April 29
From: IGN.com
The people over at Third Law were kind enough to give us some box art done by the McFarlane folks for the upcoming KISS game, KISS Psycho Circus, and we are more than happy to present you with the results. You'll be able to choose your favorite KISS member when you purchase the game based on such factors as lip gloss, pancake setting, and hair follicle density. And of course, gameplay, but let's not make this any more complicated than it has to be. Choose your poison from the following boxes. Click Here To View The Box Art!
KISS: The Nightmare Child is coming to your PC and Sega Dreamcast
From: KNAC.com
KISS fans across the nation are currently waving goodbye to their masked heroes as the veteran rock band continues along on its sold-out "farewell" tour, but the legendary band will continue on - digitally. This summer, music fans and video gamers will have their KISS fix for years to come with the forthcoming PC and Sega Dreamcast action-shooter game, KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child , from game developer Third Law Interactive and video and computer game publisher Gathering of Developers.
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
ClownWhite Fanzine News
From: Deno
Have you seen Kiss on the 'Farewell Tour'? What did you think? What are your thoughts and views about this final outing? If you have anything (pics or info) that you'd like to see published in the next edition of Clown White magazine - send them in now by e-mail or post. The new issue will be ready mid-June and looks set be a 'Farewell Tour' bonanza! Full of awesome photos/info from the new tour and all your regular features, plus news of something 'BIG' in the works for issue 6.
Montreal KISS Expo
From: Patrick DeMontigny
This is Patrick DeMontigny, promoter of the KISS expo in Montreal which will be taking place at the Maritime Hotel on August 27th, 2000 with special guest Mark St-John and tribute band Dr.Love. Tickets are 13.50 advance and 15.00 at the door. The show will run from 11:00 am to 6:00pm. with a free gift to the 1st 100 people through the door. Children under 12 free admittence! Many door prizes! For more info, visit our website at www.angelfire.com/pq/montrealkissshow or call (450)349-5140 or write at KISS Expo: P.O. Box 283, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, PQ, Canada, J3B 1G7.
April 28
KISS Thought Vault: "Dirty Livin' -- It got to me!"
From: Ron Albanese
It's finally time for another installment of the Kiss Thought Vault! This time, hold onto your "Firehouse" hats, as I attempt to validate the life of "Dirty Livin'." For me, it stands as a piece of Kiss music without parallel.Thought Vault Note: The Live Kiss Thought Vault makes its debut Sunday, April 30 at the NJ Kiss Expo
(www.erols.com/starzcentral/kissexpo)! It's going to be Kisstory in the making! Stop by and say hello, and perhaps take part in a panel! Special guests so far include Eddie Trunk of New York's 102.7 WNEW FM, who as tri-state area folks know has done more than his part to support Kiss through the years - I first heard "Tears are Falling" on one of shows in September of '85! From hero of the suburbanites and confidant of Ace Frehley, to being personable and knowledgeable, he's perfect Vault material - because his head is also filled with too much obscure data!
Click Here To Read The Latest Edition of KISS Thought Vault
You Can kiss KISS Goodbye
From: Knoxnews.com via Brian Cory
It's time for the Kiss-off. Kiss, the hard-rockers with the ever-growing legion of hard-core fans, will be finished as a band when the current "Farewell Tour" ends. Kiss leaders Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, who reunited with original members Ace Frehley and Peter Criss for the money-minting 1996-97 "Psycho Circus" tour, swear the circus is over for rock's most theatrical band. "No more touring or performing for this lineup," says Stanley, who'll perform with Kiss at 7 Sunday night at Thompson-Boling Arena. "This is the end of the new beginning."
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
Remember Your First KISS
From: LouisvilleScene.com via Brian Cory
When KISS first began terrorizing the Top 40 in the mid-1970s, it was every boy's wildest,
fondest wish come true. Let's say you were 13, 14 years old and on the cusp of leaving childish things behind, such as superheroes, and graduating to rock 'n' roll. But you didn't want to jump too fast; this was a big step. Suddenly there was KISS, dressed in outlandish leather costumes and sporting personas that crossed Hammer horror films with comic books, playing music that was stunningly simple and yet powerfully memorable. You got the best of both worlds -- superheroes (and a supervillain) that rocked.
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
April 26
One Last KISS, For Old Time's Sake
From: OnNashville.com via Brian Cory
Band may go away, but fans' sweet embrace likely to linger on. It's one for the Kisstory books. One of the most incredible marketing machines in rock history makes its last Nashville appearance this weekend as the Kiss farewell tour winds its way to AmSouth
Amphitheatre. It is, co-founder Paul Stanley recently told an online audience, "the final frontier." No more makeup. No more blood-spitting. No more guitars that blow up. No more fireworks. No more Shout It Out Loud. But it's doubtful that the end of the band will mark the end of its fandom. The Kiss Army is one of the most intense groups of fans in existence, willing to fork over cash for any connection to the band.
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
April 25
KISS Book In the Works; Vincent Suit Settled
From: MTV Online via Mike Hogan
Kiss bassist Gene Simmons has landed a publishing deal to write his autobiography, which is said to include his own childhood recollections as well as details of his rise to rock stardom. The as-yet-untitled tome is due out in 2002 from Crown Books, and
according to "Entertainment Weekly," Simmons is receiving a six-figure advance in the deal. In other Kiss news, a judge has dismissed all of the claims in a lawsuit filed by former Kiss guitarist Vinnie Vincent, a.k.a. Vincent Cusano, against his former bandmates. Vincent, who played with the group from 1982 to 1984, had sued over royalties issues in July 1997, naming Paul Stanley (a.k.a. Stanley Eisen) and Gene Simmons (a.k.a. Gene Klein) as individuals in the suit, as well as assorted Kiss companies and Polygram Records, the band's label. Vincent alleged he was owed at least $5.5 million, including monies for his work on the "Creatures Of The Night" and "Lick It Up" albums, and said that even though he co-wrote several songs, he did not receive a royalty rate commensurate with other bandmembers. He also claimed he was dismissed from the group because he refused to sign an employment agreement; that the band had cut his $2000-a-week salary in half to force his hand; and that they made him "live in a hotel frequented by addicts and prostitutes". The judge, in addition to dismissing the claims, also found Vincent liable for roughly $80,000 in court costs. And in other Kiss news, fans will have to wait awhile for the group's latest live effort, "Alive IV." The band has had to put the release on hold while it concentrates on its current farewell tour. The album was originally expected last week.
