Debut #82 -- 313 spins -- Album Network Powercuts chart
KISS Freaks Special Delivery - Last Issue
From: Steve Stierwalt
That's right the Collector's Edition LAST issue of KISS Freaks Special Delivery is ready to ship. Get yours before their gone! Here are some of the highlights:
Rust Almost Human: Part 5- In issue 16 of KISS Freaks Special Delivery we featured Almost Human Four Tales of Ethereal Rising. A story based on each member of the original KISS lineup. These stories by Tony Armstrong were very well received. Now here is another along the same lines dedicated to the memory of Eric Carr. 1999 New England KISS Expo- Kristen McGregor tells of her visit to the New England KISS Expo featuring Mark St. John and the Dressed To Kill Tribute band. 1999 Dallas KISS Expo- Phil Hunt tells of his weekend adventure at the Dallas KISS Expo. Phil spent the weekend hanging out with ESP and Andre Augustine. News- So much news we can’t keep up. Try to get caught up on all the latest KISS related news! 1999 Philadelphia KISS Expo- Penny Pensyl gives her account of the Philadelphia KISS Expo held in November. Tale of the Fox Video Review- Read about the video release devoted to the life of Eric Carr. Y2KISS in Vancouver Rock City- Neil Gido reviews New Years Eve in Vancouver, Canada. New KISS Freaks at Fandom Unveiled- Check out some of the pictures from our trip to Los Angeles for the unveiling of the NEW KISS Freaks website at Fandom. The Story of KISS Prowler- Nowell Herman Official Plymouth Prowler Club President gets ahold of the KISS Prowler! Read his amazing story & view the exclusive pictures! KISS Immortals- A preview of the new Webisodes developed for Multipath Movies. And more News than you could possible read! To order your copy send $4 payable to Steve Stierwalt, Jr. to: Steve Stierwalt, Jr., Attn: KISS Freaks SD 18, 5246 Padre Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46237
"The Demon" Wrestler Returns to WCW
From: KISS Online
KISS Online reports that last week "The Demon" wrestler made his return to the ring for WCW. Dale Torborg is now playing the role of "The Demon," replacing Brian Adams. One match which was taped last Wednesday should air on WCW Saturday Night on January 29th and another match from that evening should air on the syndicated Worldwide program this coming weekend, check your local listing for times. The next event featuring The Demon is in Las Vegas this coming Tuesday, January 25. This is a taping for Thunder, which will air the next night, the 26th. The Demon is also tentatively scheduled to appear at the upcoming SuperBrawl PPV in San Francisco on February 20th. "The Demon" is still using "God Of Thunder" for his intro theme and the costume has had some very minor changes.
UNION's "Do Your Own Thing" Debut's At #74 On FMQB Hot Trax
From: FMQB via Filippo Gerolimetto
UNION's first single "Do Your Own Thing" from "The Blue Room" album is getting airplay according to the last week FMQB Hot Trax chart. In fact "Do Your Own Thing" debuts this week at #74 with 254 spins and 32 stations playing it! For more radio station information and information on how you can help promote UNION on the radio click here!
Rockproject Shameless with Bruce Kulick & Eric Singer
From: Alex Eckert
Rockproject Shameless with Bruce Kulick & Eric Singer. Check the Website of Shameless for MP3 Expects of the Songs featuring Bruce Kulick on the Song "Just 1 Nite " and Eric Singer on the Songs "You're The One" & "All The Girlz But You". Shameless will hit the Studio this March to record the next album called "Queen For A Day". Check for downloads and a lot of cool photos of Bruce & Eric in the Studio + photos of Alexx Michael together with Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley & Ace Frehley.
January 20
KISS Eye Kandy Images
Patrick Vick is well known in the online world as one of the best online KISS artists from his work which is featured at the great KISS Eye Kandy webapge here at KISS ASYLUM! Click the "Love Gun Girl" image on the right to enter KISS Eye Kandy and see larger images of his latest work!
Click Here To See His Latest KISS Art!
