March 25
Come celebrate the new solo release from BRUCE KULICK titled TRANSFORMER (Click here to listen to MP3 clips!). You must not miss this AWESOME Record Release Party and KISS Expo event. Be there for the WORLD PREMIERE of this AWESOME new CD! Spend the day with BRUCE KULICK as he answers questions, performs a full guitar clinic, signs autographs and poses for pictures with the fans. You've seen BRUCE KULICK perform before but not like this! Several surprises throughout the day! BRUCE KULICK is currently touring with Grand Funk Railroad and has been in KISS and Meatloaf. KISS & Rock related merchandise will be sold throughout the day, including the TRANSFORMER CD. MC for the event is Steve Stierwalt, Jr. from SSG will be performing. Other events of the day include BRUCE KULICK Trivia to win prizes, other merchandise giveaways & some surprises! Stay tuned as more surprises will be added. More info and order tickets at:
From: Vince Sanna
Allow me to introduce myself - my name is Vince Sanna and I am the Senior Editor/Feature Writer for 'Drumscene' Magazine - Australia's biggest and most respected Drum magazine. 'Drumscene' was granted the privilege of an 'AUSTRALIAN ONLY EXCLUSIVE' interview with Peter Criss, during his recent Australian visit with KISS, to perform with the Melbourne Symphony. The front cover of the magazine features a 'never before seen' photo of Peter and the interview totals nine (9) full A4 pages. The issue also contains a FREE souvenir, pull-out poster. The magazine retails at AUD$7.95 and is only available through our website Special trade terms are offered for dealers and KISS fan clubs. Peter Criss has also posted details of the issue on We have received numerous orders from all over the world and it is selling fast. Sure to become an instant collectable!
March 21
I thought I would never say I liked KISS without pyro and the effects. After seeing them at the Palms Hotel in Las Vegas last weekend, I have changed my mind. I can only wonder is this how fans felt when they saw them in intimate settings across the USA about thirty years ago. When arriving to the show, fans are greeted down the street by a KISS
billboard advertising the show. More advertising as you get to the club
outside and inside. No shortage of promotion for this one by the hotel. Of course KISS had a merchandise table that seemed to be doing very well. The line to get into the show spread throughout the casino. Although the line moved quickly and security got fans into the club very quick...more at
March 19
From: Bruce Kulick /
TRANSFORMER the new BK solo disc, is now ready for sale. I will have them in stock in 2 weeks time, so I am taking orders for the disc. 12 new songs, 4 instrumentals, and as you will find out, classic Kulick riffs everywhere. Can't wait for you all to hear it. Go to the link on this page for ordering. For now, you can ONLY get the disc from me online. I can assure you that this is best, and do not worry about PayPal or if I got your check or money order etc. I am very diligent in the orders, and everyone gets taken care of as promptly as possible. It went very well for me for Audio Dog, so I am doing the same. In time some small amounts of discs will gotten to a distributor, or to some of the KISS dealers that I like to work with. The full track list is as follows:
Jump The Shark
I Can't Breathe
If Love's The Answer
All I Need
Don't Tell Me Something
Inn Of The Mountain Gods
It's Just My Life
Do It Right
Beautiful To Me
Truth or Dare
Against The Grain.
From: Las Vegas Sun
Last week bassist Gene Simmons said Kiss was coming to Las Vegas to "flex its musical muscles" and it did just that, running through a fiery set clocking in just under two hours. Much to the delight of the many diehard fans in attendance at the sold-out concert -- several of whom showed up in full Kiss body armor and makeup -- the quartet generated tremendous energy throughout, despite having flown in directly after a gig in Tokyo. "We just got off an airplane from Tokyo, and they told us, 'It's impossible. You guys can't pull this off,' " singer and rhythm guitarist Paul Stanley said at the outset. "Well, watch this."
Decked out in old-school 1970s-era Kiss gear, Simmons, Stanley, drummer Peter Criss and lead guitarist Tommy Thayer tore through a hits-heavy package that included "Lick it Up," "Calling Dr. Love," and "Love Gun," sprinkled with fan favorites like "Firehouse," "Cold Gin" and "Black Diamond." "Detroit Rock City" and "Rock and Roll All Night" capped off a three-song encore that also featured an underwhelming version of Criss' ballad "Beth," complete with cheesy pumped-in orchestration. Though Stanley (the band's "Star Child" character) -- whose trademark falsetto remains forceful as ever -- and Simmons (the "Demon") remain the band's focal points onstage, Kiss' other two members deserved special recognition on this night. Criss' relentless, machine-gun style powered the band through every number, making it easy to understand why fans were outraged when Kiss toured briefly without him in 2001. And Thayer, the only member who was not part of the original Kiss lineup, handled his guitar leads as if he'd rehearsed them with his bandmates for 30 years, making it easy to understand why fans barely batted an eye when Ace Frehley recently left the band. It may not have been the full-on Kiss experience, but it did go a long way toward proving that even without their old mystique, some bands can still rise to a challenge.