A Long KISS Goodbye
From: MemphisFlyer.com via buddha69_69@yahoo.com
My life changed when I was in third grade and heard "Detroit Rock City" for the first time. As wild as the four members of KISS may have looked in their Kabuki face paint and 7-inch leather heels, it was those anthems from Destroyer that took my 8-year-old world and rocked it like some elevating stage prop. You take your John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Give me Peter Criss on the drums, Ace Frehley on lead guitar, the tongue-lashing, fire-breathing Gene Simmons on bass, and Paul Stanley as ringmaster. Like it or not, it's a
KISS world we're just living in it. I talked to Simmons by phone recently during an off-day on the band's Farewell Tour (which comes to The Pyramid on Tuesday, April 25th). In his hotel between shows in Fort Meyers, Florida, and Orlando, the blood-spitting bassist had a lot to say about Superman, Steinbeck, The Peabody ducks, and all things KISS.
Click Here To Read The Interview!
Gene Simmons To Produce Rena Mero Film Of Her Life Story
From: RenaMero.com via Roy Adkins
Well it sure feels good to be home! Don't get me wrong I love LA, but there's no place like home! The good thing was I got home in time to be at the KISS concert. This is there Farewell Tour so I didn't want to miss it. Gene Simmons, who is a good friend of ours, invited us to the concert and gave us backstage passes. We also brought 5 of our good friends along with us. I can't begin to explain how much fun we had. The pyro and lighting were fantastic, what a show! I've had dinner and business meeting with Gene. But to see him in full costume and perform in person was amazing. He is one of the smartest businessmen I have ever met. I have recently decided to sign with a company that will make a film of my life story. Gene Simmons will produce this movie.
Farewell Tour Reviews Update
KISS ASYLUM wants to thank all of the fans that have been sending in their reviews of the recent KISS Farewell Tour shows. Because of our recent server problems we have fallen a bit behind in posting the most recent reviews but don't worry, the reviews that the fans have sent in will show up shortly. Hang in there! =)
KISS Fans Still Love Their Band
From: News-Record.com via Brian Cory
"We love you. ... We respect you. ... We appreciate you. ...This is wonderful ... beautiful ... awesome!" If all that sounds like beatific sermonizing at some new-age seminar on self-esteem, it is, in fact, a sampling of the positive patter coming from the stage of Kiss in concert at the Greensboro Coliseum on Saturday night. Greensboro was one of the stops on the group's "Farewell Tour," and they would have you believe that it ranks among the rock 'n' roll capitals of the world. Surveying the sold-out crowd, all of them on their feet and a fair number of them in Kiss face paint, it was hard not to disagree, at least on this evening of cartoonishly appealing hard rock. Click Here To Read The Full Article
April 24
Nashville KISS Expo Review
From: KISS Freaks
You had to be there to absorb the full aura of the April 16th Nashville, TN 2nd Annual Kiss Expo. It seemed appropriate, spookily fitting, that Kiss fans from across the globe converged on the Tennessee National Guard Armory for this extravaganza. Like a scene out of Detroit Rock City, Steve Stierwalt, Stacy Strunk and I set out from the Indianapolis area for the 5-hour trek. Chocolate chip cookies replaced pizza and we all agreed that the only thing missing from this excursion was Bill Starkey.
Click Here To Read The Full Review!
KISS & Say Goodbye
From: GreenvilleOnline.com via Brian Cory
"Rock and Roll All Nite" isn't just a song; it's Kiss' philosophy. For Gene Simmons, the band's fire-breathing, lizard-tongued bassist, the song celebrates the two most important elements of the sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll equation, plus the unspoken fourth element: plain old fun. "It's never been about pointing out how miserable life is," Simmons said in a
recent phone interview. "In fact, we've always celebrated the good things in life great-looking girls and good times. There's no message. The original rock'n' roll means sex: 'Let me rock 'n' roll you all night long.'" For Kiss fans, the long party is about to end. Simmons and bandmates Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss are hanging up their makeup kits.
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
Time For KISS 'N' Tell
From:Sptimes.com via Brian Cory
When he was 5 years old, Toby Giles sneaked to a record player to put on his babysitter's
copy of the KISS album Rock & Roll Over. It was an act that would change his life. Giles' little fingers fumbled, the needle scratched over the vinyl and ruined much of the album. His mom was forced to buy the record from the sitter. But it wasn't completely destroyed. Little Toby could still listen to it, though his mother disapproved of the hard rock band that dressed in demonic attire and spooky makeup. From that day on, Giles, you could say, had KISSues. Now a 30-year-old manager of a Southern Pawn store in Pinellas Park, Giles convinced the store's owner to let him bring some of his KISS items to work. Look around the store and see KISS posters, KISS clocks, KISS action figures. All the computers for sale at Southern Pawn have KISS screen savers, programmed by Giles. He says customers bring him KISS gifts.
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
One More KISS
From: TimesFreePress.com via Brian Cory
It would be easy to dismiss KISS as just another gimmick band if it weren't for the facts.