New York KISS Expo & Hard Rock Convention
From: Jeff Kerr
The 14th Annual New York KISS Expo & Hard Rock Convention will take place at the Rothman Center 100 University Plaza Dr. Hackensack, NJ Sunday April 30th,2000 from 11 am-10 pm. The special guests include Bruce Kulick, Frehley Comet Members-John Regan, Richie Scarlet, KISS Album Cover Artist-Dennis Woloch and KISS tribute band Dressed To Kill will be performing. There will be150 International KISS dealers. Tickets are $16 in advance, $18 at the door. For more information please visit these websites:
Click Here For More KISS Expo News!
Psycho Circus Comic News
From: Spacebass
Issue # 26 of KISS Psycho Circus came out today. A great way to get the word out about the book is to vote at
Also the third Kiss Psycho Circus trade paperback (covers comic issues 7, 8, 9 and 18) is tentatively due out in April 2000, and the fifth Kiss Psycho Circus Magazine is coming just around the bend. It is also worthy to note that a special redecorated Gene Simmons action
figure will be sold exclusively at Spencer Gifts during the first quarter of 2000. It will have the body from the first series figure with a brand new sculpted head including blood running from his mouth. It comes packaged in a blood spattered case and includes Gene's axe bass. All from Todd McFarlane Productions.
Happy Birthday Paul Stanley
KISS ASYLUM and all its visitors wish Paul Stanley a happy 48th birthday today (January 20). Paul Stanley was born in 1952.
January 19
Ted Nugent Opening For KISS?'
From: Paul Alan
According to the TOUR SECTION of Ted Nugent's official web-site, he will be the opening act on the 2000 KISS Tour!
Indianapolis KISS Expo 2000 - 2/13/00
From: Keith Leroux
The 2000 INDY KISS EXPO has been confirmed for February 13th at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel 7701 E. 42nd St. Indianapolis. The expo will take place from 12pm-8pm with a live concert from UNION. The band will be available for autographs and photos and Bruce Kulick will do a Q&A session. We will also play UNION's new CD "The Blue Room". Dealers from around the country will be selling collectibles as well as new items. There will be some type of KISS related opening act which we expect to confirm this week.
Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Kids 12 and under are admitted free.You may purchase tickets at Ticketmaster or by calling 317-239-5151. You may also order direct by mailing a check or money order payable to ALIVE IV to: 8605 Allisonville Rd. Suite 125 Indianapolis, IN 46250. We must receive your order by Feb. 6th. Please include your phone number. You will receive a free sampler CD for each ticket purchased direct from us through the mail. The CD features tracks from ESP, Eric Carr and Bruce Kulick. To reserve a room call 317-897-4000 and ask for the KISS Expo rate - $69.00 plus tax. You must reserve by Feb. 1st to get the special rate. Please email us any questions to
Additional Atlanta KISS Expo News
From: Phil Elliott
$10 Advance soveignier tickets are available through mailing to: ATLANTA KISS EXPO TICKETS,5595 Ashewoode Downs Drive, Alpharetta, Georgia, 30005-4396, Payable to:Phil Elliott. Added guests: The Gathering of Developers (marketing/selling their new KISS CD-ROM Game! The folks with KISS Visa. The National Entertaiment Collectors Association (marketing/selling their 2 new KISS LUNCH BOXES-LOVE GUN & DESTROYER LUNCH BOXES-NO THERMOS'S)! Click Here For More Atlanta KISS Expo Information!
KISS News From Russia
From: Vladimir / KISS Asylum News Russia
Hello, this is Vladimir from KISS Asylum News Russia. Here is the latest Russian KISS News. On December 30th, MTV Russia started a KISS Weekend and repeated many KISS
programs (All about KISS, MTV Unplugged, clips and info). It was a really good gift for KISS fans on New Year. It was announced that the official 4th Russian KISS Expo will take place in Moscow on February 12th. There will not be any special guests, only local dealers, cover groups and KISS fans. Second Coming was released on video here and in January of 2000 West Video company released the "Detroit Rock City" movie from New Line Cinema. This is Pal version, professionally translaited in Russian by artists. Polygram
Russia released an english version of the "Unplugged" video with a totally different
covers as well as an Argentina KISS concert on video. The Storm company released "The World Ballad collection CD" with KISS ballads with a new design & title: "Greatest Kiss." There is another KISS CD released right now called "Music Collection 2000: Kiss & Kiss: Rare tracks and demos." A CD-Rom with an archive of KISS songs in MP-3 format is very popular. There are 4 different versions with new design and printings, but the same
repertuar. After the "Wanted Dead Or Alive" video was released on video cassette last year, this movie was also released on Video Disc for the PC. The Spika company which had printed licensed KISS shirts for KISS tour in Russia that never materialized, has recently put on sale 2 special shirts. They are different from the originals in that there are no tour dates on back of them. There are a lot toys from China here in Russia which used parts of KISS Action Figures to make some new Dolls\Figures. There are Superman with Gene's head, Action hero with Ace's head, even the Spider with Gene's head. Strangelly, but very funny for KISS fans to see KISS heads on these figures!