March 13
From: Keith Tarrier
I was at the Budokan on Wednesday night the 12th. The second night of there 3 nights there. Here is a small review. KISS played on a what looked like cut down stage/set compared to previous tours here in Japan. There were still walls of amps at the back, stairs on both sides of the drum set, so it is probably similar to what they would have had around the Alive era. However because this hall is not too big, almost everyone would have a great view. The Japanese fans were as passionate and crazy as ever. All walks of life were there from Business men in suits and ties to mums and dads bringing their young kids. School and University students and even elderly people where there, and most of them new the words to each and every song! Quite a few had make up on, and a few had some really good costumes, which was brave considering it was very, very cold outside. I was seated on the first level up from the arena floor, on the right side of the stage, (as you look at the stage). This was the side that Tommy spent most of his time. My seat would have been about 2 meters higher then the stage. I had a great view. Highlights of the show: Playing about 2 minutes of La Bamba and Gene singing in Spanish. They also played a verse or two of Day Tripper. A small part of (the Rolling Stones) Angie and Stair Way to Heaven. Paul had to stop for a minute between songs to tie up his boot, so he played this up with the crowd and Tommy also spoke to the crowd at this point. How was Tommy? He was awesome, he looked so happy to be out there, he played the songs well, stuck to classic KISS style for the most part. As I was on his side of the stage I saw him a lot. He waved to the crowd many times, came over constantly to the stage edge and received a tremendous amount of fan feedback from were we were. I was lucky to be sitting next to 2 of Tommy's friends from the USA so Tommy saw us cheering wildly as well. (Tommy actually got me my tickets to the show, as he is a friend of my friend BK.) Peter: His drumming was awesome. It was far better then when I saw him in Australia in 1996. He kept it going really strong and constant all night. Well done Peter. As great as Eric Singer's drumming was during the Farewell tour of Japan, Peter was irreplaceable on this night. Paul: Yes he was Paul. Talked to the Crowd a lot, not jumping around as much but still working most of the stage. Vocals were incredible as always, possibly even better then last time I saw him. Gene: Gene is Gene, classic style, played up to the crowd, smelt the knickers that where thrown up on stage etc. Other stuff, I think during Psycho Circus Tommy may have broken a string or something went wrong with his guitar because it suddenly went out of a tune a bit. The show lacked pyro, which is understandable in this concert hall. But the closeness of the band to the crowd, and the fantastic enthusiasm of the crowd more then made up for this. Overall it was fantastic. Thank you KISS for coming back to Japan. Thank you Tommy for doing so well! Can't wait to see KISS live again soon! I never want this party to stop! [Photo courtesy of]
March 7
Bruce Kulick has just released the album cover artwork (click for a larger image) to his highly anticipated new full-length solo album, "Transformer" which is schduled for release in April 2003! Tracks include: Inn Of The Mountain Gods
Jump The Shark
I Can't Breathe
Beautiful To Me
All I Need
It's Just My Life
Do It Right
Don't Tell Me Something
Against The Grain
Truth or Dare
If Love's The Answer.
Online ordering information coming soon! Check back to for more details!
March 3
Paul Stanley promised Undercover readers that Kiss fans would be "lobotomised sonically" with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and that is exactly what they delivered. Kiss joined the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra for a one night only performance dubbed the Kiss Symphony. "What could be accomplished by a band with our sonic prowess and an orchestra would leave most people lobotomised sonically" Paul told Undercover News. The show was in three parts. Part one was Kiss giving the crowd their rock and roll show. The only thing missing was guitarist Ace Frehley. Instead guitar tech Tommy Thayer, dressed in full Ace make-up, stood in for the Kiss founding member who was MIA. The band warmed the crowd up with a 6 pack featuring "Deuce", "Strutter", "Let's Go Rock 'n' Roll", "Lick It Up", "Calling Dr. Love" and "Psycho Circus".
Part 2 featured the 10 piece Melbourne Chamber Orchestra. Peter Criss stole this part of the show with his sentimental "Beth", followed by "Forever", "Going Blind", "Sure Know Something" and a prelude of George Harrison's "Here Comes The Sun" into "Shandi". Stanley praised the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra for having the guts to do the performance saying when planning the concept they looked into doing the show in another city and another country and with another orchestra but it was the MSO who had the "guts" to take on the challenge of the performance.
