From: Wes
Good grief, if (most) of the fans who have taken the time to send in their reviews are any indication of what KISS can expect fan reaction (translation SALES) to be, than they are in trouble. It seems like these ding-dongs want some sort of mimickry, an attempt if you will to "sound" like they used to. Sorry, no can do!
Song by song, my opinion:
Psycho Circus - Excellent! Obviously written for a show opener, and whats wrong with that? The opening is cool, just wish it was longer, and without the gong. 9 out of 10
Within - Another Winner! Would get a 10 except I dont like backwards masking (although backwards guitars are ok), and this has Bruce written all over it. 9 out of 10
I Pledge Allegiance - People will think I'm odd (what else is new) but it reminds me of SPIT from Revenge. 7 out of 10
Into The Void - Sounds like one part Insane, a dash of Lost In Limbo, and a smidgen of Rocket Ride. 6 out of 10
We Are One - Love it! 9 out of 10
You Wanted The Best - Kind of disjointed, but excellent. 9 out of 10
Raise Your Glasses - Love evrything about the vocals on this song. Godawful chorus (NOT!) 9 out of 10
I Finally Found My Way - Absolutely hated this on the first listen or two, but I have changed my mind somewhat. I was hoping for a Peter rocker, but this is ok, albeit VERY understated. 5 out of 10
Dreamin' - I thought I might be the first to say, hey is this sound Krokusy, but Rob beat me it. Still a really good song, and take this to the bank, the 2nd single! 8 out of 10
Journey Of 1,000 Years - Unique! 8 out of 10 as it is, 10 if they would have let ME produce it!
Bonus Japanese CD Song - Awesome! 10 out of 10
Sure, I have concerns about Peter & Ace, but it's not going to stop me from enjoying this album, a LOT!