You could, as critics have for years, call them a costume band, hiding behind spiked heels and makeup, or you could argue that they can only write a formula-type pop song that has no lasting value. You could try to claim that their only fans are preteens and teens, groups that aren't notorious for high musical standards, and therefore the groups' life
expectancy is that of a pimple. The numbers put the lie to all of these assumptions, and guitarist Paul Stanley sees the fact that his group is still packing concerts like the one at UTC's McKenzie Arena on Monday night as sweet justice. The band is on its farewell tour (no really, they mean it), performing with Ted Nugent and Skid Row. "It is the ultimate reward and vindication and anything else that brings a smile to my face," Stanley said earlier this week by telephone. 'In the eyes of the critics, this band was destined to die at birth, and it has had a long and colorful life. It's a good thing. Life is good. It's what is huge and irritating to others. They can't figure it out." Thumbing his nose at critics is not what motivates Stanley, and it is not what puts the zing in KISS, he said.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
United And Doin' Their Own Thing
From: Tprs.com
In August of 1996 KISS made history reuniting the original band members and leaving guitarist Bruce Kulick and drummer Eric Singer out of work. Though Kulick continues to
do performances at KISS-related events and is still on great terms with the band, it was time for him to take charge of his own career. Along with vocalist/guitarist, John Corabi (The Scream, Motley Crue), friend and drummer Brent Fitz, and a bass player named Jamie Hunting, who was discovered by Fitz and Kulick in a Hollywood club, Kulick formed the band Union. About a year after, they released their self-titled debut album, which was recorded in Los Angeles and produced by Kulick, Corabi, and Curt Cuomo (Kiss). The album has recently been re-released by the band's new label, Spitfire
Records. And now, a few years later, the band has moved into the twenty-first century with the release of their second studio album, The Blue Room, which was recorded at the
home studio of producer, Bob Marlette.
Click Here To Read The Full Interview
April 21
KISS Unauthorized Video Giveaway Deadline Extended
From: KISS ASYLUM & David Snowden Promotions
Due to recent technical difficulties with our server the deadline for entering the KISS Unauthorized Video Giveaway has been extended until April 28, 2000. If you already entered there is no need to enter again as all enteries received prior to our difficulties have been entered into the drawing already. However, if you had been waiting to enter and were unable to during the past few days we wanted to be sure everyone had an opportunity for a chance to win one of these great videos. Click Here To Enter The Giveaway!
KISS Alive IV Album Release Update
KISS Alive IV was slated for release in March but then got pushed back to an April 18th release date. That date has come and gone with no album release. In a recent online chat Paul Stanley was quoted as saying "Alive 4 will be out at some point. We missed our deadline and we're still in midst of it." The word that music vendors across America are getting on the Alive IV release is that the album's release is "indefinate." When more information on Alive IV is available KISS ASYLUM will be sure to post up the news.
KISS In Dallas: The Bootleg Movie
From: KNAC.com by Lonn Friend
I love road trips. Always have. My future book will be, for the most part, tales of travel
from the bellies of some of the baddest beasts who've trampled the pure rock jungle over
the past two decades. I've seen KISS many times over the years, make up off, and makeup
on. After a show in Worchester, Mass, in 1989 (if memory serves), Gene Simmons asked
me how I was getting home to Los Angeles. I said I was flying coach out of Boston. "No
you're not," he proclaimed boldly in that Simmonsesque ruler of the world tone, "You're
flying home with me and Paul." Gene then grabbed a walkie talkie sitting on the dressing room table and barked into the mic, "This is Gene. Lonn Friend is flying home with us tomorrow." Twelve hours later, I was sitting between Messers Simmons and Stanley on the now defunct but then hella cool, MGM Grand Air, the only airlines that had a full lounge, bar, beds and massage tables that I could recall. We stretched out and talked about what seemed liked everything for hours. I remember Mike Wallace from 60 Minutes and legendary film director Mike Nichols being on the flight. "My daughter's a big fan," Nichols said to Gene. "I'm a big fan of yours," Gene fired back respectfully. It was on that memorable jaunt where I first learned the story of KISS. "I modeled KISS after the Beatles...only I added the comic book dimension. It was that simple."
Click Here To Read The Full Article & Download The Movie!
Hard Rock of Devotion
From: Charlotte.com via Brian Cory
GREAT FALLS, S.C. -- The wreck hit Minnie Sheppard hard, breaking her back and putting
her in a wheelchair at age 23. Knowing how much she had always loved music, Sheppard's family and friends tried to lift her spirits with it. They brought country, soul and '80s
rock CDs to her hospital room, but nothing worked until almost a year later. When she attended her first KISS concert. "It's hard to explain," she says, green eyes brightening under the brim of a black KISS ball cap, "but I hadn't felt really, completely happy since the
accident, until I went to that show." It was the Charlotte installment of the 1996 KISS reunion tour. To Sheppard, whose fiancé took her, it was larger than life and, for a night, larger than her worries.
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
UNION Tour News
From: UNION Asylum
UNION is pleased to announce that the first leg of their World Tour 2000 to support the Blue Room album release has been very successful. The first leg will come to a close on May 13th at WXCM 97X's 22nd International BBQ Festival show, after which the band will take a short break before heading out for a mini tour of Sweden. Upon their return to the states, the guys will take another brief rest before launching the album's second single and hitting the road again in the U.S. If UNION hasn't made it to your town yet, hang in there because the guys will be back on the road soon in a town near you!
April 19
Gene Simmons To Write His Autobiography
Entertainment Weekly reported in their April 21st issue that Gene Simmons has made a six figure deal with Crown to write his autobiography. Simmons will tell "a classic immigrant's tale mixed with a rock star's story," says Kristin Kiser, the Crown senior editor who made the acquisition. "Here is a man who wears a mask on stage, and the book will reveal what's behind that." The as-yet-untitled book will be out in 2002.
Recent Server Problems At KISS ASYLUM
KISS ASYLUM would like to appologize to its visitors about the recent server problems. The server problems not only effected KISS ASYLUM but also its sister sites UNION Asylum and Kulick.net, as well as other NextLevel sites including Metal Edge Online, All Access with Eric Singer and Surfstereo. Thank you for hanging in there with us during this time. And now, on with the news!