Paul also teased the Australian accent introducing "Sure Know Something" as coming from the "Din-Is-Tee" album. "In America we call it the "Die-Nest-Ee" album but as I am in your country now it is "Din-Is-Tee". Part 3 was the evening's main event. The 60 piece Melbourne Symphony Orchestra in full Kiss make-up opened the performance with an "Overture from The Elder". Paul Stanley announced "Let's see what happens when you put black tie with black leather" and the entire ensemble shook the ground with an explosive "Detroit Rock City". "King Of The Night Time World", "Do You Love Me", "Shout It Out Loud", "God Of Thunder", "Love Gun" and "Black Diamond" were a rock and roll spectacular never before witnessed in Australia. The last three songs gave the three main members the opportunity to showcase their individual images. Gene drew blood for "God of Thunder", spewing the red flowing liquid from his mouth, down his chin and onto his chest. It was VERY Kiss. Stanley, who always plays good guy to Gene's bad boy image, flirted with the audience asking them to invite him into the crowd. When the VU metre reached peak level, Paul flew over the heads of the audience to half way into the crowd and performed from a stage in the centre of the arena. Peter showcased his talents with the focus on his vocal for 'Black Diamond'. Since Criss has been a rare visitor on Kiss tours for reasons we need not go over again, it was a treat. For the finale, the angelic Australian Children's Choir joined the demonic Kiss for the rarely performed "Great Expectations". The band finished off with a double dose of their signature tunes. "I Was Made For Loving You" flowed into "Rock and Roll All Nite". Paul Stanley announced on the night that the event was being filmed and will be a DVD and live album. It will also be a pay per view on cable TV in the USA and Europe in coming weeks. So, Kiss with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra? The verdictŠ A brilliant once in a life time performance (but then knowing Kiss, let's not take that "once in a lifetime" thing too seriously). [More...]
Calling on the KISS ARMY!! You won't want to miss out on the first ever Cincinnati, Ohio KISS EXPO it is sure to be a rock-n-roll show. The Expo is Sunday March 23, 2003 the hours are 10AM-6PM at the Holiday Inn(north), located at 8355 Hauck Rd. at Rt. 42 and I-275 (exit 46). Please call (513) 563-8330 for rooms and ask for the KISS EXPO expo rate! Call Allen Mullins at (937) 289-1605 for VIP Laminates, tickets, and vendor/dealer information. To charge by phone call ticket master at (513) 721-6100. Eric Singer will be the special guest. He will do a question and answer session plus he will take photos and sign all your KISS items for all you awesome fans. Don't miss out!!! Steve Stierwalt from KISSFREAKS.COM will MC this event. Tribute band SSG just played Atlanta and kicked ass (as always). The Black Diamond Girls will be performing. Mr. Speed will also be playing the night before, and at the Expo, so they're READY TO ROCK CINCINNATI! In addition to all the guests, we will have some of the biggest KISS dealers in the country, bringing with them tons of cool KISS collectibles. Frank Caraglio of Frank's KISS Kollectibles, Brian and Shelly Streeter, Phil Elliot of Creatures of the South, Inc., and Keith and Michelle from, and my wife and I. There will be a few vendors selling off complete collections. You don't want to miss out on the great deals. Come be a part of the FIRST EVER ANNUAL CINCINNATI, OHIO KISS EXPO!!! Thank you, hope to see you all there!
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KISS Guitar Tabs
The #1 source for KISS Guitar and Bass tabs on the internet! A great resource for those KISS fans that can wield an ax!
KISS Album Focus
Exploring the history of the band through each album release. You'll be able to find out the logic behind the releases, what was going on in the band during the recording of albums, what the band was up to in the period leading up to studio time, and lots more information which should be of interest to the diehard fan!
Sound Off KISS Army
KISS ASYLUM wanted to open the door to other writers out there and give them a place where they can voice their opinions about KISS. We bet there are more than a few of you who have at least one KISS related topic burning in you that you'd love to write a one time piece about. Well, KISS ASYLUM is happy to bring to you a forum in which to do so in our new feature "SOUND OFF!" KISS ARMY.
KISS Thought Vault
The "Summertime Memories" Kiss Thought Vault finds Ron Albanese waxing nostalgic over summers past, by way of release dates and pinball. A certain starry-eyed little girl also secures her place in Vault history. Also mentioned: The Harlem Globetrotters.
KISS Video Spotlight
What I have in store for you is a real treat. What you are about to read is an interview I recently completed with WNEW DJ (and fellow NJ resident) Ed Trunk.