Keep The Faith
By: Alain Langlois

Been a fan of the band for several years (let's say 22 to be exact), and I've seen good and not so good decisions over the years. But one thing is sure, they are a business and like every business they must act the best they can to save the face of the company (if you got a problem) and make as much money as you can with a low budget for each tour that you planned. That's the way business works. That's the way KISS works.

One of the worst things they did over the years (and they did a lot) is to take the magic out of the band. And if you take out the magic, you got nothing left but business. You know when you're a kid and you see all those super heroes with big powers, you want to be like them, you want to believe, you want live with them cause they are mysterious, powerfoul, strong (all the things that we are looking for), but one day came when those super heroes come to you and say: "Hey! you know those 4 heroes that you believe in? Well not anymore my friend!! In fact, we are big business men and we'll make as much money as we can and get the Hell out of here!!" From now on, that's the beginning of the end. Cause they go from super heroes to business men to politicians (cause they sure know how to "talk" to people).

Back in '84 I realised a dream. It wasn't a big and expensive dream, but it was mine. I saw KISS for the first time in front of me. I met THE BAND. It sure was the greatest moment of my life at the time. We spent 8 hours outside in January in winter here in Montreal (and if you know Montreal, you know that this is very very cold). When the moment of truth came, we rushed inside for our 45 to 60 seconds of dream, dead cold (I though I was dying). That's where my heroes became less heroes, and more human. Then I saw Eric Carr. God he was the coolest guy on earth (will always be to me). Simmons talked to me (Simmons, my greatest hero of all time talked to me). Well, let's be honest... he said (in French), "'Ca va bien?", which means in English, "How are you?" For me it was like heaven. Stanley was everywhere looking for women around the place, so I didn't see lots of him, and then came Vinnie (no comment). Ok, he was full of.... like always (I don't think he has changed much). But in this 60 seconds of dream I noticed that everything would never be the same.

You know what I hate the most? It's when somebody promises you the world and at the end they look at you and say, "That was a big joke man!" But you said that I will have a big steak with everything, and instead you gave me a Big Mac! That's what happened in '84: Simmons talked about the biggest show on earth, and what they gave us was like shit to me. The same thing happens today: year after year it's always the same old song, just like a politician! "THE BIGGEST SHOW ON EARTH WITH A CIRCUS AND EVERYTHING!" Well, well, well, look who's talking. Like Stanley said in a concert (don't remember witch one), if you talk the talk, you better walk the walk. Yep, always the same old song. I'm tired of this old song. I spent lots and lots of money and time in this business and I want something back. Where is the biggest show on earth? If it costs too much money, then don't say anything. Otherwise, do it! The fans ask for lots of things! Nobody listens.

And what is the deal with the new tour? Songs from the non-makeup era?? Is it a joke?? For sure it's not funny! C'mon guys!! We (fans) don't deserve this. If you want to thank me with this new show, well you don't. As far as I know, the fans asked for obscure songs from the 6 first albums, not those things that you called albums. To me, the non makeup era is a different band, not KISS. Don't you listen to your fans?? I guess not!! And don't give me the same old set you've played since forever. When I started listening to KISS in 1977, it was cool, brand new to me. The reunion gave me the same satisfaction, cause it was like the old times, cool again. But please, not anymore. I want surprise!!

Don't get me wrong, some of the non makeup era is pretty cool, but you don't mix this with the makeup era. It's one or the other. Or do the 2 parts like some fans suggested, that could be cool. But do you think they will do it?? No way! "Too expensive." C'mon men, surprise me a little! If you are that rich today, it's because of us! So listen to us a little, not to your wallet.

But hey, I still keep the faith. They'll do something for the fans. I'm waiting, and waiting......

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