KISS Faithful Dress The Part For Final Fiery Tour
From: TheState.com via Brian Cory
People heading to a rock concert usually put on some jeans and a T-shirt, maybe a leather jacket. But you know they're heading to a Kiss concert if they show up in outfits they special-ordered from Europe. That was what Trey Woods, 27, of Columbia did to prepare for the Kiss concert at the Carolina Coliseum on Tuesday night. Woods, like many devoted Kiss fans, showed up at the Coliseum dressed head-to-toe as his favorite band member. In Woods' case, this was the band's bassist, Gene Simmons, who wears spiked shoulder pads, a bat-wing cape and.monster-head platform shoes. He also wore a long curly black wig and ornate black-and-white face paint. This might seem extreme to some music fans, but not to those who love the four-man spectacle called Kiss, who are on their farewell tour after 25 years as one of rock music's most flamboyant and successful acts.
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
April 17
Upcoming KISS Expos
Stephen Campbell has sent KISS ASYLUM a list of the upcoming Expos he will be promoting. They include Chicago - October 8th (Mark St. John and War Machine); Toronto - November 5th (10th Anniversary with Bruce, Bill and War Machine); Philadelphia - November 19th (Bruce, Bill and War Machine); Cleveland - TBA (probably UNION).More information will be available shortly.
From: Free-Times.com via Brian Cory
One of rock music's most theatrical and outrageous groups will be calling it quits this year, but unlike many of their lesser peers who have beaten their two or three hits into the ground on the has-been circuit, Kiss will be going out with a typically big bang. Click Here To Read The Full Article
KISS Dazzles In Farewell
From: Sptimes.com via Brian Cory
TAMPA -- You may think those are the staged shenanigans of concert videos, but no, grown women really do lift their tops and show their wares to rock stars. Granted, this was more prevalent in the late 1970s and '80s -- the glory era of arena rock. Then again, Wednesday night's KISS concert at the Ice Palace in Tampa was like being in a time warp. When's the last time you saw bras and panties thrown onstage? A drum platform perched atop mountains of amplifiers? Pyrotechnics? KISS, known for its over-the-top theatrics, costumes and naughty ways, made good on its 25-year legend. Billed "The Farewell Tour," this year's round of concerts, which the band claims is its last, included all four original members, in the classic make-up, playing the hits.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
April 13
Attention European KISS-fans
From: KISS Army Sweden
KISS Army Sweden have started a KISS Europe Farewell Tour Campaign. Every single European KISS-fan who wants to see their favorite band in action at least one more
time, stop by and sign the list! If you have a site of your own, you can participate by putting the campaign banner on your site. Click here!
KISS Rocks & Rolls Orlando
From: OrlandoSentinel.com via Brian Cory
KISS brought its "Take the Money and Run," um, "Final Farewell" tour to the barn formerly known as the O-rena last night for an evening of mellow memories of days and smoke-bombs gone by. Yeah, right. The nostalgia flowed like the fake-blood down Gene Simmons' chin as KISS, and 15,000 of the faithful, remembered the fire-breathing, the
anthems ("Rock'N'Roll All Nite"), the tinnitus. The original foursome of Simmons, Paul Stanley (in fine voice), the frightfully thin Ace Frehley and Cats refugee Peter Criss ran through their 27-year career in a show that featured, not surprisingly, no surprises.
Simmons spit up a little blood. Stanley worked the audience one last time. ("We know Orlando rocks better than West Palm Beach!") Frehley managed one last Mickey Mouse guitar solo. And Criss cracked a winning smile. That's all any fan could want from a band with roadies old enough to have been conceived on the first "Final Farewell" tour.
Click Here To Read The Full Review
Goodbye KISS
From: Tampa Bay Online via Brian Cory
That's it, they're gonna quit. Kiss, in the wake of its successful and ongoing original
lineup reunion, is packing it in with a farewell tour.How come? "I'd rather have you ask &'Why stop now?' than 'Why don't you stop now,' Paul Stanley explains from his hotel room in San Antonio."Better to have people wonder why you are stopping than to wish you would stop,'' Stanley continues. "I want us to go out on top, at the top of our game while we can still do this in the tradition of Kiss, in the way that our fans expect.'' What the fans expect, of course, is a second-to-none spectacle Ö explosions, fire, blood, leather and platform boots. And of course, at the center, Kiss: guitarist-vocalist Stanley, bassist-vocalist Gene Simmons, lead guitarist Ace Frehley and drummer Peter Criss, all in the full makeup that defined each member's onstage character (star-child, bat-lizard, spaceman and cat, respectively).
