Issue #4:
1988 Crazy Nights Pro Shot
Welcome to another issue of Video Spotlight. Wow! A month really goes fast. I feel like I just finished the last one yesterday. Anyway, this month everyone get their passports ready and pack your bags 'cause were going overseas to the land of the rising sun, Japan. We love land of Sony!
This article will give the answers to everyone's question that have seen this video, and that is: What do Gene & Paul say when they speak Japanese to the audience. Read on to find out. Well, as the Great Space Coaster used to say (does anyone remember that show) "Off we go!"
The date, April 22, 1988. The venue, Budokan in beautiful Tokyo. KISS had not been to Japan since 1978 and were sorely missed by the Japanese fans. This time, unlike the last, they arrive with no pyro, no real stage show to speak of, two new members, and last but not least, no makeup.
Japanese fans have taken a liking to KISS similar to what the Americans did with the Beatles. No one knows for sure why. Was it the music, or the makeup looking like the Japanese kabuki makeup? Anyway, with all the things listed above KISS had one thing, their music. Was it enough? I'd say so. Anyone agree give me a Hell Yeah! - Fogle 3:16
5 Facts about the Budokan Video:
1. 1st time KISS played in Japan since 1978
2. This was to be the 1st and last time Eric Carr played with KISS in Japan
3. This was the ground breaking point for the band set list wise where a major portion of the set was classic KISS material. Up until that point not much makeup material was in the set.
4. Some copies of this tape contain a very rare puppet interview. The only one KISS has ever done like that.
5. Fire marshals prevented KISS from bringing the whole Crazy Nights stage show to Japan.
March Poll Results:
Favorite Song From '74 San Francisco Video | ||
Rank | Song | Votes |
1. | Parasite | 10 |
2. | Watchin' You | 6 |
3. | Nothing to Lose/Got to Choose/Deuce | 4 |
6. | Hotter Than Hell/100,000 Years | 2 |
8. | Cold Gin/Ladies In Waiting | 5 |
10. | Strutter/Firehouse/Black Diamond/Cold Gin/Let Me Go, Rock & Roll | 1 |
Member Who Gave The Best Performance | ||
Rank | Member | Votes |
1. | Gene | 19 |
2. | Ace | 9 |
3. | Paul | 4 |
4. | Peter | 4 |
Song You Would've Liked To Seen Played Live | ||
Rank | Song | Votes |
1. | Strange Ways | 14 |
2. | Coming Home | 6 |
3. | Let Me Know | 5 |
4. | Goin' Blind | 4 |
5. | All The Way/Kissin' Time | 3 |
6. | Love Theme From KISS | 2 |
7. | Mainline | 1 |
The Show
Now on to the breakdown of each performance song by song and let's find the high & low points and put and end to the question: What are Paul & Gene saying when they talk to the crowd in Japanese?
Love Gun - Great opener full of raw power. In my opinion one of the best openers KISS has ever had. This version is very fast paced. Great background vocals by Eric Carr. There's also tons of smoke filling the stage and very funny to me is Paul dancing around the stage like a stripper.
Cold Gin - One thing I noticed here is for the first time in a very long time, Gene does the old demon kicks and jumps. Although this unfortunately contains the stupidest choreography I've seen them do in this song. They bounce with both feet together to the left, center, then to the right. They look like friggin pogo sticks while doing this. However, I did get a kick out of it. Then to add to the horror, Paul's guitar completely goes out during the 2nd chorus of the song. Paul then slides his guitar across the stage. Gene looks at Paul trying to figure out what's going on but Paul has that Stanley calmness about him as he struts across the stage, grabs another axe and continues the assault on this crowd.
Bang, Bang You - Okay not one of my favorites off the Crazy Nights CD, but this
performance definitely changed my opinion on this number. The chorus is very
cool and educational. It teaches us how to count to 8 and rhyme. This song features Deuce-like choreography during the solo as well as the middle section being extended. This also features Paul's 1st shot at speaking Japanese. He says "Minasan, hakushu hakushu" meaning "People clap your hands"---"hakushu" means "applause" exactly, but Paul always use this phrase in Japan when he wants the audience to clap their hands.
Calling Dr Love - The Dr. is in rare form as he prescribes another dosage to the Japanese fans. This features some killer playing, including the lead by Bruce. This version is also full of zest and is very punchy and raw sounding.
Fits Like A Glove - Okay, as you read last month "Watchin' You" is my favorite Gene make-up tune. Well this hands down is my favorite non-makeup tune. This version, during the intro Paul teases the crowd with a bit of Led Zeppelin's Heartbreaker. During the breakdown of the song (the "When I go through her part") it's Gene's 1st crack at speaking Japanese to the crowd. Let's go tho the video tape and see what phrase the demon growls out: "Gokigen ikaga desuka," which means, "How are you doing?" Following this so far.
Crazy, Crazy Nights - Eric slams out a hard hitting back beat similar to "Do You Love Me" for the intro of this KISS anthem. This is one of Mr. Everlast's better songs off the Crazy Nights CD (Is there any meaning to #53 on his shirt?). This is given a faithful rendition here. The Japanese fans seem to open their arms enthusiastically to the non-makeup material. After this song comes Bruce's amazing guitar solo during which Eric comes out to jam with Bruce. It's very similar to the jam Gene and Eric did on the Animalize Live and Uncensored video.
