February 28
"KISS Immortals": Watch Here At KISS ASYLUM!
KISS ASYLUM is very excited to be partnering with Brilliant Digital Entertainment to carry the exciting KISS Immortals webisodes. "KISS Immortals is the first-ever, made-for-the-Web 3-D animated series that features the actual voices, music, and likenesses of music legends KISS. The series finds KISS, in the midst of a concert tour, mysteriously abducted into the alien world of Umbra. Umbra is an oppressive world without music or heroes, but KISS is determined to save this universe - and ours - armed with their music, a rebellious attitude and the viewers' help. [Business Wire]." KISS fans, make sure to fill out the customized email form here at KISS ASYLUM that will send you reminder updates on future KISS Immortals installments as they are available. That way you can catch not just the premiere KISS Immortals webisode today, but be sure you see all the future installments of this exciting new series right here on your favorite KISS website!
Click Here To Sign Up For the KISS Immortals Webisodes!
Phoenix KISS Expo Party
From: Keith Leroux
Just confirmed. KISS Expo/Party will take place Thursday March 9th at Club Rio at 8pm. To celebrate the start of the KISS Farewell Tour 2 days later - a great lineup has been booked including a live performance by Eric Singer and his band Glamnation as well as a performance from Bruce Kulick. Others special guests are being confirmed now. KISS merchandise will be on sale throughout the evening and both Eric and Bruce will be available for photos and autographs. The event will take place on the clubs outdoor patio. Club Rio's number is 480-894-0533. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Interested dealers can email to this address.
New Orleans KISS Farwell Tour Party
From: Jerry Songy
On Saturday the 15th of April 2000 in Metairie, LA, kissintime.com along with 92.3 "the Point", pizzanflics.com (a local restaurant), Sound Hound PA Rentals, and others will be holding a Farewell party to celebrate KISS and to all the great times we had together. There will be the tribute band The Band Not Formerly Known As KISS out of Houston, TX, Face Painting for the kids and Adults), music, food and drinks, look-a-like contest, chance to win two FREE tickets to the KISS concert and many others! Do you know what is making this special? And why we are getting all this support? Not only we are paying tribute to KISS, we are paying tribute to the late Eric Carr! There will be a $3 donation to be collected at the door. When you pay your donation you will get a slice of pizza and a raffle ticket that will get you a chance to win two KISS tickets for the New Orleans, LA.
Show the next night! That is not it! All money collected will be donated to the Eric Carr Cancer Foundation. We believe Eric is as big a part of this farewell tour as Gene, Paul, Ace, and Peter. This is our way of saying thanks for all that you did and thanks for all the good memories. Bring your kids to! There will be face painting to all that care to be done up like your favorite KISS character! This is a family event and would love to see the next KISS generation. So come one, come all! We are going to rock and roll all night and party every day! And do it again the next night! Check out my web site for more details as they become available at http://www.kissintime.com.
Omaha KISS Expo Ticket Information
From: Keith Leroux
Alive IV Productions and KISS ARMY Omaha are proud to announce the first ever Omaha KISS Expo on April 2nd, 2000 at the Holiday Inn Central I-80 NE. The expo will run from 12 noon to 8 PM and feature a live performance from UNION. Andre Augustine and Bruce Kulick will also do Q&A's and take photos and sign autographs along with the rest of UNION. Dealers will be selling all kinds of KISS merchandise. Tickets for the expo are $15 in advance and $20 at the door and will be available from Ticketmaster in the near future. To reserve the special KISS Expo hotel rate of $69 please call the hotel direct at 402-393-3950. For Dealer info and any other questions please call 317-577-4606.
KISS Alive IV To Be Delayed?
From: W.G. Bunch
Representatives from Southwest Wholesale and Valley Media confirmed today that their computers now list KISS' "Alive IV" as an April 11th release date.
KISS To Tour In Australia & Japan
From: Spin.com
In Spin.com's Gene Simmons interview they asked the demon if there are going to be any additions to the tour itinerary and Gene Simmons said, "We'll do about 70 in America and then a series of stadiums around the world. Five to ten in Japan and the samenumber in Australia."
Gene Therapy: The God of Thunder Talks Our Ears Off
From: Spin.com
On the eve of KISS' Spring "Farewell" Tour, Spin.com Assistant Editor Marc Spitz learned just what Gene Simmons' big ass tongue was good for... talkin' up a storm. (Spitz claims to be a former KISS member, known as "The Squirrel," during the lean years: "At the time, we were all wearing evening dresses and stoles. My stoles were squirrel fur. This was before fur was bad, of course. When they started with the face paint, my pathological fear of mimes kicked in and I had to go solo. I have no regrets."). We don't believe him, but at least, now he can probably pass the polygraph, when asked "Do you know Gene Simmons?" Here's what transpired.
Click Here To Read The Full Interview!
February 26
KISS Expo Omaha 2000 wants YOU!
From: Jonathon Bear
Omaha's first KISS expo is looking for vendors to fill the remaining booths! Do you have something special, something unique, something KISS? The expo is Sunday April 2nd in Omaha, Nebraska at the Holiday Inn Central. UNION and Andre Augustine are the guests so far. This will be huge! For vendor, hotel and attendance info contact us at kissarmyomaha@go.com
Australian KISS Fanzine - Radioactive
From: Mark Bridge
The Australian KISS fanclub magazine RADIOACTIVE Issue 5 is shipping now. The Issue includes photos and stories you won't find anywhere else. Editor Mark Bridge, club President Brett Bartlett and Treasurer Donna Basson made the trip to Vancouver on NYE and have full reports, including photos of the awesome stage. Brett and Donna went on to the US and even got to meet Ace's mom. But wait, there's more!
Australian reviews of DRC
Letters from the fans
Win a millenium promo poster
Discounts on merchandise
Rare band photos etc etc
Radioactive is a nonprofit organisation run by fans for the fans. KISS fans should throw their support behind this club as their membership money goes into producing the magazine only (we open our books every year). As our membership grows there will be big improvements to the fanzine. The club is run as a service and not to make money off of fans. Please contact us for joining details. Be quick, our back issues sell out fast.
February 25
Omaha KISS Expo 2000 Presented By KISS Army Omaha & Z-92FM
From: Jonathon Bear
This is the first KISS expo ever in Omaha, Nebraska and it's going to be BIG! Vendors from accross the country including KISS Online will be on hand with very cool and exclusive stuff. There will be door prizes all day long (which will include an autographed
guitar by Bruce Kulick) via raffle tickets with proceeds going to the Eric Carr foundation for cancer research. Confirmed special guests are UNION which will perform and Guardian of the Gods author and KISS bodyguard Andre Augustine will be onhand for Q & A and autographs. More guests are being confirmed as this is written. The expo is Sunday April 2nd from noon-8pm at the Holiday Inn Central in Omaha. Ticket info coming soon. For hotel room information for you out of towners, can be obtained by contacting us at kissarmyomaha@go.com
Tod Howarth's West of Eight Ready For Pre-Order
Tod Howarth's new CD "West of Eight" (cover art pictured to the right) is almost available to ship, but can be pre-ordered at www.todhowarth.com right now! The cost of the new CD is $15.00 ( $17.00 outside of USA, use international money order or postal order). The price includes postage and handling as well. Just send a check or money order to Tod at: Tod Howarth, 3639 Midway Drive #106, San Diego, California 92110, USA. Tod will personally autograph the cd to whomever you wish, just be sure to specify. Also, please print all information clearly (including return address!) so Tod can be sure to get it right out to you! Click over to Tod's website now to check out more details on this great new cd, including audio samples of some of the tracks!
February 24
Rabid KISS Fans Nab Over 70,000 Exclusive Tickets to KISS The Farewell Tour From VH1.com
From: Entertainment Wire
NEW YORK- Feb. 23, 2000--KISS fans logged on to VH1.com last week in unprecedented numbers to purchase tickets for the band's upcoming farewell tour before they went on sale to the general public. Through VH1's intensive KISS-themed programming, viewers were notified of the exclusive chance to buy tickets first through the channel's Web site. Over three hectic days, KISS devotees bought more than 70,000 seats for the tour using VH1.com and Ticketmaster. KISS The Farewell tour kicks off in Phoenix, AZ on March 11th. "After years of presenting tours and selling concert tickets on VH1, we've finally arrived at a great new way to give our audience the chance to truly get tickets first," said Wayne Isaak, VH1 Executive VP of Music. "We used our programming to notify music fans of the exclusive ticket sale and we drove them to our Web site where in conjunction with Ticketmaster we sold 70,000 tickets." "The synergy between VH1 and KISS has really paid off," said KISS manager Doc McGhee. "Back when KISS started, tickets were bought by waiting in line at local box offices. Now because of the convenience of shopping
online and the visibility VH1 provides, we can really drive ticket sales for the tour, and make it easier for the consumer." "You think it's going to stop here?" said Fred Graver, SVP VH1.com. "Think again, my friend -- we'll have more KISS tickets up for sale in a few
weeks. So keep your makeup handy." It all started Wednesday, February 16th at 8:00 a.m., fans could purchase tickets for The Farewell Tour directly from ticketmaster.com exclusively through www.VH1.com before they went on sale to the general public. Tickets for KISS The Farewell Tour, which will be presented by VH1, went on sale to the rest of the world on Saturday, February 19th.