January 18
Paul Stanley Questionnaire From KISS Kollector
From: Joop
KISS Kollector Fanclub recently received back a questionnaire from Paul Stanley, in which he wrote that "tracks for Alive IV have been recorded since the reunion tour" and that his next theatre/musical performance will be in Summer 2000 "probably Jekyll & Hyde or Phantom". His other news bits included the statement that the band's plans for this year are a tour and Alive IV. For more on all this check out the upcoming issue of KISS Kollector magazine, which will include a big article on the future of KISS. You also might want to check out our website at
UNION Live Chat on at RockOnline Chatstage 1/18
From: UNION Asylum
Bruce Kulick and John Corabi of UNION will be featured in a live chat on on Tuesday, January 18th at 9PM (EST). UNION's new album, The Blue Room (Spitfire Records) is set to hit the stores on February 22, 2000. Fans will be able to chat live with Union on Tuesday, January 18th by logging onto or .
January 17
Fan Feedback "Will You Bid On Stuff From The KISS Auction?"
This week KISS surprised everyone with the news that they have signed an agreement to sell at auction substantially all of the instruments, costumes, memorabilia and similar items used by KISS since its founding in 1974 this May at a site to be determined. SonicNet reports: "While the venue for the live auction has not yet been chosen, auction items will be on display in San Francisco, Chicago and Los Angeles. Hughes explained that the auction likely will take place in Los Angeles, with an online agent sitting next to the auctioneer to register online bids." The estimated value of the auction offerings and special autographed auction memorabilia memorializing the event is over $5 million.
The question KISS ASYLUM wants to ask the online KISS fans is, "Will You Bid On Stuff From The KISS Auction?" Click over to to cast your vote and make your opinion heard. Also, don't forget to post up your comments about "Bidding on the KISS Auction" on KISS ASYLUM's KISS Army Online bulletin board at
The "Do Your Own Thing" Radio Campaign
From: UNION Asylum
Ok UNION fans, the time has arrived to DO THE RADIO THING and call your local rock radio stations and show our support for UNION!! Spitfire Records has sent "Do Your Own Thing," the debut single from UNION's "The Blue Room" album, to radio stations around the country and radio adds for the single began on Monday, January 10, 2000. So, NOW is the time for you to be calling and e-mailing the stations nearest you to request they play "Do Your Own Thing" by UNION! Your call or e-mail will make a difference, so please support UNION by keeping these stations swamped with requests for the song!! Also, please keep in mind that it won't help the guys to be rude, so please be polite when you call or e-mail these stations and only contact stations in your area! All the radio stations that have already "added" the single need to be hit especially hard with requests. Please use our comprehensive list to find the ones nearest you! DO THE RADIO THING!!
Incite Games KISS Contest
Earlier in the month KISS ASYLUM posted up the news about a feature on The Nightmare Child KISS game being featured in Incite PC Gaming Magazine. Now there is an awesome online KISS contest to go with it! Fans have a chance to win the entire catalog of KISS titles on CD in addition to the DVD for the movie "Detroit Rock City." All you have to do to enter this contest is click to and answer one simple question. Good Luck!
