KISS Farewell Tour Reviews

From: Seamus O'Reilly
Admittedly I am not too familiar with Sacramento although I did see the show there in 96. I figured Marysville was right out of town and thus would be a quick drive. No no no. It seemed like I was driving forever and when I saw a sign that said "Marysville, 33" I nearly died. So I missed American Pearl whom I didnt much care for at the Shoreline show and came in halfway during Ted. I am so tired of his set but it really bugged me that he "has the cure for AIDS. Stop fu**ing each others asses." I have a friend with AIDS, he is straight and got it through a blood tranfusion. I dont think its funny. I did have to laugh though, there was a large black man in the crowd and Ted said "Theres my son, I love that guy." KISS was amazing, maybe the best show Ive been to on this tour, other than Vegas or Cleveland. It seemed that everyone had a VIP pass on. I was sitting next to an elderly couple who had passes. They saw me playing air guitar and gave me an Ace pic which some usher gave them. I must have thanked them a million times.

During his solo Ace's guitar did not fly away, it just hung there until a roadie came and got it. That was pretty amusing. There was a really young kid in Gene makeup right up front and Paul kept saying "KISS, the next generation." Ace kept cracking up while looking at her.

I was right next to the Love Gun stage, which was really high up-10 feet or more off the ground. Being so close to Paul is something else. My favorite part of every show is when he thrashes around during the solo. Tonight it really sank in that it's almost the end. I have a bunch of shows lined up but still its saddening. During RARAN the confetti was raining down on me and I stood there with my arms spread thinking "enjoy this while you can." This band has meant so much to be over the past 8 years and I really cant imagine not getting stoked for tickets, etc. Some people call this stupid but I think most people reading this can understand what Im getting at. As Gene said, this "is beyond song." I shant get too sad though, because theres always Concord!

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