More Photos Of The New KISS Action Figures
From: Toymania.com via John O'Brien
Toymania.com has 3 new MacFarlane Toys KISS Action figure photos up on their website. You can view them by Clicking Here.
New UNION Tour Date Information
From: UNION Asylum
Here is the latest information on a few of the UNION tour datest.
3/16 Brick By Brick - 1130 Buenos Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110 - (619) 276-3993. Doors:8pm, UNION:11pm. Tickets are $8/$10 day of show. The club is 21 years +.
3/17 The Shack - 1160 N. Kraemer Blvd., Anaheim, CA 90620 - (714) 630-0121.
Doors: 7pm, UNION: 12 midnight. Tickets are $12./$13. day of show. The club is 21 years +.
3/19 The House of Sound - 302 E. Beale Street, Kingman, AZ 86401 - (520) 753-7472. Doors: 8pm, UNION: 11pm. Tickets are $8. and the age is TBA.
Click Here For The Latest UNION Tour Dates
February 23
Paul Stanley Has A Special Message For The KNAC.com Kommunity
From: KNAC.com via Fred Swift
Well, by now you've probably heard the news: KISS have become the official spokesmen for KNAC.COM - and we couldn't be happier! Not only do we get the greatest rock band of all time as official representatives of our pure rock world, but YOU will get KISS exclusives!!! Yup, YOU will get a direct line to the hottest band in the universe through KNAC.COM - all the sex, all the gossip, and all the rock you can possible handle! And to get the party started off right, Paul Stanley took the time to speak to you directly. Click here to get a special message from the Star Child himself to the KNAC.COM Kommunity!
February 22
KISS Farewell Tour Could Bring In $40 Million
From: Amusement Business Magazine via CARMONAO@aol.com
Tour Organizers are hopeful the upcoming KISS Farewell Tour can parlay a unique venue environment and a "last chance" mentality into more than $40 million in grosses. The tour, which begins March 11 at the Blockbuster/Desert Sky Pavilion in Phoenix, is billed as the last for the four original members: Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss. VH1 is the media sponsor.
KISS To Do A Pepsi Commercial
From: RollingStone.com via Tom Slater
Nevermind that Gene Simmons is an inveterate Diet Coke drinker, KISS has singed on to do a Pepsi commercial, following in the footsteps of Michael Jackson, Ricky Martin and Madonna. The four original members will gather in Los Angeles later this month to film the thirty second snippet, which will air during this year's Academy Awards on Sunday March 26. By that time, KISS will already be well on their way to making their last go-round together; their Farewell Tour kicks off on Mar.11 at the Blockbuster Desert Sky Pavilion in Phoenix, Arizona, running through July..."
Alternate Album Focus
From: Rich Hund
The insatiable appetite of KISS fans for news on their favorite group has never been fed as much as it has been in the last few years. Many long-term KISS fans learned the band's history slowly and in patches, first through their music and album covers, then magazine articles and rumors from classmates in school, and finally through the KISSTORY book, various biographies, and the Internet. These fans now know more than ever about the
personalities, studio musicians, mindsets of members throughout the years. And yet so much mystery remains. So many stories, facts and tidbits remain shrouded in secrecy. The Alternate Album Focus rips off this veil and exposes KISS for who they really were and are. Click Here To Read The KISS Album Focus "Parodies!"
UNION's "The Blue Room" Album Released Today!
From: UNION Asylum
UNION fans the day has arrived, UNION's second studio album "The Blue Room" is officially out in stores today. "The Blue Room" was premiered on the internet via streaming real audio at UNION Asylum 3 weeks ago and now KISS ASYLUM is proud to offer a preview of "The Blue Room" album for your listening enjoyment right here at KISS ASYLUM. If for any reason your store does not carry "The Blue Room" you can currently order it online at CDnow.com. If you have not heard UNION's latest album you can preview the entire album here at UNION Asylum by clicking to the UNION Asylum Multimedia/Audio section or by clicking the banner on the right column of KISS ASYLUM. UNION wants to hear your thoughts on the album so don't forget to participate in the UNION Asylum "favorite song" poll, contribute your track by track reviews on the album at UNION Asylum Views and post up your comments about it all on the UNION Asylum Bulletin Board.
February 21
KISS Thought Vault: A Union (Shooting) Gallery
From: Ron Albanese
February 9, 2000 will not only go down in history for being February 9, 2000, but the day (night) that Union turned CBGB in New York City's lower East Village into a "blue room," a custom launching pad for their latest album, The Blue Room, and (hopefully) supporting tour. Standing on the very stage that has showcased such CBGB luminaries as the Ramones, Blondie and the Plasmatics (W.O.W.), Union performed before an impressively-sized crowd comprised mostly of jaded industry members and seen-it-all-before village residents, with a few soldiers of the New Jersey Kiss Army (suburban branch) thrown in.
Click Here To Read The Full Article With Photos!
Fan Feedback "Alive 4 - Japanese Version or U.S. Version?"
There had been speculation about a possible farewell tour for months, and with KISS' latest actions with the upcoming KISS auction many fans began to wonder if the speculation was true, that the KISS Farewell Tour might be upon us. On Valentine's Day KISS officially announced the news many fans seemed to have feared, that the "KISS Farewell Tour" would indeed be taking place. In KISS ASYLUM's latest Fan Feedback poll, weeks before the official KISS announcement, we asked the online fans "Do You Think The Potential Upcoming KISS Tour Will Be The Farewell Tour?" and the results show that many of the fans saw this one coming, as 60% said they did feel the upcoming tour would be their last. The Poll breakdown is as follows: Yes, 60.6% (2948 Votes) - No, 28.3% (1377 Votes) - Not Sure, 10.9% (534 Votes)
With the KISS Farewell Tour announcement, KISS also announced that KISS Alive 4 would be released March 28th with 15 tracks, and that the import version would include 3 bonus tracks to round out the album. In KISS ASYLUM's latest Fan Feedback poll we want to know: "Will you buy the U.S. version of Alive 4 when it is released, wait for the Japanese Import version with bonus tracks, buy both, or buy neither?" Click over to www.kissasylum.com/poll/ to cast your vote and make your opinion heard. Also, don't forget to post up your comments about "Which version of Alive 4 you will buy and why" on KISS ASYLUM's KISS Army Online bulletin board at www.kissasylum.com/bbs/
Bruce Kulick's Guitar Returned
From: UNION Asylum
Bruce Kulick informed UNION Asylum that his red ESP guitar that was stolen at last week's Indy Expo has been returned to him. Bruce found the guitar waiting for him with the rest of his mail, returned anonymously, safe and sound in the same case in which it was stolen. Naturally, Bruce is thrilled to have the guitar back. To whoever sent it, thanks for doing the right thing.
NAMM Report
From: Phil Hunt
Phil Hunt traveled to Los Angeles to bring full coverage of KISS and Ex-KISS members who were on hand to appear at the NAMM Show 2000 being held in Los Angeles convention center Click Here for the full report with photos.
February 20
KISS Army Sound Off - Set List Sound Off Special
From: Ron Albanese & Byron Fogle
Hello one and all. Welcome to what you've been waiting for - the results of the Set List Sound Off. I've picked five of the most creative submissions, and how they were judged was: ideas for the band (i.e. Gene spiting blood during "Unholy" etc.), costumes or stage set up ideas, and freshness of ideas (not just the same rehashed ones). As for the songs mentioned in all the submissions, they were broken up into separate categories, as follows:
3. '80s & '90s MENTIONS
5. OLD CLASSICS TO ADD (Songs actually played live by the band at some point).
Ron & I (Byron) will also be throwing our 2 cents in to the 5 submissions chosen as "runners-up" & the one that put in the most work and creativity to compile. Also, just to bring some extra input, I have enlisted the help of fellow KISS ASYLUM writer Ron Albanese of the KISS Though Vault. For all you people who've read his column you know Ron is not afraid to speak his mind. I think this combination and the above ground "rules" will make this a very interesting and entertaining read for all.
Click Here To Read The Results Of The Set List Sound Off!