January 14
KISS Confirms New Tour
KISS singer-bassist Gene Simmons has gone on record as saying the band will tour this year, confirming rumors that have been flying for months. During an interview with
the webmaster of the band's official site, Simmons was asked about the prospects of a new KISS tour, and whether it might be the last time fans will get a chance to see the band in concert. "We are, I will tell you, we are actively planning a tour, set to begin in the spring sometime," he said. "As to what it's called, we don't have a clue. Honestly. We don't know whether or not it`s going to be called 'The Farewell Tour' or 'The Jews In Space Tour,' which I, I prefer as a title." There's no word yet on when those dates will be announced.
January 12
KISS To Kiss Off Gear In May Auction
From: via Mike Hogan
Flamboyant hard rockers to offer practically all the instruments, costumes, memorabilia used since 1974. By Richard B. Simon
Theatrical hard-rock veterans KISS will auction "substantially all" of the instruments, costumes and miscellaneous memorabilia used by the band since 1974. The gear set for the auction blocks is estimated to be worth more than $5 million. "They're probably just tired of housing the stuff," said Bill Hughes, 37, vice president of the New Jersey-based Greg Manning Auctions' Collectibles Division. "Since they got their star on the Hollywood Walk
of Fame and announced their breakup [this year], it's probably as good a time as any." The auction ‹ co-sponsored by KISS bassist Gene Simmons and singer/guitarist Paul Stanley; Kiss Catalog, Ltd.; Greg Manning Auctions, Inc.; and the eBay online auction house Butterfields (formerly Butterfield & Butterfield) ‹ is expected to take place in May. It will accept both live and online bidding, and it will feature some type of live appearances by Simmons and Stanley. The auction will include Simmons' and Stanley's costumes from the band's 19751976 KISS Alive! Tour; original KISS comic book art; the band's first rejection letter from a record company; and original handwritten lyrics to such tunes as "Rock n' Roll All Nite," "Christine Sixteen" and "Calling Doctor Love." The goods will be grouped into chronological lots, by album and tour. Although original drummer Peter Criss and guitarist Ace Frehley are now merely "contract members" of the band, some of their gear also will be available, Hughes said. Frehley's onstage guitars, some of which shot fireballs out of the neck, are expected to fetch between $5,000 and $25,000 each. Click Here To Read The Full Article!
UNION To Attend & Perform At NAMM
From: Metal Edge
In preparation for the release of The Blue Room on February 22, UNION will attend the annual NAMM convention in Los Angeles, held February 3-6, perform for students and industryites at the Musicians Institute in L.A. on February 5.
January 11
Multimillion Dollar Auction of KISS Rock Band Costumes, Instruments and Memorabilia
Auction Will Feature the Appearance of KISS Founders Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley and Utilize Internet Bidding In Addition to Traditional Floor Bidding. Greg Manning Auctions, Inc. (NASDAQ: GMAI), Butterfields Auctioneers, an eBay company (NASDAQ: EBAY), KISS Catalog, Ltd., and the leaders of the rock band KISS, Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, jointly announced today that they have signed a definitive agreement to sell at auction substantially all of the instruments, costumes, memorabilia and similar items used by the KISS band since its founding in 1974. The estimated value of the auction offerings and special autographed auction memorabilia memorializing the event is over $5 million. The offerings, comprising thousands of items, will be presented in one or more auctions at a site to be determined. Band leaders Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley will personally appear at the "live" event auction, which will also feature Internet bidding and electronic auction catalogs that will open the auction to KISS fans and collectors throughout the world. Click Here To Read The Full Story!
Clownwhite Fanzine News
From: Deno
The first four issues of 'CLOWNWHITE' are now being offered on page 290, in the latest issue of Diamond Comics 'PREVIEWS' Magazine. The January edition of 'PREVIEWS' magazine went out last week - any retailers wishing to purchase 'CLOWNWHITE' can now do so via Diamond.
