KISS Farewell Tour Reviews

From: Mike Moon
This was to be my final farewell show so I was very excited to find out my buddy Joe from KISSHELL had scored VIP passes for us.I couldn`t believe we were actually hanging out backstage!After being hasseled by some scum sucking roadie because he wanted to know where we got our passes,we stood quietly and watched the roadies look busy.Tommy Aldridge was wondering around backstage and was cool enough to talk to us and take a picture.This guy is a class act and drums circles around Peter every nite.Went outside for a smoke and we saw a van pull up.Out jumped Paul,Pete,and Ass Frehley.They hurried into their dressing room and slammed the door. We were told to get the hell away from there and headed back outside.To my surprise Gene was leaned up against the van talking on his cell phone.A tall average looking blond approached him and he proceeded to hump her leg and drool over her.He took several pictures with her and she left.I started walking towards Gene and he looks at my camera and said”NO PICTURES”Joe got his VIP pass autographed and I was waiting to get mine when he looks at my shirt and said”What is the deal with that shirt?Is that a bootleg or did the band put that out?”I was wearing a Metallica club1996 shirt that looks alot like the rocknrollover cover.He grumbled some and autographed the shirt and walked back inside.I was stunned!I would love to see $immons take on Lars lawyers!We walked back in and I saw Ass Frehley and Pete coming towards us.This is our chance to get their autographs I thought.As they walked by I said”Ace could we get an autograph?”He looked me over from head to toe,scoffed, and just stumbled on down the hall with Pete strutting alongside him.I was crushed!It would have taken all of 10-15 seconds to stop and talk to us.These guys do not give a crap about the fans anymore.Anybody who tells you different is a liar.I have stood up for this band a long time,even jeopardizing an otherwise happy marriage to defend them. Never again.I had a lifetime of great memories in the KISSARMY destroyed in just a few short minutes that nite.Paul,Iwish you a long and prosperous career after KISS.Gene,I hope all your movies flop and you catch STD`s.Peter,I hope you retire and we never hear from you again.Ass Frehley,I can`t wait till I see you playing the hole in the wall clubs again,I`ll be the one laughing and flipping you the bird.FAREWELL KISS-GOOD RIDDANCE!!

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