World Without Heroes New Song Sample
From: Kathy Labonte
UPDATE -The books are done! Hot off the presses this past Thursday, I finally got the call to go and pick them up. They look quite nice. Soundtracks are still not back from the replication plant but will be here this week. We will start shipping March 1st. In the meantime, here¹s a couple of newsbits surrounding the WWH project: - The Atlanta KISS Convention featured Dale Sherman as a guest and was covered by VH1. Dale was also VH1¹s guest as a rock memorabilia appraiser. He debuted the ³World Without Heroes² book for the first time publicly for VH1 and the convention. - Metal Edge¹s upcoming KISS Tour Special will feature the "World Without Heroes" cover and hold a contest to win copies of the book as well as KAOL "Music From the Folder" CDs. Finally, it¹s been a LONG time since we offered you a new MP3 sample of one of the Soundtrack tunes. Sorry about that! Thanks to those of you who wrote asking for more, we¹ve decided to feature a brand new MP3 this week in its entirety instead of just a 60 second sample. Thanks for being patient. Click over to the World Without Heroes Soundtrack page to hear Chapter 22¹s ³DREAMIN¹ ³. This is the first time a cover has been done from the Psycho Circus album. This tune is similar to the old KAOL All Star tracks where several musicians from around the country joined in long distance to contribute to one song. The music was recorded in Southern California and 4 different vocalists were used from all over the country. It¹s quite a different arrangement but traditional too. Enjoy! www.kissarmyonline.com
KISS Freaks Indy KISS Expo Review
From: KISS Freaks
The Indianapolis KISS Expo 2000 version was a great one. The attendance, guests and merchandise were all a major plus at this third version of the annual event. The fan total was definitely higher this year than the previous year. Maybe due to the excitement of the upcoming KISS tour. Regardless, this turned out to be another great Indianapolis Expo.
Click Here To Read The Full Review Including Some Great Photos!
Eric Carr In New Metal Edge
From: bfogle@mindspring.com
Hey fellow Asylum-a-holics just wanted to let you all know that the new Metal Edge has a full page feature on Eric Carr, a tribute of sorts. It's an article spotlighting the video Tale of the Fox & Rockology CD. There are also comments from Bruce Kulick sprinkled in the text of the article. It really cool to see that a mainstream publications such as Metal Edge still recognize that Eric is still a viable force in music even though he has passed on. We all know that not every fan of Eric's is on the internet so now they will be made aware that these products are in existence. Hats off to Paul Gargano for including this piece for all Metal Edge readers to see. Check it out it's a cool read. Also as Gerri Miller said there will be a full tribute in the new Metal Edge Kiss Farewell Tour Magazine due out in late March.
Racing Champions KISS Prowler
From: www.prowlerclub.com
1/64 scale KISS Prowler details: Similar to the Racing Champions "Hot Rockin Steel Die Cast Series. Black Painted 1/64 scale Prowler, opening hood with detailed engine compartment, chrome "Scallops" on front fenders, large hood grills, dark gray bumpers front and back, dark gray detailed interior, chrome wheels, black tires with KISS logo in white letters, black bezel around windshield, chrome grill, chrome exhaust pipes, on back trunk lid it reads "KISS Prowler" with KISS logo and the Official Plymouth Prowler logo. Only 3,500 pieces will be produced - FULL COLOR KISS LICENSED PACKAGING. Only $10.99 each. To order call (732) 364-3637 or visit www.prowlerclub.com/kiss.htm
Win A Trip To Vegas To See KISS Live On 3/17
From: VH1.com
VH1.com is known for its great giveaways, and spending quality time with KISS in Sin City is one of our best offers ever. The winners of our KISS sweepstakes will be flown to Las Vegas, set up at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino, and go absolutely bonkers to the rock and roll of Gene, Paul, Peter and Ace on March 17. Two separate pairs of tickets are up for grabs. And where will the winners be sitting? The best seats in the house! If you're over 21, ready to travel on March 16, and a diehard KISS fanatic, then what are you doing just sitting there? Click here and enter the sweeps. http://www.vh1.com/kiss/
Exclusive KISS Farewell Tour Tickets Selling Fast Through VH1.com
From: Entertainment Wire
NEW YORK--February 18, 2000--Rabid KISS fans have been flooding online to VH1.com to purchase tickets for the band's upcoming farewell tour before they go on sale to the general public. So far, KISS fans have bought over 46,000 seats for the tour, which kicks off in Phoenix, AZ on March 11th. "We've done the equivalent of selling out the Garden for two nights -- in the first eight hours," said Fred Graver, SVP VH1.com. "What happened here is just the beginning of the ticket opportunities we'll be offering our users -- even the ones who don't paint their faces to go to concerts." It all started Wednesday, February 16th at 8:00 a.m. - KISS fans could purchase tickets for The Farewell Tour directly from
ticketmaster.com exclusively through www.VH1.com before they go on sale to the general public on February 19th. Tickets for KISS The Farewell Tour, which will be presented by VH1, will still be available exclusively online through 5:00 p.m. ET
February 18th. Tickets for the general public will go on sale beginning Saturday, February 19th. In addition to being the first to sell KISS tickets, VH1.com has created a complete online KISS Tour area called "VH1.Com's Last KISS" which follows the tour from beginning to end. The area includes discography, biographies, photos, message boards, and coming on Feb 29, weekly Webisodes of the series KISS: Immortals.
February 18
"A World Without Heroes" Novel & CD
Author Dale Sherman and the producers of the KAOL KISS Tribute CDs bring the KISS Army to the next level with THE most unique fan created package ever to honor a rock and roll band. This story is required reading for every KISS fan in the ranks and the new music is a must for your collection. Based in part on both the concept album "The Elder" and the 1978 NBC TV movie, "KISS Meets The Phantom of The Park" , both truth and fiction come together as we re-visit the band from their early days on the streets of New York to their fictional encounters with the magical Talismans, all in a true to life timeline of events.Inside you'll find the first full length Soundtrack to accompany a novel! Similar to that of a motion picture Soundtrack, each and every chapter is represented by a carefully chosen KISS song to follow the storyline. A musical journey re-created by artists all over the world, this disc makes for a KISS Tribute CD like no other. 100% of all profits from this package will be donated to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in the dame of the KISS Army Online and in memory of late KISS drummer Eric Carr. Why was KISS chosen for the Talismans? Can Ace change the dark destiny as foretold by the Elders? Can Eric or Peter save the day or will Blackwell destroy KISS? The answers lie inside as does the music of a generation. Experience KISS like you never have before! Click over to www.kissarmyonline.com for more information on how to order this awesome KISS novel and CD!!
Gene Simmons Talks About Life After KISS
From: Tunes.com via Kenn Hoekstra
The God of Thunder reflects on life after KISS
KISS may have said they're pulling the plug on the band, but when we grilled Gene Simmons about the demise to the mascara-wearing warriors, all he would intone was "this is the end of KISS as a touring entity." In other words, there are still lots of possibilities for these guys, who first planted their platform boots on stage and rolled their tongues out during the Ford administration. To wit: not only are Simmons and guitarist Paul Stanley going to be celebrity spokesmen for their former producer Bob Ezrin's KNAC Web site, they're also about to launch two KISS theme parks (in Florida and Los Angeles), a cartoon
show and a radio station. In other words, the KISS Army will continue to march, but without Peter Criss beating the drum. Click Here To Read The Interview!
Eric Carr Remembered - "Rockology" Release From Spitfire Records
From: KNAC.com
Spitfire Records Rockology Ex-KISS Drummer -- As a member of KISS for 11 years, Eric Carr gained a huge and loyal following worldwide.He joined the band in 1980 replacing original drummer Peter Criss and wore the Fox makeup during his first three years. Carr recorded eight albums with KISS, receiving seven gold and five platinum awards in the U.S. alone and toured the world seven times. After performing over 125 dates in front of 700,000+ fans on Kiss" 1990 U.S. tour, Eric Carr was diagnosed with cancer and subsequently died in 1991. Carr is remembered by fans at yearly KISS conventions, in fanzines and on websites worldwide. Spitfire Records will release "Rockology" on April 4, 2K. This CD marks the first ever solo release by Eric Carr. All 11 never before released songs (six of which feature Eric on lead vocals) were recorded during his years with KISS. Carr's family along with friend and former KISS guitarist Bruce Kulick (who does all guitar work on CD), have worked together with Spitfire Records/Rock Hard to make this release a lasting tribute to a great musician and person, who died much too young. Rockology is set to feature these songs: Eyes of Love, Somebody's Waiting, Heavy Metal Baby, Just Can't Wait, Mad Dog, You Make Me Crazy, Nightmare, Too Cool For School, Tiara, Can You Feel It, Nasty Boys. [KISS ASYLUM Note: This is an awesome album and any KISS / Eric Carr fan should pick it up! You can also listen to the entire album on streaming real audio at KISS ASYLUM - http://www.kissasylum.com ]
Ex-KISS, Crue Members Do Their Own Thing On New Set
From: Billboard Online / Feature Artist Of The Day - February 17, 2000
LOS ANGELES -- With its sophomore effort "The Blue Room," Union appears ready to kiss the past goodbye. Though led by marquee hard-rock names -- former Motley Crue vocalist John Corabi and ex-KISS guitarist Bruce Kulick -- Union wants "The Blue Room," due February 22nd on Spitfire Records, to portray the changes the band has undergone since its 1998 self-titled debut. "I think it was important [to prove] that we're not a [side] project, as much as John and I got a lot of attention for being 'former members of,' " Kulick says. To that end, Corabi adds, Union took extra steps to "sound more cohesive and more like a band" by enlisting producer Bob Marlette, who Corabi believes provided a positive influence in the studio. Click Here To Read The Full Article!