No, No, No - A very rare performance of this song. Its driving double bass
drum pattern and finger tapping pattern on the guitar make this song one of the songs KISS has done that resembles speed or thrash metal. A brief note on this song, this is Paul's pick for the worst song KISS ever recorded (MTV's Most Wanted interview 1994)
Reason To Live - This is a very good 80's power ballad, as well as one of Paul's best ballads. Paul dedicates this song to all of the beautiful girls in Tokyo then proceeds to say, "Ooh Anata wa utsukusii," meaning, "You are so beautiful." What a charmer Paul can be. He really has a way with words.
Heaven's On Fire -Ok everybody close your eyes and visualize this scene with me..."Ow! Everyone give me a little Ow! 'Anata wa saiko' (meaning, "You are the best (or so great). Now me, how many of you people have an album called Animalize? This song comes from that album goes like this, Whooooooooooooooo!" That is the intro for this great song. Paul works the crowd like puppets during this song and they really get into singing the chorus of this song. I miss hearing this one live.
Eric's solo - Not connected to a song, just a simple intro, "ERIC CARR ON THE
DRUMS!!!" Eric shows here why nobody messes with Little Caesar - R.I.P This also features the 1st of 2 explosions on this video
War Machine - Fast paced version, tuned a bit higher than the Creatures Of The Night version. This song, like it's title, runs you over like a machine at top speed.
Gene's solo - Gene does a mixture of his Animalized solo, but with some new riffs. Also, again thanks to the fire marshal, the Japanese fans are cheated out of seeing Gene do his Ace impression where he shot a rocket from his bass during his solo. The bass solo, like the Animalize video, leads into the next song.
I Love It Loud - What else can you say but, "Aye Aye Aye Aye Yeah!!!" Eric's drum intro gets the crowd clapping in unison and Gene gets the chant going. One funny thing here is after the solo they when they go back to the "Aye Aye Aye Aye Yeah!" part Gene's voice cracks making him sound like Grover from the Muppet Show.
Lick It Up - I personally like this version where they start off with Paul singing accapella the "Don't wanna wait 'til you know me better," part more than when they played the intro riff on the previous tours. This version is very basic otherwise just a simple rockin performance show casing the Starchild's vocal prowess.
Black Diamond - Paul asks before they go into the song if the crowd would like to hear Eric Carr sing. What did he expect them to say? "No, we don't want to hear him sing." DUH! The Japanese fans waited 8 years to see Eric perform for them and he didn't disappoint. This version of Black Diamond has more energy than any other version I've ever seen Eric sing, and he shows Japan how great his voice is and was!
I Was Made For Lovin You - I must say I was shocked to hear this one when I 1st saw this tape many years ago. Paul gets the crowd singing the "do do do" part. When he notices the crowd is very happy to hear this song he signals the band to start the song. Unlike the tours to follow that this song was done on, Paul hits the high notes during the bridge of the song. Another side note here, this is Gene's pick for the worst KISS song ever recorded (MTV Most Wanted 1994)
Shout It Out Loud - 1st time since the makeup days this song was played in the set. It was very cool to hear "I Was Made" and "Strutter" come back from the dead for this show. It was also the beginning of a trend to come. Kiss started playing older material from this point on. Eric handles all the answer back parts that Gene usually does towards the end of the song. Also at the end of this song Paul come out with a guitar which "he smashes into little itsy bitsy pieces and hands them to the audience which they trade for food"- Tom Snyder 1979 Tomorrow Show. The last of the explosions for this show follows that display.
The credits roll after which KISS returns to the stage for the encores. Paul then says to the crowd, "Would you like to hear some more? What song would you like to hear?" He then mumbles another phrase. He says, "Suimasen" which means, "Excuse me" or "I'm sorry." He then says, "I get ya, you want to hear STRUTTER!!"
Strutter - Eric kicks off the intro into a great version of this song. Hearing this it makes me wonder why it was ever dropped from the set list in the 1st place. Bruce does a great solo here keeping the Ace vibe as well as adding his own style to it.
Rock And Roll All Night - This version is interesting due to the way Paul breaks down the crowd sing-a-long part. First he sings "I wanna," then, "I wanna rock," followed up by, "I wanna rock and roll," etc...Get the picture!
Detroit Rock City -This is an extended version of this song. During the solo section Eric plays the beat and Bruce teases the crowd with the intro of the solo while Paul runs around the stage and swings the mic wire around his neck. A very cool thing here is the guy who edited this mixed in clips of the last Budokan show when they were there in '77. The tape ends with Paul saying, "Sayonara," this means, "Good-bye," to Tokyo.
Chihiro Kawabata - For your help in translating all the Japanese phrases for me. This article would not have been possible without you. You are a true friend and sweetheart. Domo!
Yoshiko - For all your help & for translating my article in Japanese for me Domo!
Japanese translations for the reading impaired | ||
Member | Japanese | English |
Paul | Anata wa utsukusii | You are so beautiful |
Paul | Anata wa saiko | You are the best (or so great) |
Gene | Gokigen ikaga desuka | How are you doing |
Gene | Watashi wa anata wo aisitemasu | I love you |
Paul | Minasan, hakushu hakushu | People clap your hands |
Paul | Suimasen | Excuse me |
Paul | Sayonara | Good-bye |