KISS Farewell Tour Reviews

From: Starchild21
Let me begin by saying that no matter where KISS is performing, they do give all that they have to offer. KISS gave Madison a show like no other, but the Madison area does not deserve a show of this magnitude. The Kohl Center Arena holds around 12,000 people but there was a mere 7,500 people in attendance. Terrible!!!!!! The Madison people are more apt to attend a concert by Britney Spears or Korn. Is that really right????? Why did the KISS management choose to play Madison?? Madison, WI does not deserve a show of this quaility! The two so called rock radio stations in Madison WJJO and WIBA should be embarrassed by this showing, and record companies and promoters should take note to this. DON'T BRING BANDS TO MADISON, THE PEOPLE DON'T CARE!!!!!! As for the show, I had seats right in the center of the stage 10 rows back. Perfect seats!!!! I was right on the isle so I could see everything. The crowd in Madison was by far the most relaxed that I have ever seen. Normally the entire crowd will sing along to every song. The people in Madison did not have a clue. The security company that was hired for this show was terrible, they had the mindset that they were patrolling a prison. During Paul's flyover, I turned to face the back and stood next to my chair with my arms over my head, mind you that I was right next to my seat in the isle way. I enjoyed about 10 seconds of Paul's work in the center of the venue when out of no where I got a stiff forearm to my ribs, this was securities way of saying you better not stand there. I was pretty sore the next day thanks to some punk 18 year old that thought he was a prison guard. I could continue ripping the hell out of Madison radio stations, people, security, etc. but I will conclude by saying I will truely miss the true legends of rock and roll, KISS!!!!!

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