January 10
Fans Meet Paul & Ace At Sam Ash Music Store Guitar Expo
Paul was in New York City today for the Sam Ash Music store guitar expo. He was gracious enough to sign anything people brought him and was super cool. The line was practically out the door to meet him. I waited in line for about 3 1/2 hours and was lucky enough to meet Paul. For all of you who saw Paul in the starring role of the Phantom of the Opera, you know how awesome he sounded. Well, he told me that he is looking into reprising that role on Broadway after the Kiss tour scheduled for later this year. He said has no plans to star in the Broadway production of Jeckyll and Hyde. Click Here To Read More Fan Reports From The Event
Gene Simmons In Entertainment Weekly
From: George McNamara
In the 01/14/00 issue of Entertainment Weekly, page 81, there is an article entitled "10 Stupid Questions with Gene Simmons", whereby Gene talks about Detroit Rock City, who would look better with KISS makeup, George W. Bush or Al Gore, and 8 other "stupid" questions to the Demon himself. Interesting, albeit short, article. Click Here To Read The Q&A!
Final 72 Hours! - "A World Without Heroes" Ordering
From: Kathy Labonte
The next 3 days is the last chance to order your World Without Heroes package before the price goes up and to get your name printed inside of the book. The World Without Heroes package includes: Dale Sherman's original novel about KISS fully illustrated with hand drawn art by Larry Blake, A 25 song KAOL Soundtrack CD located in the back sleeve of the book (a KISS Tribute CD that follows the story line from chapter to chapter and is performed by musicians all over the world), a World Without Heroes custom pen and bookmark collector's items, a free email address such as, and your name listed in the first edition printing of Dale's book as a KISS Army OnLine member and charity supporter.This is the final 72 hours to order if you want the introductory price and to have your name printed in the first edition of the book. The price goes up this Friday and all orders after that will only have their names added to the book if it goes to press a second time. Come to to order by credit card or phone. All profits from this project are being given to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in the name of the KISS Army OnLine and in memory of Eric Carr. Not only will you get a great book, unique Soundtrack, and a historical fan based KISS product, but you'll be giving to charity as well. Don't miss this final opportunity.
News On Possible Fort Worth KISS Show
From: Joseph Dowling - HarderBeat Magazine
The show date was in fact released as February 12, 2000 in last week's Fort Worth Star Telegram. However, I checked with the local promoters to conform this show date and was told that the show has now been postponed till April. NO reason was given.
Bass Player Magazine List "100 Players Who Shaped 20th Century Bass
From: Bass Player Magazine via Mark Arnold
The new issue of Bass Player magazine ( has a list of the "100 Players & Counting Who Shaped 20th Century Bass." Listed in the 70's under the Hard rock/heavy metal category is: Hard rock/heavy metal: John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin), Geezer Butler (Black Sabbath), Gene Simmons (KISS), Tom Hamilton (Aerosmith), Steve Harris (Iron Maiden), Lemmy Kilminster (Motörhead), Cliff Williams (AC/DC).
Metal Edge Reviews UNION's "The Blue Room" Album
From: UNION Asylum
The following is Metal Edge's review of UNION's "The Blue Room" album which will appear in an upcoming issue of Metal Edge magazine. "UNION were billed as a supergroup of sorts when they made their debut in 1998--Former members of Motley Crue and KISS uniting to show the world that honest rock could rise above any trend. Though their self-titled effort was solid, it lacked the cohesive gel that differentiates supergroups from bands: The songswere there, but the band still needed time to grow into each other. On sophomore release The Blue Room, UNION havegrown into each other. So much so, it's scary. Guitarist Bruce Kulick plays like a man possessed to defy, soulfully making the transition from the rock 'n' roll uproar of opening cut "Do Your Own Thing"--complete with a Chuck Berry-esque solo--and the crunch and grind groove of "Dead," into the stunning beauty of "Dear Friend," a sentimental tribute that Kulick sings to his deceased friend and former KISS drummer/bandmate Eric Carr. Vocally, Corabi is at the top of his game as well, chiseling his natural sense of melody with a rough-around-the-edges hue that makes "Shine" a brilliant standout, elevating the spirits with a chorus that soars with hope before flipping the agitated "Who Do You Think You Are" from explanatory to inflammatory, lifting "Hypnotized" to dynamic pop-rock heights, and propelling the jangley closer "No More" to a southern-fried romp. But more than any one member, The Blue Room is remarkable as the sum of all its parts--Corabi, Kulick, bassist Jamie Hunting and drummer Brent Fitz--creating a musical metamorphous that bleeds together the melodic irresistability of the Beatles, classic rock crescendos that combine the best of Bad Company and Cheap Trick, and an alluring grit. Ten tracks later, UNION is the perfect choice to usher rock 'n' roll into the year 2000. --Paul Gargano"