Latest UNION Tour Dates
From: UNION Asylum
The latest UNION tour dates have been released. Information on ticket prices and times will be available shortly. All dates are subject to change so please continue to check UNION Asylum for the latest up to date UNION tour information.
Click Over To UNION Asylum For More Info!
KISS Kollector Issue 31 Out Soon
From: Joop / KISS Kollector Online
The new issue of KISS Kollector magazine, No. 31, is being printed right now (see printing proof of the cover) and is expected to be out in a few days. As per usual it is jampacked with everything KISS. The issue includes:
The Story Of Ace Frehley (with photos of Ace live in 1973, his former mansion in Connecticut, backstage shots from Donington '96, etc.)
Big article in which experts such as rock journalists from magazines like Rock Hard (Germany), Hard N' Heavy (France), Goldmine (USA), OOR (Holland) and insiders like Adam Mitchell and Bruce Kulick say what they expect from KISS in 2000
Review of Chip 'Rock' Dayton's Outtakes photobook on KISS
Review of Union's upcoming The Blue Room album
The latest news, and much more http://kiss.animalize.com/headlines/
February 17
KISS Insist Farewell Tour Will Be Their Last
From: SonicNet
Bassist Gene Simmons says curtain call not a gimmick to sell tickets.
A day after influential stadium rockers KISS announced their farewell tour, singer/bassist Gene Simmons confirmed it definitely will be their last. "I know that in the past, other bands have used this as an opportunity to sell tickets or who knows what else," Simmons said on Tuesday (Feb. 15). "But we have never done that before. We've never talked about [calling it quits]. We've never [implied] it. This is it." Simmons also said that Psycho Circus (1998) , will be the group's last studio album. But the band will compile performances from its final tour on a live LP, he said. KISS ‹ who departed from their original lineup seven years after their 1973 formation and reunited in 1996 ‹ have decided to hang up their legendary concert garb for the same reason Michael Jordan hung up his sneakers: They've done it all. "We've scaled every mountain and forded every stream, and all the other big words," Simmons said. "We've gotten on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and we're right behind the Beatles in the number of gold records by any group in history. We'd rather go out on top, because that's not a bad position." -- Corey Moss
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
Atlanta KISS Expo KISS Raffle
From: Kathy Labonte
A reminder to all that the Atlanta 2000 KISS Expo on February 20th will feature a huge KISS raffle sponsored by KAOL, KISS ASYLUM, and KREATURES OF THE SOUTH. For fans coming to the convention, you'll have a chance to buy tickets to win the following grand prize: Dale Sherman's Black Diamond 1 & 2 and The Illustrated Collector's Guide to Alice Cooper, Andre Augustine's Guardian of the Gods, Chip Rock's Outtakes, Barry Levine's The Kiss Years, Gordon Gebert's KISS and Tell & KISS and Tell More, The Tale of The Fox video, ROCKOLOGY CD, and more! For official entry rules and to purchase raffle tickets visit the KAOL table during the Atlanta KISS Expo and a winner will be announced during the Expo that day. All profits made from the raffle will go to support KAOL and the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin (CHoW)."
Message From UNION
Our first promo trip for UNION together on the road was a very big success. CBGB's was packed, at 7:30 PM no less, to hear our set. The Spitfire party was lots of fun afterwards.
All the press the band did was very well received from radio stations, to internet sites like MTV online etc. The two radio shows in Hartford and Binghamton, were amazing.
Hartford, we turned away people! And Binghamton, might have been cold( 13 degrees!), but the crowd was very hot indeed. INDY expo 2000 was a huge success... of course the guitar rip off was a drag for me, but what a great turn out for UNION and the dealers.
Thanks to everyone who helped, to everyone who supported, and remember to keep an eye on the site for info on our tour and other great news surrounding the "Blue Room". See you all soon!! http://www.unionasylum.com - http://www.kulick.net
Bruce Kulick Radio Interview On Z-92
From: Jonathon Bear
Overnight radio host Jonathon Bear at Z-92 in Omaha will be running his interview with Bruce Kulick on Tuesday morning Feb. 22nd at 3am (central). You can listen on the web at www.z92.com or http://bear92.tripod.com. Bruce will discuss the oversees tour as well as the Blue Room cd. Select tracks from the cd will also be heard. Jonathon would love your comments on the special at bear@z92.com.
February 16
KISS Farewell Tour 'Presale Tickets' From VH1
From: VH-1.com
Be sure to set your alarm early tomorrow (Wednesday) because tickets for the KISS Farewell Tour will be exclusively presold by VH1.com and Ticketmaster. Transactions begin at 8AM in each venue's local time zone. For three days we'll be the only place in the world you can get tickets for KISS's Farewell Tour. Be sure to check the tour dates carefully because there have been some small changes in some of the dates. There will be a 4 ticket limit per person, per show.
KISS Tapped To Tell World About KNAC.com
From: KNAC.com Promotions Department
SANTA MONICA, Calif., February 15, 2000 - KISS founders Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley continue to rock 'n' roll all night and party every day by becoming the official spokesmen for KNAC.COM (http://www.knac.com), the loudest dot com on the planet and hard rock's home on the Net, it was announced today by KNAC.COM founder and GM, Rob Jones. Introduced by veteran producer Bob Ezrin (KISS, Alice Cooper, Peter Gabriel), the chairman of Internet music network Enigma Digital, KNAC.COM and the KISS front men saw the importance of interacting with the fans on a close and direct level. As spokesmen for the site, the legendary KISS front men will contribute original content to the site, make occasional appearances in the community's chat rooms and bulletin boards and will participate in various promotions, contests and giveaways as they promote KNAC.COM. KNAC.COM will co-sponsor KISS' upcoming tour. "KNAC-FM had the guts to champion KISS and support all types of hard rock and metal at a time when most radio stations chose safer formats," Stanley said. "In the mid-'90s, most hard rock bands found themselves forced to exist in underground exile, but KNAC.COM and the incredible power of the Internet is the platform by which this music will raise a clenched fist and smash its way back into the spotlight."
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
Preorder KISS Alive IV Japanese Compact Disc
From: David Snowden Promotions
Recorded on New Year's Eve 2000 at Vancouver's BC Place Concert Bowl, the Alive IV album contains: Psycho Circus, Shout It Out Loud, Deuce, Heaven's On Fire, Into The Void, Firehouse, Do You Love Me, Let Me Go Rock & Roll, I Love It Loud, Lick It Up, 100,000 Years, Love Gun, Black Diamond, Beth, Rock and Roll All Nite. Plus the bonus Japanese release tracks: 2000 Man, God Of Thunder and Detroit Rock City. Due in stock March 28th [Actual artwork may vary]. Item A4JP. Preorder Price: $31.99 Preorder today to ensure your order. All preorders ship the day we receive the compact discs in stock. Click To The KISS Shop To Preorder Today!
More Info On Bruce Kulick's Stolen Guitar
The guitar Bruce had stolen at the Indy KISS Expo on February 13th was an ESP Vintage Plus Stat with Floyd Rose tremolo, three pickups (two Duncans and one Dimarzio) with straplocks, and a special D Tuna addition to the Floyd. It is red see thru color with swamp ash wood body and has a rosewood finger board neck [guitar pictured to the right]. The guitar had two leather straps in the case, which is a brown flight case with a pad lock on it. The serial number is 17666. Please email beth@kissasylum.com if you have any information or leads about this guitar. A reward will be provided for information leading to the return/recovery of Bruce's guitar.