Click Here To Read The Full Article
KAOL Seeking Bands for the new "Creatures Of The Net" CD
From: Kathy Labonte
We're looking for fresh new talent to appear on the KISS Army OnLine Tribute CDs (KAOL). Our most popular disc "Creatures of The Net", is out of stock and being re-released this summer as "Creatures of The Net: The New Millenium". This new remastered edition will feature a slightly different song lineup than before including the addition of 2000 Man, Not For The Innocent, and I Stole Your Love. We currently have TWO more openings left on the CD for qualified bands. If you are a seasoned musician with recording experience and would like to appear on this final lineup of Creatures, please contact producer Kathy LaBonte at ILOVE70s@aol.com. If chosen, you will be required to pay a $200 entry fee and sign a standard recording contract. Songs must be under 3:30 and finished within the next 4 weeks. Serious inquiries only. Join KAOL and be a part of the greatest KISS Tribute discs in KISStory! You'll also be contributing greatly to charity as all KAOL projects are 100% fundraisers for Children's Hospital and Alzheimer's Association. Visit our website to learn more about KAOL: www.kissarmyonline.com
April 12
Nashville KISS Expo This Sunday
From: Gary Conn
Are you ready for something different? The most unusual KISS Expo ever returns! KISSaholics and Kreatures of the South are proud to announce The 2nd Annual Nashville KISS Expo, Sunday April 16, 2000 at the Tennessee National Guard Armory (same location as the 1st Nashville Expo - I-65, Exit 79-Armory Drive from 11am-8pm.). Special guests include: Eric Singer-Former KISS drummer; Karl Cochran-KISS Songwriter/Ace Frehley songwriter/bassist/guitarist/vocalist; Bruce Terkildsen-Karl Cochran bassist/vocalist-Bruce Terkildsen; Andre "The Giant" Augustine-former KISS bodyguard/KISS author; and stay tuned for additional surprise guests. The special events include: Eric Singer Q & A session, and Autograph/Photo session!, Andre Augustine Q & A session, and Autograph/Photo session!, KISS KWIZ Game Show!, KISS Tattoo & Look-alike Contests!, Chance to win a Eric Singer Autographed Pearl Drum!, Live performance by "The Eric Singer Project" featuring: Eric Singer-Drums/Vocals, Karl Cochran-Guitars/Vocals, & Bruce Terkildsen-Bass/Vocals!, KISS Dealers from all over the U.S., Canada, & Europe buying/selling & trading every KISS item imaginable! The Official Nashville KISS Expo Hotel is the La Quinta Inn (Sidco Drive)(same as the 1st year). Call 615-834-6900 and ask for the $52 (plus tax) KISS Expo rate (which includes a Continental breakfast). This rate is good until April 7th. Advance Souvenir Tickets $10., ($12. day of show) (Children 10 and under are
FREE with paid Adult admission). Advance Souvenir Tickets will be available in and around Nashville starting March 21st Mail order tickets: Send $10. per ticket(check or money order) w/.33 stamp to either address: Nashville KISS Expo Tickets, 5595 Ashewoode Downs Drive, Alpharetta, Georgia 30005-4396. Make checks payable to: Phil Elliott. Also you can charge by phone @ 770-753-9630 (All major credit cards accepted) or Nashville KISS Expo Tickets, P.O. Box 149151, Nashville, Tennessee 37214. Payable to: Gary Conn Jr. KISS Dealers contact: Phil Elliott @ 770-753-9630 The 1st Annual Nashville KISS Expo drew 800+ rowdy KISSfanatics! Come and plan on staying the whole day for a ton of surprizes! The Farewell tour hits Nashville April 28th so the city should be at fever pitch come April 16th. Video cameras & Still cameras are welcome!
Gene Appearance on ABC's "Talk To Me"
From: Mark Arnold
Gene appeared on a new ABC show last night called "Talk To Me", 10:30 MST. The show is based around a female talk show host at a radio station. The main character was talking on her show about how to deal with breaking up with her boyfriend. Gene was on the show as a guest to help provide a "male perspective". He was dressed in the usual black suit and hair in a pony
tail. It was kind of neat and Gene was his usual cool self.
South Carolina KISS Parties
From: Foxxcarr@aol.com
There will be two parties for KISS' appearance in Columbia, South Carolina. The first will take place at the Have a Nice Day Cafe. They are having a KISS look-a-like contest with a prize of $150 and two tickets to the show. Their email address is: CAFErocks@aol.com. This party is on Friday April 14th. The second party is a post KISS-show with the KISS Alive Tribute band. It's immediately following the KISS show. This party is located at the New Brooklyn Tavern in Columbia.
April 11
Vote For Paul Stanley as "The Ultimate Diva Rocker"
From: VH1.com via Shane Rembe
Cast Your Vote! This is your chance to program The Rockshow. The Ultimate Diva Rocker will air on the April 14 episode. Don't Miss It. Currently Paul Stanley is behind with only 14% of the votes. We need the Online KISS Army's support to make Paul #1!
Click Here To Cast Your Vote!
Win An Autographed Paul Stanley Washburn PS500 Guitar
From: KNAC.com
Artist Underground at KNAC.COM and Washburn Guitars want to give YOU a Paul Stanley Signature Series PS500 Guitar, autographed by Paul himself backstage at a KISS show. This guitar was designed by Paul Stanley exclusively for Washburn Guitar and has all the fire-breathin' tone and sheer power that has made KISS the Gods Of Rock Thunder for over 25 years.
Click To Find Out How You Can Win!
Voodooland CD Now Available!
Karl Cochran, former Ace Frehley Band member and "Into the Void" co-writer, is pleased to announce that his new band Voodooland's first CD is now available for ordering. Voodooland, which has a heavy blues rock influenced sound, is currently in negotiations for major label release. However, a limited edition 1,000 CD pressing of Voodooland is available for collectors to order now! The seven song EP, which features special guests Ace Frehley (1 track) and Eric Singer among others, includes the original songs: Freedom * Caroline * Make Up Your Mind * Inside Looking Out * I'll Lay Down * Higher * Freedom (original demo). The CD is $10.98 plus $3.00 shipping and handling in the U.S. (NOTE: International orders please email Karl directly for shipping and handling cost info). To order, send check or money order (U.S. funds) payable to Karl Cochran at: P.O. Box 936, Bound Brook, N.J. 08805. Voodooland is an awesome CD; the 70's rock sound at its best. If you liked ESP you'll love Voodooland, so order now before this special limited pressing is gone!
The Spartanburg SC KISS Farewell Afterparty at Ground Zero
From: Shane Trotter
The Spartanburg SC KISS Farewell Afterparty at Ground Zero (3059 Howard Street
Spartanburg SC - click here for directions) will take place Friday April 21st. It is featuring Hotter Than Hell, The Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13, Aesop's Fools, Kunkussion, Janky, & The Atrocities. There will be 2 stages and 6 bands Plus KISS videos on the TVs All Nite! All ages are welcome. Tickets are $6 in advance or $8 at the door. Contact Ground Zero at (864)948-1661 or e-mail Ground Zero at GZSC@aol.com http://www.geocities.com/dstrotter/kiss.html
Farewell Benefit Party
From: http://www.kissintime.com
On Saturday the 15th of April 2000 in Metairie, LA (near New Orleans), kissintime.com along with 92.3 "the Point", pizzanflics.com (a local restaurant), Sound Hound PA Rentals, Shoney's Inn and others will be holding a Farewell Benefit party to celebrate KISS and the late Eric Carr and to all the great times we had together. A special thanks goes out to Steve at KISS Freaks for his generous donations to the party! There will be the tribute band The Band Not Formerly Known As KISS out of Houston, TX, Face Painting for the kids and Adults), music, food and drinks, look-a-like contest, chance to win two FREE tickets to the KISS concert and many others! So if you live or plan on being in New Orleans, LA. please drop by! Go to http://www.kissintime.com for more information, thanks!