"Do Your Own Thing" Promo Video
From: UNION Asylum
Michael Edwards of UNION Force had a chance to speak with Bruce tonight and he said the band is currently planning to do a video for "Do Your Own Thing," using footage from the show they filmed in Argentina, along with some scenes featuring people, you guessed it, doing their own thing! Jack Sawyers, who worked with Bruce when he was in KISS and, more recently, on the excellent "Tale Of The Fox" video, will be directing/producing the clip. Bruce said the band also hopes to do a longer video tape that will feature the video, along with some "Making of" footage, interviews, and additional live material. This tape would be more of a video press kit type of thing, although it would probably also be made available to fans. He didn't really say what the plans were for it, and right now they're mainly interested in getting the video for the song done. For more UNION news, visit their official website at
January 7
"Second Coming" #7 In Music Video Sales For '99
From: Chris Stompanato
In the January 8th issue of Billboard Magazine, they reviewed the top videos of 1999. For top sales in home music video for the year, Second Coming was #7 overall. It was only surpassed by home videos from 'N Sync, the Backstreet Boys, Metallica, and a compilation.
Fort Worth Star Telegram Lists KISS Concert For 2/12/00
From: Fort Worth Star Telegram via John L Curbello
KISS is confirmed to play at Reunion Arena in Dallas, TX on Saturday February 12th. Our local newspaper, The Fort Worth Star Telegram, confirmed this date for us this morning in their weekend "Star Time" section.
January 6
KISS Album Focus Returns To KISS ASYLUM
From: Julian Gill / KISS Album Focus
After a long hiatus, the KISS Album Focus, one of the most popular KISS features on KISS ASYLUM and on the internet, has retured in full force! Julian Gill, KISS Album Focus author, had this to say. "Well I'm finally working on new material for the long on-hold KISS Album Focus again. But don't expect any regular schedule for new chapters - I have a job, and a life, and schedules have never yet once worked (due to me!) since the Focus was conceived by Chris and myself in June '98. But I do enjoy writing these articles which are hopefully interesting and informative to other fans. Last year was just too busy in terms of my Y2K responsibilities for me to give appropriate attention to the features. I guess I also got a bit fed up with a few obnoxious attention seekers flaming and e-bombing me. Oh well, C'est La Vie. The target sign is firmly reattached to my back! Enjoy the revitalized Focus, you're feedback is welcomed." Click Here To Read The Latest KISS Album Focus Addition - "Love Gun!"
Vancouver & Alaska KISS Concert Reviews
Since 1995 KISS ASYLUM has been the KISS fans' source for the most complete collection of KISS concert reviews. Continuing this goal, KISS ASYLUM is looking for concert reviews of KISS' Vancouver and Alaska shows to be posted here at KISS ASYLUM's Views section for all online fans to read. Because only a select number of fans are lucky enough to attend these special KISS shows, KISS ASYLUM is looking for your feedback on the concerts to allow others that are not able to attend the shows get a chance to read about it and experience it from a fellow fan's eyes. A alot of fans have already submitted their reviews and they are currently up for everyone to read! To subit your review or read others' reviews click over to
January 5
KISS Preview Episodes Are up At
From: via Jeff Colasacco
I just browsed Entertaindom's site and they have 5 "KISS Immortals" previews ready for download. They have a preview for each member plus an awesome concert scene. All you have to do is click on one and it should download the viewer, Digital Projector, and install it. Then once the viewer is installed if you click on the others they will download very quicly. Very simple. I believe its only 56k a file. They also offer a CD that you can buy for $13 that will have the whole movie with better sound, etc. The full episodes will begin January 29. Here is the exact link:
Bruce Kulick / UNION Argentina & Scandinavian Tour Photos
Bruce Kulick / UNION recently retured from a brief tour of Argentina & Scandinavia. Click over to the Kulick.Net News page to read Bruce's report and view the photos from their recent tour!