VH1 Rock Collectors at Atlanta KISS Expo
From: VH-1.com
Join "VH1 Rock Collectors" at the 6th Annuanl Atlanta KISS Expo. VH1 invites Atlanta area residents to bring their rock and roll memorabilia for appraisal to the 6th Annuanl Atlanta KISS Expo, thaking place at the Atlanta Hilton Northeast (5993 Peachtree Blvd.North), on Sunday, February 20, from 11am-5pm, and at the same time be a part of the series "VH1 Rock Collectors" which airs every Saturday at Noon. VH1 is looking to appraise rock memorabilia from a number of different artists. Howard Kramer, Associate Curator for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, and Mark Allen Baker, author of "The Goldmine Price to Rock 'n' Roll Memorabilia," will be there to source and appraise the memorabilia Please post this info and let Atlanta area KISS fans know about the expo For more information you can contact Rachel Lizerbram/VH1 (212) 846-7833
February 15
KISS Farewell Tour Announcement In The News
From: Mike Hogan
News is spreading quickly about the KISS Farewell Tour. Below are links to other articles with news about KISS' Farewell Tour.
SonicNet: KISS Insists Farewell Tour Will Be Their Last
CDnow/AllStar: KISS Says Farewell With U.S. Tour & Live Album
Billboard: KISS To Embark On Final Tour This Spring
Yahoo: KISS Announce Farewell Tour Beginning March 11th
Live Daily: KISS Unmasks First Leg Of Farewell Tour
KNAC.com: KISS The World Goodbye
MTV Online: KISS Announces Farewell Tour
SonicNet: Kiss To Kiss Touring Goodbye
Wall of Sound: KISS Announces Final Tour
'Double Version' Alive IV In the Works For Late Summer
From: Metal Edge Online
On Monday morning, KISS convened at a broadcast studio in Hollywood to do live on-air
interviews with stations across the country and talk about the Farewell Tour, Alive IV, and the videos for a special hour-long version of VH1's Rock Show this Friday, February 17, at 11:30 PM ET. VH1 will also run the Second Coming longform on February 16 at 6 PM ET, and make tickets to the first leg of the tour available at VH1.com starting February 16 at 8 AM ET. The itinerary for the first leg of the tour is at the site now. Alive IV, featuring 15 tracks (three more are on the version to be released in Japan) will be out March 28, but an expanded double version is in the works for later in the summer. March 28 is also the on-sale date for a special Farewell Tour magazine from Sterling/Macfadden that will feature new interviews with current and past KISS members, 16 posters, contests, a tribute to Eric Carr, a timeline, and more. The magazine will also be available at the concert venues throughout the tour.
February 14
KISS Alive - McFarlane Toys 4th Series Of KISS Figures
From: Spawn.com via Spacebass
The greatest showmen in rock 'n' roll, KISS are a veritable multimedia empire. And with Todd McFarlane and all the band members taking turns at the wheel, they're driving the whole rig (action figures, monthly Psycho Circus comic book, quarterly KISS magazine) straight down the highway to hard rock history. Members of the KISS Army are serious about their merchandise and McFarlane Toys is serious about providing top-quality action figures. We've set the standard for KISS figures through our first three lines and No. 4 will be no different. This year's series is more lifelike than previous lines. It's an exact reproduction of a famous 1976 concert photograph; the figures can be grouped to re-create this moment in time. And, of course, the figures are packaged with guitars and drums for you to rock out. Click Over To Spawn.com For More Information!
KISS ASYLUM - VH-1's KISS Best Of The Web
From: VH1.com
VH-1 has assembled the best KISS websites on the web and here is what they said about KISS ASYLUM. KISS ASYLUM - http://www.kissasylum.com/ - THE preeminent Web resource for KISS news. The site also has under its umbrella several fanzines, as well as its own estimable archives. It's the standard by which other KISS information services must be judged.
KISS VH-1 Announcement
From: Jarod Frank
KISS just did their thing on VH1. It was a really quick interview after the first commercial break of the hour, so it was actually more like at 1:10pm (central). They didn't say too much, just that they'd "done everything" and they wanted to "go out one more time and do one for the fans." Gene said this farewell thing is "not about selling tickets"..it's the "first and final farewell tour." Paul talked most, Peter got a line in at the end about not missing it, and Ace just kind of sat there looking like Grandmama from the Addams Family. There will be a VH1 Rock Show KISS special on Thursday night with the band at 10:30pm (central). Didn't say anything about more dates, but they also didn't say those were the only ones either.
KISS Announce Farewell Tour Beginning March 11th
Alive IV To Be Released March 28th
New York, NY-- Legendary rock band KISS has announced today that they will hit the road for the last time beginning March 11th in Phoenix, AZ. The "Farewell Tour" will be the final opportunity to see the four original KISS members Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss together on stage. KISS' 1996-97 worldwide Reunion tour featured the band back together and back in makeup and was the highest grossing tour of that year. In addition to the "Farewell Tour", KISS will release Alive IV on March 28th (Mercury/Island Def Jam). Alive IV was recorded on New Year's Eve 2000 at Vancouver's BC Place Concert Bowl. The album contains such classics as "Rock and Roll All Night", "Shout It Out Loud", "Love Gun" and "Beth". The complete track listing for KISS Alive IV is as follows: Psycho Circus, Shout It Out Loud, Deuce, Heaven's On Fire, Into The Void, Firehouse, Do You Love Me, Let Me Go Rock & Roll, I Love It Loud, Lick It Up, 100,000 Years, Love Gun, Black Diamond, Beth, Rock and Roll All Nite. Bonus Tracks for Japan include: 2000 Man, God Of Thunder and Detroit Rock City.
Click Here For The Latest Updated KISS Farewell Tour Dates
Bruce Kulick Guitar Stolen
From: Metal Edge Online
Bruce Kulick fell victim to theft yesterday, when his red ESP signature guitar was stolen from the KISS Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he appeared with UNION. Anyone with information about the missing instrument is urged to contact Keith Leroux at gapp97@aol.com. A reward is being offered for any leads resulting in the recovery of the guitar.
February 13
Former KISS Guitarist Wants On Farewell Tour
From: Launch.com
(Launch) - The forthcoming KISS farewell tour will be a huge event, especially if Ted Nugent and Skid Row sign on as the opening acts. Although an "official" announcement hasn't been made, many people - including UNION and former KISS guitarist Bruce Kulick - seem to think that it was a good run for New York's masked men. "We all know farewell never always means farewell," he said. "Both David Bowie and Ozzy (Osbourne) have proven that. I certainly think that this would be a really nice way to hype this tour to make people go 'Look, we're all going to go our separate ways - maybe forever, maybe not.'" Kulick also added that he would like for his band UNION to be one of the opening acts on the KISS farewell tour. Kulick was in KISS for 11 years, from 1984 to 1995, and is on seven of the band's studio albums - - eight if you count his contributions to international versions of 1998's "Psycho Circus." Kulick joined forces with former Motley Crue frontman John Corabi for UNION and has completed two studio albums with the band. The second album, "The Blue Room," is scheduled for release Feb. 22.
KISS Singer Helps Raise Funds For AboutFace
From: Toronto Sun via Armen Gulesserian
KISS lead singer Paul Stanley has been stared at and gawked at all of his life -- but not just because he's a celebrity. Stanley, who was born deaf in one ear and with an ear deformity, struggled with his differences as a child growing up in Queens, N.Y. Dressed in black leather pants, a white V-neck T-shirt and black blazer, the star who closed Toronto's 10-year run of The Phantom of the Opera on Halloween, flew into town to raise awareness for AboutFace, an organization that provides emotional support to individuals with facial differences. "Growing up I was like everyone with a facial difference. I was stared at or taunted -- sometimes perhaps by people not meaning to hurt me, but more out of curiosity," said Stanley, who spoke at an AboutFace fundraising gala last night at the Four Seasons Hotel. "I have been affected by how people viewed it and for that reason, I like to see myself as someone who can shed some light on what it's like to grow up like that and with a lot of determination and going through some times which may not have been pleasant," Stanley said. "By letting people know what's behind the mystery can help people relate better." Stanley took time out Thursday to meet with several children who are members of AboutFace. "It was very emotional. It was a wonderful bonding experience for me. It felt very good because everyone is looking for a role model and provide some ray of light, a path and if in anyway I can be an example or a source of information I'm willing to help," he said. Stanley said when he was a youngster growing up, he saw the Beatles on TV and decided he was going to be a rock star. "In some ways I guess it (his ear deformity) forced me or directed me towards other avenues of creativity to assert myself as an individual and define myself," he said. When Stanley saw The Phantom of the Opera in London, England, 10 years ago, he decided he would some day play the Phantom role. He made his musical-theatre debut as the Phantom in Toronto to standing-room-only audiences. He plans to perform on Broadway in New York in the fall, following a KISS tour. -- Sharon Lem, Toronto Sun
VH-1 KISS Tour News
From: VH1.com
If you're a hardcore follower of KISS, then set your alarm. On Monday, the 14th, at
11a.m. EST you'll need to be at VH1.com for a very special KISS annoucement
February 11
Paul & Ace Appear In New Rolling Stone
From: Mike Hogan
Paul and Ace both appear in the new Rolling Stone magazine (Leonardo DiCaprio cover). Paul is seen holding his year "2000" custom Washburn and Ace is pictured from a guitar show from New York.
