream come true, and I could have died that night completely fulfilled! But it should have ended there. Be objective, everything they've done since has not been good. Psycho Circus had maybe 4 good songs on the whole thing. Dreamin' is one of them, and it was a carry over form the Kulick lineup! KISS seems to be lost. They were finally on the right rack with Revenge and Carnival of Souls, and then they give us Psycho Circus?? Come on! Now they are more concerned with outside projects, and the end of this band that I can't see myself living without, is in clear view.

Here's another point. Any of you play guitar? Have you heard Ace live latley? No way in hell he can do what Bruce did. It would be embarassing! They've already slowed the tempo of his OWN songs down, can you imagine how slow they would have to play to even give Ace a chance? As far as Peter, someone better teach him how to play double base before he even attempts playing Eric Carr's stuff. Don't get me wrong, I love these guys, but you gotta know your limitations, and at this point in their careers, they are two of the most limited musicians around (Peter holds a decided edge over Ace, and still can pound the skins pretty well).

All I have to really say is, those 80's and 90's songs were great. Don't you miss them? Are they not better than EVERY song on Psycho Circus (the title track is the best tune on the P.C. album, and is one of KISS' all time best, but other than that?!). It would be a mistake on many levels, not the least of which is the manner in which Eric Singer and Bruce Kulick (especially Bruce) were escorted from the band. It wasn't right! Would they have done that to Eric Carr? Have you ever pondered that question? With the way Gene and Paul are ruled by cash (another HUGE problem I have with this band) you would have to say yes, and GOD THAT PISSES ME OFF!! Any band that would put out a commercial for some stupid car that you could win by calling a 900 number would do just about everything for cash!

I know some will be very pissed off at my comments (far more of you will be in total agreement) and say I'm not a true fan. Whatever gets you through the night, you can believe, but deep down you know I'm right! I don't agree with what every member of my family does, and we may even fight about it, but they're still my family and I love them....... no difference here.

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