January 4
KISS Animated Shorts To Run At Entertaindom Website
From: Metal Edge
KISS has signed a deal with Time Warner for a series of 3-D animated shorts to run on its
Entertaindom site on the Web. The storyline will focus on a kidnapping that takes the band to a planet that outlaws music. KISS' voices and music will accompany the cartoon likenesses of the band members.
KISS Immortals "Webisodes" Coming To Entertaindom
From: Warner Bros. Online via Oliver Carmona
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Entertaindom, the online entertainment destination from Time Warner Digital Media , announced that it has exercised its option with Brilliant Digital Entertainment, Inc. to add 15 additional new 5-8 minute ``Webisodes'' for the 3-D animated Multipath Adventures of ``Superman.'' This extends the first season of 'Superman' on Entertaindom to a full 30 Webisode commitment. The Superman adventure series is one of the anchor programs of Entertaindom which premiered on the Internet at ( on November 29, 1999. Entertaindom has also agreed to give distribution to Brilliant Digital's new 3-D animated series based on the character "Xena: Warrior Princess,'' plus eight Webisodes of a new series entitled "KISS Immortals'' (using original KISS music and voices), to be produced in conjunction with the legendary band's 2000 KISS-Immortals concert tour. To accommodate the additional shows, Entertaindom will be launching a new Multipath Channel within its online entertainment complex. The Brilliant Digital Multipath Movies feature full screen, full motion, real-time 3-D interactive animation produced using Brilliant Digital's B3D Studio tool set and efficient Internet delivery format. Brilliant's technology allows the creation of complex animation which can be easily accessed on the Internet via streaming media. By utilizing B3D, and its complementary Digital Projector, viewers can easily and quickly enjoy the most sophisticated story telling and 3-D rendering engine available via the Internet today. "When we saw the quality of the animation Brilliant Digital delivered on 'Superman' and the show's popularity on our site, we realized that a new technology and storytelling benchmark had been established on the Internet,'' said Jim Moloshok, the chief executive responsible for Entertaindom. "'Superman' contains all of the excitement, pacing and special effects that until now had only been experienced in broadcast media or feature films. As a result of marketplace feedback, we are increasing our commitment to our own 'Superman' series and giving increased distribution and promotion to the BDE produced KISS and 'Xena' Internet series.'' The initial order of 15 Superman Webisodes was produced for Entertaindom's debut, with new Webisodes being debuted each week. The newly ordered Webisodes will premiere on Entertaindom beginning in the first half of 2000. The "Multipath Movie Channel" will ultimately feature at least five Multipath series produced by Brilliant Digital. Brilliant Digital president, Kevin Bermeister, commented, "Entertaindom provides us with extremely high visibility for our proprietary full-screen Internet-delivered animation technology, content and in-house productions capabilities. Through distribution relationships we intend to establish large-scale visibility and traffic to our content and to build revenue from the massive growth expected in advertising, e-commerce and promotional expenditure on the web."
January 3 Interviews Gene Simmons
From: Online
In today's issue of we have an exclusive interview with Gene Simmons. We talk about the rumours floating around that Ace & Peter may be unhappy again, KISS' plans for 2000 (Eric & Bruce back?), the current state of music, and Gene's cool advice & tips on how to survive in the music business. To read the entire interview click over to
KISS Eye Kandy Website Redesign
Patrick Vick is well known as one of the best online KISS artists for his work featured at the great KISS Eye Kandy webapge hosted here at KISS ASYLUM. Well KISS fans are in for a big treat as over the Christmas Holidays Patrick has worked overtime to totally redesign his KISS EYE KANDY website with the ever popular Macromedia FLASH technology giving it a fresh new, exciting look for 2000! If you haven't visited KISS Eye Kandy in a while, or have never visited it, do yourself a favor and click on over to and check out the new KISS EYE KANDY FLASH website and some of the unbelievable KISS Digital 3-D art Patrick has put together for all his fellow KISS fans! It is a total KISS Multimedia experience you do not want to miss!