KISS Preshow Party In Cleveland
From: Paul
Hi there, wanted to let everyone know of a Kiss Preshow Party that's happening in Cleveland, Ohio on May 4, 2000. It's the day before the two Kiss shows here in Cleveland on May 5th and 6th at Gund Arena. It will be held at the Odeon Concert Club on the East bank of the Flats at 1295 Old River Road in Cleveland, Ohio. It's being sponsored by Belkin Productions and 98.5 WNCX, the classic rock station here in town. It will be a night of prizes, tickets for the Kiss shows that will be sold, Kiss Karaoke, best costume, etc.. with
a performance by the Kiss tribute band, "Mr. Speed". Doors are at 7:30 p.m. "Mr. Speed" goes on at 8:30 p.m. Ticket prices are unavailable at the time but will be shortly. Odeon Concert Club phone number is (216) 574-2525. On May 3rd, another Kiss preshow party will be held at Ryno's Sports Bar & Grill at 35700 Lakeland Boulevard in Eastlake, Ohio. Again, the Kiss tribute band, "Mr. Speed" will be performing. Showtime will be 9 p.m. Details on this event coming soon.
KISS Expo Omaha Photos
From: KISS Army Omaha
Photos from the first KISS EXPO 2000 in Omaha, Nebraska are pouring into our office and are being posted as fast as possible. Thanks to everyone that attended! Go here to
check out the photos and our site! http://kissarmyomaha.tripod.com
April 10
KISS Unauthorized Video Giveaway
From: KISS ASYLUM & David Snowden Promotions
KISS ASYLUM and David Snowden Promtions are giving away 8 copies of the new KISS Unauthorized video to 8 lucky winners! The contest giveaway is easy: just fill in all the entry blanks on the contest entry form on to enter for your chance to win. Entries to win the prizes must be received by midnight EST April 21st, and winners will be chosen at random from all eligible entries. Only one entry per person please. Entries must include a complete mailing address in order to qualify for the drawing. Winners will be notified directly by private email, as well as being announced on KISS ASYLUM's KISS Unauthorized Video Contest Page.
Click Here To Enter The Giveaway!
UNION "Around The World" Photo Gallery
From: UNION Asylum
UNION has sent in some great photos from their personal collection to share with the fans from their trips to Europe, Argentina and throughout America during their radio promo tour in support of "The Blue Room" album. Click here to view the photo gallery.
KAOL Makes Their Goal Reaching Donation to the Children's Hospital
From: KISSarmyonline.com
THE donation bringing us to our long awaited goal of $5,000 is now documented history. Finally, the KISS Army Online (KAOL) has raised enough money to purchase the plaque to be hung in the pediatric cancer wing of the hospital. Bearing the name of KAOL and in memory of Eric Carr, you all can claim a little piece of this plaque as your own. Thank you so much for your support and purchases. The plaque is now being manufactured and will go up in a couple of months. Of course, pictures of the event will follow and KISS fans in Wisconsin may visit the plaque to view and take pictures as well. Read about and see pics of this special $5,000 donation event at www.kissarmyonline.com. We are currently working on re-releasing the KAOL Creatures of the Net disc. It will be out very soon with some great new songs added like "Not For The Innocent" and "2000 Man" among others. We also have plenty of "World Without Heroes" books and Soundtracks still available! Please visit the site for ordering info and to see the newest donation story at www.kissarmyonline.com
April 8
KISS Fever Lyricomic Magazine
From: Gabriel Ravarini
We are proud to introduce to you a new KISS magazine: KISSFEVER Lyricomic. This mag it's a new approach to the songs of KISS looked through the lens of the comic world. From the beginning KISS was a band that featured four superheros, a comic that came to life 27 years ago. How many times we made our own video from a certain song in our minfs? Gus Gall has the gift to be able to materialize those dreams in paper and now you can see them too in our new magazine KISSFEVER's LYRICOMIC! The alternative unofficial comic of the Hottest Band In The World!! Each copy has 24 pages printed on high quality paper, full color cover and backcover, and 4 collectables pages inside the mag, full color too! This is a must for KISS collector, fans, and comic lovers. Printed in Spain. To see some samples of KISSFEVER's LYRICOMIC, the work and art of Gus Gall, and all the info on how you can get this hot new item, go to http://www.kissfever.com.ar/GusGall, or email to comics@gusgall.jazztel.es, or write to KISSFEVER Lyricomic/Gus Gall, Apdo. 5053,
(03180)-Torrevieja/Alicante, Spain.
Rockin' Girl and Goddess of Thunder Rule Mardi Gras 2000
From: Rockin' Girl Ivonne
What can I say about New Orleans? I was born there and grew up with the attitude that life is worth living to its fullest and should be enjoyed. It's where I met the men of KISS on several occasions, attended my first rock concert (KISS, naturally) and ended up leaving in 1988 to start a life elsewhere. Planning a trip to New Orleans not only gives me the warm fuzzies, but it also gives me an opportunity to re-discover a most fascinating city. It's a city filled with history, culture, superb cuisine, rocking music, incredible architecture and if you search real hard, even ghosts. When I find someone willing to go to New Orleans with me, I revel in the thought of showing them my city. There's so much to see and do. After the Christmas and New Year's decorations have been put away, it's time to get pumped up for the Mardi Gras season. Parades, king cakes, beads, doubloons, masking and even celebrities make this a holiday that should be enjoyed first hand as opposed to celebrating in other Carnival-related cities.
