Bruce Kulick & Adam Mitchell Interviews
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Video Spotlight: What was the mood like as you gathered and went thru all your footage of Eric?
Bruce Kulick: It was very strange, but I enjoyed the memories very much. Eric was such a funny guy.
VS: How much more footage do you have that wasn't used?
BK: The videos has the best stuff.
VS: What is your favorite footage with Eric? The wedding footage of you interviewing Eric is priceless.
BK: Definitely the wedding footage.
VS: Eric was known for constantly having a camera with him taking pictures. Of what you saw, how much of that time was it a video camera
BK: He did use a video camera quite a bit.
VS: What is your favorite moment from this video?
BK: Too many good ones to single out.
VS: How much involvement and what role did you play with "Tale of the Fox?"
BK: I was glad to show the producers my stuff and I was happy to be asked to help, but the real work was done by Jack Sawyers
VS: As you know, KISS fans like myself are rabid dedicated fans and love behind the scenes footage Is there any footage of you & Eric & Adam Mitchell demoing the Rockheads or other material you recorded with Eric lying around in your collection?
BK: Not doing that, unfortunately.
VS: Can you share your fondest Eric memories, playing & personal wise
BK: He played like a tornado, and had a thunderous sound. A very funny man and he loved his fans.
VS: What was your favorite drum solo of Eric's and why?
BK I think the solo were Eric had the electronic pads going. It was new at the time and very innovative... musical and powerful!!
VS How would you best describe Eric Carr & this video in one word (one word for each)?
BK: Eric Carr, friend -- Video, Excellent.
Adam Mitchell is a well known song-writer who has had countless numbers of hits by bands such as Chicago and Linda Rondstadt, but we all know him best as the co-writer of many KISS songs like "Creatures Of The Night," "Danger," "Crazy Nights" and so much more.He also introduced Vinnie Vincent to KISS.
P.S. Don't blame him, he didn't know Vinnie was the way he was. LOL!! Anyhow, most importantly besides being on this video tribute to Eric, he was a major part in writing the Rockheads material with Eric Carr & Bruce Kulick. Adam is a great guy and very fun to talk with, as you'll see in this interview.
Video Spotlight: Eric was known for constantly having a camera with him taking pictures of what he saw. How much of that time was it a video camera?
Adam Mitchell: Most of the pictures I saw Eric taking were with a still camera. The video camera was a bit heavy to use in ordinary situations. I think he used it more on the road where they had a lot of gear anyway and had a lot of time in between shows to use it. VS: What is your favorite moment from this video?
AM: My favorite moment in the video is the footage from Bruce's wedding. When you see Bruce interviewing Eric, that is the Eric that I remember most of all. That's what he was like, pretty much 24 hours a day. I also like very much seeing the pictures of Eric when he was young, in his early bands, and so on. Also, sadly, I remembered that Eric died on Nov. 24, which is my birthday.
VS: Can you share your fondest Eric memories?
AM: Actually some of my fondest memories of Eric are the very same ones that the fans share. I love to hear him do his drum solo in the show. It was always my favorite part of a KISS concert. I vividly remember the first night I heard him use his syndrums. [VS: The Electronic drums]. It was at a show in Nashville. Although I now live in Nashville, I didn't at that time and just happened to be here on business at a time when KISS were in town. When he got to the part in the drum solo when he started on the syndrums, it took it up a whole other level. I loved it.
Another time I often think about is one day when Eric and I were eating lunch at an outdoor/patio kind of restaurant on Sunset strip in Los Angeles. His hair was huge of course, and some girl in a car driving by rolled down her window and screamed out "Guy, big hair!" Eric loved it.
Beyond that, I just remember all the times he made me laugh. Which was just about all the time.
VS: Do you have any footage of yourself & Eric?
AM: No, none that I know of. There is some footage all the fun Eric and I had Bruce's wedding, but I don't have that. I guess Bruce does. After seeing the video, I'll ask them about that. I'd like to see it. We all had a great time that day.
VS: You told a story in the video about when Paul & you went ice-skating with Eric -- can you elaborate more on what celebrities he was poking fun at, or if possible, some of the things he said?
AM I don't remember anything or anyone specifically because he made so many comments and we were laughing so hard. That was life with Eric.
VS: Eric was known for his pranks, and in the video Bruce said Eric never got him with one. Were you ever a victim of one of Eric's pranks or ribbing?
AM: No, he never nailed me. I can't imagine why. Most of his pranks took place on the road.
VS: Are there any other songs lying around that were written for KISS or the Rockheads sessions that weren't on the Rockheads CD or Rockology?
AM: There probably are. We're looking around for them right now.
VS: There is a story in the video about you meeting Eric during the Creatures sessions -- was that the first time you met him, or did you meet him prior to that during the Killers sessions?
AM: I met Eric during the Killers sessions. My experience was much the same as Bruce talks about in the video. Eric was a little bit shy the first day and from the second day on was a total wild man.
VS: When you wrote the songs with Eric & Bruce, did the 3 of you just ever sit around and jam since you play guitar as well as Bruce? If so, did any of the songs we've heard on either Rockolgy or the Rokheads come out of that?
AM: I can't remember exactly which songs were written by all of us at exactly the same time, but for sure some of them were. Other times, Bruce and Eric might come up with a riff and I would start at another time to do the lyric with Eric or maybe change the melody or whatever.
VS: How would you best describe Eric Carr & this video in one word (one word for each).
AM: I couldn't describe Eric in one word. If I said "kind ", that wouldn't be enough. If I said "talented", that would be enough. And if I said "funny", that wouldn't be enough either. He was just a great guy and we miss him.
The video in one word, that's easy-"great!"