KISS' New Year's Eve Vancouver Concert Set List
For those that are curious as to KISS' set list for the New Year's Eve Show, here is how the set list shaked out. Psycho Circus, Shout It Out Loud, Deuce, Heavens On Fire, Shock Me
Firehouse, Do You Love Me, Let Me Go Rock and Roll, [The Midnight Countdown], 2000 Man, Ace's Solo, Cold Gin, Gene's Solo, God Of Thunder, Lick It Up, I Love It Loud, 100,000 Years, Love Gun, Black Diamond, Detroit Rock City, Into The Void, Beth, Rock and Roll All Nite. Also, it is being reported that "Forever" was played during the soundcheck but was not played during the actual concert.
Metallica Plays "DRC" on New Year's Eve
Don't know if anyone talked about this, but on New Years Metallica, along with Kid Rock and Ted Nugent did a smoking version of "Detroit Rock City." The sound in the Silverdome sucked, but the song was THE highlight of the show.
January 1
Happy New Year!
We here at KISS ASYLUM wish all our friends and fellow fans the world over a very happy and healthy new year as we all enter the year 2000!
Deadline Extension For "A World Without Heroes"
From: Kathy Labonte
The biggest and best project yet from the KISS Army OnLine is about to go to print.
The pre-ordering period was officially over 12/31. BUT, we have provided an extension on the deadline so that you may have one last opportunity to get your name printed in the book and to get your copy at the pre-order price. DEADLINE FOR ORDERS HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO TUESDAY, JANUARY 11th. ALL ORDERS MUST BE IN AT THAT TIME IF YOU WANT YOUR NAME IN DALE'S BOOK. After that date, the introductory period will be over and the price will be going up. All profits are being collected for the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in the name of the KISS Army OnLine and in memory of Eric Carr. You must order by credit card in the next few days thru our website or by phone. It's quick and easy and full details are on the website. You may also call 714- 903- CARE The World Without Heroes Package includes: 1. A 25 chapter novel by Dale Sherman about KISS and the Talismans. Dale uses a lot of real life events in a combination of truth and fiction that chronicles the beginning of KISS until now. 2. A 25 song KAOL Soundtrack disc. Carefully selected KISS songs are re-created by musicians all over the world for this CD Soundtrack that follows the story chapter by chapter. 3. Fully illustrated with hand drawn art by Larry Blake and others.
4. Collectible Keepsakes: A customized "World Without Heroes" pen and bookmark.
5. YOUR name printed inside as a KISS Army OnLine member (KAOL) and a Children's Hospital supporter. Come order now because when this final deadline approaches, the book goes to print with or without your name.
Nightmare Child Mention In Incite PC Gaming Magazine
From: Walker
I stumbled upon a cool magazine while searching for the Psycho Circus Magazine issue #4. It is the Feb. issue of "Incite PC Gaming" and features Gene grinning real big on the cover. It includes a CD-ROM with a cool 5 minute preview of the Nightmare Child video game. The article was obviously written by a true KISS fan, all the photo captions are KISS songs! A few noteworthy items were pics of what each "Elder" will look like in the game as well as the hint that there may be secret levels for members who are no longer with the band. If you are interested in this soon to be released game I highly recommend picking up a copy of this magazine.
KISS Guitar Tabs
The #1 source for KISS Guitar and Bass tabs on the internet! A great resource for those KISS fans that can wield an ax!
KISS Album Focus
Exploring the history of the band through each album release. You'll be able to find out the logic behind the releases, what was going on in the band during the recording of albums, what the band was up to in the period leading up to studio time, and lots more information which should be of interest to the diehard fan!
Sound Off KISS Army
KISS ASYLUM wanted to open the door to other writers out there and give them a place where they can voice their opinions about KISS. We bet there are more than a few of you who have at least one KISS related topic burning in you that you'd love to write a one time piece about. Well, KISS ASYLUM is happy to bring to you a forum in which to do so in our new feature "SOUND OFF!" KISS ARMY.
KISS Thought Vault
The "Summertime Memories" Kiss Thought Vault finds Ron Albanese waxing nostalgic over summers past, by way of release dates and pinball. A certain starry-eyed little girl also secures her place in Vault history. Also mentioned: The Harlem Globetrotters.
KISS Video Spotlight
What I have in store for you is a real treat. What you are about to read is an interview I recently completed with WNEW DJ (and fellow NJ resident) Ed Trunk.