KISS Tour Dates
From: Beaver Productions via Jerry Songy
Courtesy of Joe at Beaver Productions KISS will be in Pensacola, FL. on April 6th and in New Orleans, LA. on April 16th, 2000 in the new New Orleans Arena on side the Superdome! Tickets go on sale Next Saturday February 19th, 2000. This Monday the 14th there will be a Press Conference televised by VH-1 times to be announced!
Bruce & John AOL Chat Details
From: UNION Asylum
The Bruce & John AOL chat will take place February 23rd at 8pm EST, keyword 'Rock Chat."
Black Diamond/WWH Author Interview News
For those of you in the North Carolina area, KISS author Dale Sherman will be appearing on the morning radio show within the next few days on WLGQ (97.9) in Roanoke Rapids, NC. The interview will also be heard on WZRU (99.7) in North Carolina as well, so keep your ears out for it.
February 10
Update on "A World Without Heroes" Release
From: Kathy Labonte
For the last 4 weeks we've been feverishly working around the clock to get the multi-media "World Without Heroes" package together and into manufacturing for our anticipated late January release. The book sections assembled and to the presses, and the CD mastered and to the replicating house, everything is indeed now in the manufacturing plants. But as you can see, we are running behind on our original planned release date. Have no fear! The setback only amounts to about a 3 week delay and for a project of this magnitude, that is a pretty good margin of error in terms of scheduling. In addition to some last minute editing of the book and final adjustments to the Soundtrack, one of the problems encountered was the fact that the printing presses became backlogged with about 15 jobs scheduled in front of us.We've been assured that "A World Without Heroes" is being pushed thru as fast as possible and we are hoping to have it retail ready in time to premiere at the February 20th Atlanta KISS Convention that Dale Sherman is attending as a guest.. That's going to be tough and we've been told we may miss that by a few days. Nevertheless, the books should be off the presses and ready for shipping in about 10-14 days. You can start looking for your package in early March or sooner. Your package will include the book, the Soundtrack in the back, and the "World Without Heroes" pen and bookmark set. In addition to this, we have decided to go one step further to make the package worth your wait. Each book will now be hand numbered from the first press run and will come with an official Certificate of Authenticity. These certificates will also be handnumbered to match your book, personalized with your name, and signed by Dale Sherman. As an added measure, all Certificates will be hand embossed with the official corporate seal of MusiCare Online. It's quite possible that "A World Without Heroes" will later be carried by Barnes and Noble, Borders, and other fine book stores and in that event, this original press run of mail order copies will be more of a collector's item. So, let me stress how appreciative I am of your patience. Some of you ordered back in November and have been anxiously awaiting the January release. Just hang in a bit longer and watch your mailbox! Things are almost ready and hopefully to your liking and satisfaction. At www.kissarmyonline.com, there are some thumbnail shots of the actual printing presses of KNI Incorporated where "A World Without Heroes" is being printed. When I brought the files in and met with our sales consultant, I was given a tour of the factory and warehouse and brought the digital camera along so everyone can enjoy the shots. I had never seen actual printing presses before and found it fascinating. It's quite a process to put this all together. KNI is located in Anaheim, California and does printing worldwide.
February 9
Metal Edge KISS Special Tour Magazine
Gerri Miller of Metal Edge Online gave KISS ASYLUM the lowdown on the up coming Metal Edge KISS Special Tour Magazine. Gerri mentioned, "The issue goes on sale on the 28th of March, and will also be at the venues on the tour. I'm working on getting the interviews set up with the KISS members this week. I've already talked to Bruce Kulick and Eric Singer, who will also be included. There will be contests, timeline, tour itinerary, tribute to Eric Carr, quotes, lists, 16 posters and more!"
UNION Asylum's "Blue Room" Contest
From: UNION Asylum
In conjunction with UNION and Spitfire Records, UNION Asylum is honored to host this contest to promote the impending release of UNION's album "The Blue Room" on February 22, 2000. The strong support of UNION by all the online fans has been an invaluable part of UNION's growth and continually expanding success. To say "thank you" to all the online UNION fans, Spitfire and the band have made a ton of great cd prizes available for all the winners of this contest! There are over 30 "Blue Room" prizes to be won in this contest. The prizes include copies of the promotional cd single of the "Blue Room's" first single "Do Your Own Thing", as well as advance/promotional copies of the full "Blue Room" album. Both of these cd's are limted number pressings that were distributed only to people in the radio and music industry -- very hard to find, highly collectible items! Click Here For More Information On How You Can Enter The Contest!
Win An Autographed ESP Guitar From UNION!
From: UNION Asylum
Spitfire Records & UNION Asylum are proud to announce another great contest for all UNION fans. All you have to do to enter is fill out and send Spitfire Records the entry card found inside the UNION "Blue Room" cd. All enteries must be posted marked by May 22, 2000 to be eligible for the random drawing. The winner of the random drawing will recieve an ESP guitar autographed by the entire band! 50 fans will also win autograph 8x10's and guitar picks. Don't miss out on this awesome contest - be sure to pick up a copy (or two!) of UNION's "Blue Room" as soon as it's released February 22nd and send in your entry!
ClownWhite Issue #4
From: Deno
Scheduled for a March 7th release, the new issue of CLOWNWHITE Magazine features an exclusive interview with the 'Demon' himself, Gene Simmons. We also interview Bruce Kulick about Union and their brand new album 'The Blue Room'. Elsewhere there's a four
page 'lyricomic' called Parasite, which features some totally awesome artwork by Gus Gall and a review of the long awaited KISSTORY II. Rounding things up with the latest news, album reviews (Alive IV if we're 'very' lucky!!) and a look at all the letters, faxes and artwork we've received from fans...don't miss it...
KISS Freaks Special Delivery Indy Expo Edition
From: Steve Stierwalt
That's right the Collector's Edition LAST issue of KISS Freaks Special Delivery is ready to ship with a second cover and a special History of the Indianapolis KISS Expo section. Here are some of the highlights: History of the Indianapolis KISS Expo- Find out about the past history of the Indy Expo and a preview of the Indianapolis KISS Expo 2000. Rust Almost Human: Part 5- In issue 16 of KISS Freaks Special Delivery we featured Almost Human Four Tales of Ethereal Rising. A story based on each member of the original KISS lineup. These stories by Tony Armstrong were very well received. Now here is another along the same lines dedicated to the memory of Eric Carr. 1999 New England KISS Expo- Kristen McGregor tells of her visit to the New England KISS Expo featuring Mark St. John and the Dressed To Kill Tribute band. 1999 Dallas KISS Expo- Phil Hunt tells of his weekend adventure at the Dallas KISS Expo. Phil spent the weekend hanging out with ESP and Andre Augustine. News- So much news we can’t keep up. Try to get caught up on all the
latest KISS related news! 1999 Philadelphia KISS Expo- Penny Pensyl gives her account of the Philadelphia KISS Expo held in November. Tale of the Fox Video Review- Read about the video release devoted to the life of Eric Carr. Y2KISS in Vancouver Rock City- Neil Gido reviews New Years Eve in Vancouver, Canada. New KISS Freaks at Fandom Unveiled- Check out some of the pictures from our trip to Los Angeles for the unveiling of the NEW KISS Freaks website at Fandom. The Story of KISS Prowler- Nowell Herman Official Plymouth Prowler Club President gets ahold of the KISS Prowler! Read his amazing story & view the exclusive pictures! And more News than you could possible read! To order your copy send $4 payable to Steve Stierwalt, Jr. to: Steve Stierwalt, Jr., Attn: KISS Freaks SD Indy Ed., 5246 Padre Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46237
February 8
1/64 Scale Racing Champions KISS Prowler
From: www.prowlerclub.com
1/64 scale KISS Prowler details: (Similar to the Racing Champions "Hot Rockin Steel Die Cast Series) Black Painted 1/64 scale Prowler, Opening hood with detailed engine compartment, Chrome "Scallops" on front fenders, large hood grills, dark gray bumpers front and back, dark gray detailed interior, chrome wheels, black tires with KISS logo in white letters, black bezel around windshield, chrome grill, chrome exhaust pipes, on back trunk lid it reads "KISS Prowler" with KISS logo and the Official Plymouth Prowler logo. Only 3,500 pieces will be produced - FULL COLOR KISS LICENSED PACKAGING.
ONLY $10.99 each, To order call (732) 364-3637 or visit www.prowlerclub.com/kiss.htm
Click Here For More Details!