Click Here To Read The Full Story With Pictures!
April 6
Interview With Peter Criss
From: News-4u.com
...The self-proclaimed "Hottest Band in the World" will be scraping off the greasepaint, defusing the pyro and hanging up their platform boots after this tour ends. What makes the band's retirement all the more poignant is the fact that KISS's original lineup -- bassist Gene Simmons, guitarist Paul Stanley, guitarist Ace Frehley and drummer Peter Criss -- only just got back together in 1996. Perhaps it's for the best. After all, KISS has been around in one form or other since 1973, and it's a sad but true dictum of rock-n-roll, that arena rock is a young man's game and KISS aren't young men anymore. "Well, we're not kids, that's for sure," laughed the congenial Criss by way of explaining KISS's decision to call it a day. "We all had things we wanted to do; I had things I wanted to do. We got together, did the reunion and it really was a blast. Of course we did great, we sold over two million concert tickets or more maybe, made a whole bunch of money, got a lot of gold records again and did really great, felt good about it, so of course we stayed together and we did the Psycho Circus album, and we toured with that and we had a great time."
Click Here To Read The Full Story!
KISS Hell Issue #34 Available
From: Joe D. / KISS Hell Online
KISS HELL #34 is available now - Including Bruce Q&A, 2 Paul Q&A's, UNION in Vegas, updates, live reviews, comics & front & back color artwork by Larry Blake. Send $5 for the issue to: KISS HELL, 503 Willis, Noble, OK, 73068.
Loretta Caravello Interview on Future Now Radio
From: FutureNowRadio.com
Tune into FutureNowRadio.com this Saturday, April 8th at 3pm to listen to a replayed broadcast of Al Cocchi's interview with Loretta Caravello. In addition to the interview they we will be playing Eric Carr's "Rockology" CD in its entirety.
April 4
Omaha KISS Expo A Success
From: KISS Army Omaha
A big thank you to everyone who attended the first KISS EXPO OMAHA 2000 Sunday. With over 600 in attendance, merchandisers like Kissonline, Kreatures of the South,
and Spencers Gifts had a great day providing new and unique merchandise to Kiss fans. Andre Augustine did his Q & A as did Bruce Kulick. Door prizes were given out via raffle tickets with that money going to the Eric Carr foundation for cancer research. Over $400.00 was raised. Not bad from $1.00 raffle tickets. Union rounded out the day with a blistering set with tunes off the first album and new ones from the Blue Room. Also included were The Jungle and I walk Alone off Carnival of Souls and a great cover of Cheap Trick's Surrender! A special thanks goes out to Keith & Michele Leroux and Jeff Stouder from Alive IV Productions for their help. Big thanks to Union and Andre Augustine and to the Kiss fans who spent the day with us here in the heartland!If you went, we'd like your comments about the show! E-mail them to us at
kissarmyomaha@go.com and check out our site next week for photos and articles about the expo at http://kissarmyomaha.tripod.com
April 3
"KISS Unauthorized" Home Video
Unauthorized is a look into the world of a rock and roll band that started more than 25 years ago in a small loft in New York City. A legion of loyal fans dubbed themselves "The KISS Army" and pushed the band to international success! Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Paul Stanley and Peter Criss became a dominating force, creating a live concert spectacle that changed "business as usual" for arena rock! KISS put both platformed-feet forward to bring their Army of fans a show that has been imitated, but never achieved by any other rock 'n roll band. KISS survived numerous line-up changes in the 80s, as well as the death of Eric "the fox" Carr, who replaced Peter Criss in 1980. Few bands make-it-to-the-top, but there is only one KISS! Unauthorized is a unique video event containing exclusive, behind-the-scene footage of KISS - past and present - during public appearances, backstage, news broadcasts and hundreds of photographs - most never-before-seen! This video has it all - from photographers who documented KISS from all around the world, to fans with video cameras standing by the stage door, to video crews capturing every aspect of KISS onstage and off! KISS Unauthorized is the ultimate fanzine on video. A video made by the fans for the fans! The same fans that have kept KISS on top so they can "rock and roll all nite and party everyday!" Online fans can purchase the video now from: www.KISSshop.com For fans not waiting to purchase on line, the video will be available in retail stores April 18th.