WCW KISS Demon Webpage
WCW's KISS Demon website is up on the www.wcw.com website. The bio reads
" According to legend, the dark and mysterious members of KISS always dreamed of playing music and singing for the masses. But there was one outcast in the mythical group -- an imposing and powerful figure that found battle far more interesting than ballads and base lines. While Paul Stanley and Ace Frehley took guitar lessons, The Demon studied mat wrestling and the martial arts. KISS played small gigs in New York to perfect their style; The Demon fought around the world, in hopes of learning all the nuances of classic warfare. An almost invincible warrior, the white-faced wrestler plans to give wrestling what KISS has offered to rock-and-roll: Complete and utter dominance. After debuting in Las Vegas in the fall of 1999, The Demon has finally left his sarcophagus and began his quest for sports entertainment supremacy. " Photos courtesy of WCW Magzine. Visit www.wcw.com for more information on The Demon!
KISS Army Strike Magazine's 5th Annual Aussie KISS Expo
From: Nico
The Expo will take place in Melbourne, Friday, March 10th, 2000 at Edwards Tavern, 211 High Street - Prahran, VIC - Tel. 03-9510-9897. The expo will start at 6:00 PM until late. Some of the main happenings of the day include: All-day KISS videos shown on a giant screen which will include unreleased TV and live footage (including Phantom of the Opera and New Years Eve footage). Latest News from the internet. Prizes to be given away throughout the night with some of these competitions including" guess the song competition, trivia questions competition, best make-up competition, KISS Tattoos competition, longest tongue competition, karaoke competition. Prizes include: autographed material, KISS guitar picks and KISS Army International Merchandise. KISSteria tribute band will be in concert. Merchandise will be available. There will be lots of stands overloaded with KISS memorabilia from Eurpoe and America including all the latest official U.S. merchandise. Tickets will be available at the door at $10 per head. For more information, please write to: Nicola & Joanne Ciccarone -2 / 49 Rose Street - Coburg, Vic. 3058 - fax 03-9383-5900 - email nicostrike@hotmail.com
Z-92 Radio Interview with Bruce Kulick
From: Jonathon Bear, Z-92 host "All Night Flight"
I recently did a taped interview with Bruce for my radio show. It will be airing at 3am (central) on Feb 22. (release day)! I will be playing select tracks from "The Blue Room" as well. If your readers are in the Omaha, Nebraska area, it can be heard on Z-92 The Rock Station. If listening online, they can go to www.z92.com. It will last approximatly a half hour to 45 minutes(depending how many songs I sneak in).
We discussed the new album, the overseas tour and the future tour.
February 7
The Asylum Spotlights KAOL all this Month
The year 2000 is the year for the KISS Army Online! With the final projects in the making, KAOL has some big releases planned for this year and KISS ASYLUM is proud to showcase KAOL all this month. KAOL started right here on the KISS ASYLUM back in 1997 and has since grown into MusiCare Online. First, in celebration of the upcoming release of Dale Sherman's new book project with KAOL, this month's spotlight will include the unveiling of the cover for the new "A World Without Heroes" novel, complete with a 70 minute KAOL Soundtrack CD inside, and brought to you by MusiCare Online, the people responsible for bringing you the past KAOL KISS Tribute CDs. Starting February 7th, KISS ASYLUM and KAOL will join forces for the biggest raffle in KISS Army history! One grand winner will take home a comprehensive prize package of several of your favorite authors books and CDs. Gordon Gebert, Studio Chikara, Andre Augustine, Dale Sherman are just a few of the authors donating their books to the grand prize package. The raffle is to directly raise money for the Children's Hospital Of Wisconsin, where the KAOL Tribute CDs have been donating their profits for the last 3 years. Stay tuned for the raffle announcement! A ticket is just a few dollars and the prize package is worth hundreds! Later this month, the KISS Army fans and members will have a unique opportunity to get involved with the making of the final KAOL CD due out this summer. KAOL 3 - The Spirit of '78 is the last in the Trilogy series and will be based on the 4 solo albums of 1978. The 2 roughdrafts for the CD cover have been done by artist Dave Magee, and will be unveiled for YOU, the fans, to vote on your favorite one! The cover with the highest votes will become the official KAOL 3 cover. Dave did the prior KAOL CD covers, Creatures of The Net and Music From The Folder. Speaking of the sold out "Creatures of The Net", a new edition will be re-pressed in a few months with the return of Bob Ezrin and The Partridge Family band in "Shout It Out Loud", as well as some brand new tracks such as "2000 Man." All this month KISS ASYLUM will bring you special bits on the KAOL projects, including "Time and Again" spotlights from the last couple of years as we re-visit the history and making of KAOL in their final year. Don't forget to visit the KAOL website and get your copy of " A World Without Heroes" from the first press run. www.kissarmyonline.com Stay tuned this month for KAOL!
KISS Alive IV Tentatively Set For March 21 Release
As KISS ASYLUM first previously reported last week concerning the tentative KISS Alive IV release, the Kiss Online website now is reporting that the Alive IV album is tentatively scheduled to be released on March 21.
Fan Feedback "Do You Think The Potential Upcoming KISS Tour Will Be The Farewell Tour?"
Recently KISS signed an agreement to sell at auction substantially all of the instruments, costumes, memorabilia and similar items used by KISS since its founding in 1974. KISS ASYLUM posed the question to the online fans "Will You Bid On Stuff From The KISS Auction?" Over 50% of the online fans said they would not leaving close to 30% saying they would. The Poll breakdown is as follows: No, 52.5% (1297 Votes); Yes, 29% (718 Votes); Not Sure, 18.3% (453 Votes)
In KISS ASYLUM's December Fan Feedback poll we asked fans what they would like to see KISS do next and the top two choices were a new studio album and having KISS go back out on tour. While there really hasn't been much talk of a new studio album, members of KISS on a number of occassions have mentioned that they are indeed trying to plan to go back out on tour in early 2000. In late 1999 there were rumors suggesting that the next KISS tour could be KISS' Farewell tour. Recently Gene commented to Metal Edge, ""The first 30 dates are penciled in. We're planning at least 60, starting in the States," says Simmons, who isn't calling it a farewell tour. Whether it turns out to be that "depends on Ace and Peter. If they want it to go longer, it won't be. And if they don't, it will." And in January KISS announced that they will be auctioning off much of their band memorabilia leaving some KISS fans to think that KISS might be winding down. A recent article from SonicNet quoted a KISS fan on his opinions on the KISS auction saying "I'm still a KISS fanatic, but it seems like the last thing that's important right now is the music," KISS memorabilia collector John Candella, 27, of Milford, Conn., said. "It upsets me. It just seems like they want a ton of money right now. ... If they're gonna auction off all their stuff, then maybe they are going to call it quits." KISS ASYLUM wants to put that question out to the fans, "Do You Think The Potential Upcoming KISS Tour Will Be The Farewell Tour?" Click over to www.kissasylum.com/poll/ to cast your vote and make your opinion heard. Also, don't forget to post up your comments about "KISS Potential Tour and whether it will be a 'farewell tour'" on KISS ASYLUM's KISS Army Online bulletin board at www.kissasylum.com/bbs/
Upcoming Online UNION Interviews
From: UNION Asylum
UNION management contacted UNION Asylum to pass along the latest upcoming Online UNION Interviews:
February 10th - 7:15 p.m. Eyada.com live on air interview with Bruce & John
February 11th - 2 p.m. (EST) in person/on air interview on WCCC in Hartford, CT
February 16th - 4:00 p.m. (PST) Prime-Choice.com
February 17th - 1:00 p.m. (PST) KNAC.COM in studio interview/acoustic songs with all band members
February 21st - 1:00 p.m. (PST) MFN Rocks Live in Studio with Bruce & John
February 23rd - 5:00 p.m. (PST) AOL chat with Bruce & John (more details forthcoming)
February 4
Skid Row, Ted Nugent To Open For KISS
From: MTV via Mike Hogan
It looks like Skid Row is back... sans Sebastian Bach. The glammy metal outfit, with Texan singer John (Johnny) Solinger at the mic, will be opening for KISS when the legendary band tours this spring. The outing scheduled to start March 14, and the band will indeed be billed under the name Skid Row. After Skid Row parted less than amicably with Bach in 1997 (see "Bach Skids to a Halt"), the remaining members, guitarists Dave Snake Sabo and Scotti Hill, bassist Rachel Bolan, and drummer Rob Affuso, formed a new group in mid-'98 called Ozone Monday with singer Shawn McCabe. Affuso was eventually replaced by Charlie Mills. McCabe recently quit to return to his former group, Mars Needs Women, and the remaining members opted to disband. When they met Johnny Solinger, who formerly fronted his own band, Solinger, in Texas, they decided to reform Skid Row, with Mills remaining on drums. The KISS tour is shaping up to include three acts; also on the bill will be Ted Nugent, according to the bowhunting rocker's official Web site.
February 3
KISS Prowler Clock & PROWL Magazine
From: www.prowlerclub.com
The Prowler Clock is a huge round clock that measures 20." The clock bezel is painted crystal black to match the actual KISS Prowler. Circling around the inside of this clock is a beautiful neon light that can be left on or easily turn off. On the face of the clock there is a full color picture of the KISS Prowler and Music Box Trailer. A must for any Prowler or KISS Fan. The KISS Prowler Clock is $ 269.00 + S/H. "Limited quantities available."
PROWL is the Official Magazine of The Plymouth Prowler Club. The Spring 2000 issue of Prowl will feature the KISS Prowler on the cover and a detailed article inside with full color pictures of the KISS Prowler. Please note Prowl is a full color high quality glossy magazine. Expected release for the Spring 2000 issue of Prowl is the end of April 2000. Prowl featuring the KISS Prowler is $5.50 + S/H . To order any of the above two products please call (732) 364-3637 or go to http://www.prowlerclub.com/kiss.htm
Bruce & John WMMS Radio Interview
From: UNION Asylum
"The Metal Show" on WMMS in Cleveland will interview Bruce & John this Sunday, February 6th at 10:15 EST. The interview will be available live on the internet streaming from the WMMS.com website.
"Detroit Rock City" On The Charts
From: Chris
"Detroit Rock City" has debuted at #20 on Billboard's list of Top Movie Rentals. On a side note, DRC is the #6 best selling DVD at a local Tower Records.
February 2
Video Spotlight Special: Carrie Stevens Interview
From: Byron Fogle / KISS Video Spotlight
I have a special treat for everyone. I've been able to contact Carrie Stevens and managed to do an interview with her about "Tale of the Fox," her life with Eric & career happenings. Carrie is a beautiful model, accomplished actress, spokesperson for many companies, and now can add webhost to her long list of accomplishments with her new site http://www.carriestevens.net Now for your enjoyment here's my interview with Carrie Stevens. Click Here To Read The Interview
Skid Row To Open For KISS Starting March 14th?
From: Metal Edge
During a live interview at KNAC.com yesterday, February 1, Skid Row guitarist Dave
'Snake' Sabo revealed that a revitalized 'Row would be opening for KISS on the upcoming tour. The Skids' run with KISS will begin on March 14.
KISS Alive IV March Release?
From: Ken
An "insider" executive at a major record company confirmed through two sources that
buyers at various retail locations were being warned that a street date of March 14th (or 21st) was most probable for ALIVE IV.
February 1
UNION: The Blue Room Internet Album Premiere
From: UNION Asylum
Three weeks from today, on February 22nd, UNION's new album "The Blue Room" will officially be released in stores. But, UNION Asylum has a very special treat for the online fans!! UNION Asylum, in conjunction with KISS ASYLUM and Next Level Productions, is proud to announce the Official Internet Premiere of UNION's "The Blue Room" at the band's official website, UNION Asylum, http://www.unionasylum.com! Now in streaming Real Audio, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you can preview the entire 10 song "Blue Room" album over the internet! "The Blue Room" is unapologetic classic hard rock, written from a strong love of the Beatles, Zeppelin and Aerosmith, as well as from a vast working knowledge of '80s metal that cautions one to "Stand away from the door. Let the pros handle it." "The Blue Room" has it all, from the up-tempo, very catchy rock 'n' roll steamroller "Do Your Own Thing" to Bruce Kulick's tribute to deceased KISS drummer Eric Carr on "Dear Friend," to the classic Cheap Trick sounding track "Everything's Alright," to the angst driven, fist pounding "Who Do You Think You Are." In an upcoming issue of Metal Edge, Metal Edge editor Paul Gargano proclaims UNION's "The Blue Room" as the "perfect choice to usher rock 'n' roll into the year 2000." You've read about it, now crank up the volume on your computer and listen to it over the internet at UNION Asylum! http://www.unionasylum.com.
KISS ASYLUM Chosen As "Best KISS Site" By Britannica Online - 4 Stars
From: Britannica Online
Britannica.com is contacting you because our editors have selected your site, KISS ASYLUM, as one of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation and usability. Congratulations to KISS ASYLUM on being a selected member of the Britannica Internet Guide. KISS fans, just type in "KISS" at Britannica Online and KISS ASYLUM is the first website listed. The KISS Army lives!
ASYLUM Bulletin Board Relaunch
We are pleased to announce the relaunch of the ASYLUM Bulletin Board Message Center with an upgraded version of our very popular bulletin board application. This forum includes the very popular KISS ASYLUM Kiss Army Online board, Official UNION board, Official Bruce Kulick board, Official Eric Singer board, Metal Zone board and a General Discussion board for all the bb visitors that have made friends to come and chat. You can access the Bulletin Board Message Center at any of the "Interactive" sections of KISS ASYLUM, UNION Asylum, Kulick.net and All Access With Eric Singer websites. At KISS ASYLUM you can click to http://www.kissasylum.com/bbs/ to access the boards. All these forums in ONE place! What are you waiting for? Why not get Interactive with the online fans at the most active KISS, UNION, Bruce Kulick and Eric Singer bulletin boards on the internet! Come into the ASYLUM!
KISS Immortals Web Animation Series Slated for "Leap Day" Launch February 29th
From: Business Wire
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 31, 2000-- Series Launch Moved to Accommodate Broader Web Site Distribution to New Affiliates Including VH-1.com
Brilliant Digital Entertainment, Inc. (AMEX: BDE), a pioneering Internet content and tools developer, announced today that it will launch its new animated series, KISS Immortals, in Internet syndication on the Millennium's first "leap day," February 29th. Brilliant has delayed the launch date, initially set for January 29th, to accommodate higher-than-expected demand for the interactive 3-D animated series by third party affiliate Web sites.
In addition to launch partners including Kiss Online, the Excite@Home and Road Runner broadband services and Brilliant's own Web site, the launch of KISS Immortals will now include VH-1.com and other partners with whom Brilliant Digital is in final stages of negotiation and content integration. Kevin Bermeister, president of Brilliant Digital, commented, "We are very pleased with the increase in demand for KISS Immortals which has been stimulated by the growing visibility and success of our current Internet content offerings. While we were prepared to launch the series, at the request of new syndication partners, we are delaying the launch to accommodate their interest and enable them to participate, simultaneously, in the global launch. The worldwide launch of a new entertainment form, that combines music, 3-D animation, interactivity and the Internet, and features the music, voices and likenesses of the legendary rock band KISS, deserves a unique launch date. `Leap year day,' which comes but once every four years - and the first time this Millennium couldn't be a more perfect day for us to `rock' the Internet. We apologize to KISS fans around the world for the delay, but trust that the significance of the day, and the broader access it will allow, will be well worth the wait."
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
KISS Immortals Multipath Movie Preview
From: Walker Porter
I just downloaded the latest clip for the KISS Immortals multipath movie. This new clip allows the viewer to choose between Gene and Ace to fight the character Domino. A bit longer than the previous five previews but still downloads very quickly. Best of all, once you have downloaded each preview they are stored in your viewer and easily accessed by clicking the channel tab. You can view them over and over even while off-line. This will be very handy once the webisodes start on Feb. 29 so you can watch every possible outcome. There is no information up on how to order the CD-ROM but there is a message stating that due to demand the webisodes will be available on "partner sites."
"Detroit Rock City" VHS Movie Rental
From: Mike Hogan
According to Video Business magazine the rental VHS video for "Detroit Rock City" had a debut at #28 on the top 40 list of national rental titles.
KISS Guitar Tabs
The #1 source for KISS Guitar and Bass tabs on the internet! A great resource for those KISS fans that can wield an ax!
KISS Album Focus
Exploring the history of the band through each album release. You'll be able to find out the logic behind the releases, what was going on in the band during the recording of albums, what the band was up to in the period leading up to studio time, and lots more information which should be of interest to the diehard fan!
Sound Off KISS Army
KISS ASYLUM wanted to open the door to other writers out there and give them a place where they can voice their opinions about KISS. We bet there are more than a few of you who have at least one KISS related topic burning in you that you'd love to write a one time piece about. Well, KISS ASYLUM is happy to bring to you a forum in which to do so in our new feature "SOUND OFF!" KISS ARMY.
KISS Thought Vault
The "Summertime Memories" Kiss Thought Vault finds Ron Albanese waxing nostalgic over summers past, by way of release dates and pinball. A certain starry-eyed little girl also secures her place in Vault history. Also mentioned: The Harlem Globetrotters.
KISS Video Spotlight
What I have in store for you is a real treat. What you are about to read is an interview I recently completed with WNEW DJ (and fellow NJ resident) Ed Trunk.
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