"Live KISS Thought Vault" To Debut at NJ Kiss Expo
"Live Kiss Thought Vault" to debut at NJ Kiss Expo on April 30; described as Kiss Version of 'Politically Incorrect' - The 14th Annual NJ Kiss Expo and Hard Rock Convention has added another special event to its Sunday, April 30 schedule: The Live Kiss Thought Vault. The Live Vault is a spin-off (like Frehley's Comet was from Kiss) of the popular Kiss Thought Vault column found at the KISS ASYLUM Web site (www.kissasylum.com), which is dedicated to tackling all things Kiss in excruciating -- and often hilarious -- detail. "It's best described as a 'Politically Incorrect' for Kiss fans, but more lighthearted, as the band has a high kitsch factor," says Thought Vault creator Ron Albanese about the Live Vault, adding that "all discussions will be done in good fun, and take place between a panel of five people (Kiss fans and convention guests) with participants changing for each topic." Besides his 20-plus years of service in the Kiss Army and related writings, Albanese reveals that inspiration for the Live Vault has come from attending Kiss conventions themselves. "The Kiss conventions are cool, but I always thought that they represented a missed opportunity; With so many fans under one roof, the potential for great, organized discussion is enormous. I mean, we the fans go to these things because wešre rabid Kiss fans. We memorize crazy bits of obscura, like how many times Peter Criss sang laugh sounds in the studio version of 'Nothing to Lose' (three), rank stage shows (the tank one is my favorite), costumes, songs and solos -- now let's talk about it together!" With Kiss, therešs more than enough discussion material. "Kiss are in a league of their own when it comes to nitpicking," says Albanese. " There's the music; makeup and no-makeup eras; their having been both on top of the world and right at rock bottom; merchandising galore; Gene's Asylum tour outfits... The list is almost infinite." Apparently so are the possibilities for the Kiss Thought Vault. "Hopefully, this will be just the first in a series of Live Vaults. The Internet column continues, and a Thought Vault book is in the works," states Albanese. Gene Simmons would be proud. "Kiss are true originals," Albanese concludes, adding "they're the greatest rock 'n' roll band of all time and a pop culture institution, fun for all ages. In the finest Kiss tradition, the Live Kiss Thought Vault is about entertaining and breaking new ground." Read the Kiss Thought Vault at www.kissasylum.com (located in the features section). Get further details on the NJ Kiss Expo at www.erols.com/starzcentral/kissexpo
Glamnation To Rock Sweden
From: Stefan Cedervall / KISS Army Sweden
Once again, KISS Army Sweden is proud to present a special treat for all fans of KISS and glamrock! In April, Glamnation, featuring Eric Singer (KISS, Black Sabbath), Ryan Roxie (Alice Cooper), Eric Dover (Jellyfish, Slash's Snakepit), Stefan Adika (L.A. Guns, Gilby Clarke) and Teddy ZigZag (Guns n' Roses), rocks Sweden and Norway! Tourdates:
April 20th: Stockholm, Sweden - The Anchor
April 21st: Oslo, Norway - Tors Hammer
April 22nd: Gothenburg, Sweden (venue TBA)
April 23rd: Helsingborg, Sweden - The Tivoli
Opening act will be Swedish glamrockers Bai Bang. Tickets
available at http://www.kissarmysweden.com!
KISS Farewell Tour Photos From Dallas
From: KNAC.com
Rob Jones of KNAC.com has added some more great KISS Farewell Tour photos to his KNAC.com website. Click Here to view the latest photos from the Dallas Farewell Tour show. Rob also mentioned to KISS ASYLUM that KNAC.com will be putting up video clips within the next few days so make sure to stay tuned to KNAC.com for great KISS coverage.
KISS Bids A Fond Farewell
From: SanAntonio Express News
Some 22 years ago, I chaperoned my little sister Sara at a Kiss concert at the Freeman Coliseum. I was under orders from my parents, who secretly worried their 14-year-old daughter might sign up with the Kiss Army for good. At least my sister's outgrown them. The same cannot be said for the nearly 25,000 fans at the Alamodome on Friday who paid to bid a final goodbye to rock's greatest circus act, Kiss, on this supposed "Farewell Tour."
Original members Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss remain forever young behind the greasepaint, while their magnificent two-hour stage act has aged and improved like fine wine.
Click Here To Read The Full Review!
UNION Returns To Sweden
From: Stefan Cedervall / KISS Army Sweden
After a successful tour last fall with several positive reviews in domestic newspapers, KISS Army Sweden is proud to present UNION's return to Sweden this summer. Two shows are scheduled, and a third will be announced soon. The first gig is at the Anchor in Stockholm on June the 8th, and the second at Sweden Rock Festival in Solvesborg
on June the 10th. Other artists confirmed to perform at the festival includes Alice Cooper, Dio, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Saxon and Thin Lizzy, amongst others. Futher details and updates available at http://www.kissarmysweden.com. International visitors, click button "In English".
April 1
KISS, Ted Nugent, Skid Row In Dallas
From: GuideLive.com
Mary Poppins said that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. Kiss bassist and mastermind Gene Simmons says that when the medicine is a dose of critical disrespect, nothing aids the digestive process like wads of money. With sales of 75 million albums (and 23 of its discs going gold), Kiss can afford to ignore the disdain of pop culture taste makers. Mr. Simmons likens the band's commercial success to its native land, where four
New Yorkers Mr. Simmons, guitarists Paul Stanley and Ace Frehley and drummer Peter Criss came together in 1972. "If you think about it,'' he told Reuters a few weeks ago, "America doesn't really have a lot of respect, but it's the culture that rules the world. [Kiss] has a lot more in common with hamburgers and wrestling and Hollywood movies than we do with ... crepes and caviar.''
Click Here To Read The Full Article
Hair Of The Dog Cover's KISS Classic "I"
From: Joe D. / KISS Hell Online
The new CD from H.O.T.D. includes a cover of "I" (from The Elder). In a recent PR, guitarist John explained the strange choice; "Well if there's one common thread for this band, it's KISS. We used to close our shows with big KISS songs, but those songs have been covered to death. So we pick a bit of a rare one & made it a little more current and heavier, & then we put in little bits & pieces of other KISS songs near the end. We thought it would be a good opportunity to let people hear a song that might have gotten lost. It's also just a tribute to a band we really love."
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KISS Guitar Tabs
The #1 source for KISS Guitar and Bass tabs on the internet! A great resource for those KISS fans that can wield an ax!
KISS Album Focus
Exploring the history of the band through each album release. You'll be able to find out the logic behind the releases, what was going on in the band during the recording of albums, what the band was up to in the period leading up to studio time, and lots more information which should be of interest to the diehard fan!
Sound Off KISS Army
KISS ASYLUM wanted to open the door to other writers out there and give them a place where they can voice their opinions about KISS. We bet there are more than a few of you who have at least one KISS related topic burning in you that you'd love to write a one time piece about. Well, KISS ASYLUM is happy to bring to you a forum in which to do so in our new feature "SOUND OFF!" KISS ARMY.
KISS Thought Vault
The "Summertime Memories" Kiss Thought Vault finds Ron Albanese waxing nostalgic over summers past, by way of release dates and pinball. A certain starry-eyed little girl also secures her place in Vault history. Also mentioned: The Harlem Globetrotters.
KISS Video Spotlight
What I have in store for you is a real treat. What you are about to read is an interview I recently completed with WNEW DJ (and fellow NJ resident) Ed Trunk.