July 31 Detroit KISS Expo - Dinner With Bruce Details From: KISS ASYLUM KISS Expo pre-show party with Bruce Kulick to be held at Bullfrog Bar & Grill on Saturday, August 5th starting at 7:00 p.m. Bruce will be on hand to share drinks and dinner, and will also be signing and giving away a free guitar and guitar lesson to one lucky winner! Visit the Detroit KISS Expo website for more details. ![]() From: Gerhard Wimmer Gene and Paul are on the cover of the current issue of "BURRN!" Magazine (August 2000), the Japanese leading heavy metal magazine. This is the fifth time KISS have been on the cover of this magazine, and this issue includes an exclusive 6 page report about the current Farewell Tour. July 30 KISS Album Focus: "Curiosity Killed The Cat." From: KISS ASYLUM & KISS Faq III Find out the logic behind the releases, what was going on in the band during the recording of albums, what the band was up to in the period leading up to studio time, and lots more information which should be of interest to the diehard fan! Some of the album focus' will use reference material never before available, plus some of the best interviews with the band already available. We are going for accuracy in our attempt to provide a completely clear picture of the status of the band for each release. The "KISS Album Focus" will be your definitive look back on KISS and their albums. Sit back and enjoy your KISStory lesson with KISS ASYLUM & KISS Faq III's "KISS Album Focus." Chapter 19: Curiosity Killed The Cat - "....By the end of the Dynasty Tour Peter Criss had decided to leave KISS to pursue a solo career that would allow him to perform whatever music he wanted to perform without worrying about getting songs included on albums. Regardless of the numbers of songs Peter had managed to get on KISS albums he did reasonably well with the amount of material he performed with the band. Yet, with the merchandising, the personality issues, and his growing substance abuse problems, not to mention ego, Peter had had enough of the band and was ready to go his own way. In an interview with Steve Gerlett of the Catclub website Peter recalls, "You know, when I left the guys, I did the Out of Control album, and, and I was out of control..." Click Here To Learn Your KISSTORY Lesson! "SOUND OFF" - The Pulse Of The KISS Army! From: KISS ASYLUM "SOUND OFF" is the place where YOU get a chance to be a guest columnist at KISS ASYLUM. If you have something you want to get off your chest and share with other KISS fans about these (or any other) KISS related topics we encourage you to email us and submit the essay! "SOUND OFF" is looking for well written essay length analysis on any KISS related topics. No essay will be rejected simply because it contains an unpopular or "controversial" topic or opinion.... as long as it's KISS related and well written it's fair game! Recent articles have included: Paul Is Dead * A Twisted Fan's Opinions * Broadway? New Songs, Please! * Once in the Army, Always in the Army * Ted's Ignorance * The Magic Was & Always Will Be Within Us * Cashing In! * Plus OVER 100 other substantive, well written musings from your fellow members of the KISS Army! What are you waiting for? Pick a topic that's been on your mind and "SOUND OFF" KISS Army! Click Here To Read The KISS Army "Sound Off" Essays & To Submit Your Own! KAOL 3 CD Cover Artwork From: Kathy Labonte The voting is over and the winning piece of artwork has been chosen for the cover of the KAOL 3 CD cover. KISS fans were given 2 pieces of artwork to choose from to be the next KAOL cover for the final "Spirit of '78" Tribute CD being released later this year by the KISS Army OnLine. Both selections were drawn by artist Dave Magee. You can view the winning results at the website. For those of you who voted for the alternate selection, we have turned that into a full color 3x4 glossy sticker that has been inserted inside of the new "Creatures of The Net" disc being released in a few days. This allows both pieces of art to be used and gives Creatures buyers a preview of KAOL 3 in this collectible sticker. Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote on their preference of the KAOL CD cover. It was fun for us to let the public decide. If you are new to these KISS Tribute projects we have left the survey form up and would still like to hear everyone's thoughts on the album cover art choices even though the cover has now officially been chosen. We have also ADDED 3 questions in the survey for both new and old customers to share their suggestions about the making of KAOL 3 with us. If you've got opinions on what the song lineup should be, come submit your ideas at the website. KAOL 3 -"The Spirit of '78" is based on the 4 solo albums of 1978 and is now in full production. Its release will wrap up the whole 4 year series of discs at the end of 2000 and all profits will be given to the Massachussetts Alzheimer's Association. www.kissarmyonline.com "Nightmare Child" Contest Winners From: KISS ASYLUM To celebrate the release of Third Law Interactive & Gathering of Developers' "KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child" video game KISS ASYLUM held a contest to give away three (3) limited edition "Nightmare Child" posters and a complete set of "Psycho Circus" KISS action figures! The poster, distributed in limited quantities only for promotional purposes to stores and dealers which carry video games/software, features the artwork from the four box covers of the PC version of the game and is signed by the game's developers and creators. The three contest winners were: July 29 Calling Kansas KISS Fans! From: John Henderson of the Hutchinson News Attention Kansas KISS fans: John Henderson of the Hutchinson News wants to interview you! The Farewell Tour is scheduled to roll through Wichita's Kansas Coliseum (actually in Valley Center) on August 28th and John wants to interview fans from South-central and Southwest Kansas (Hutch News's readership area) who are going to the show. So, if you are a member of a Kansas KISS fan club chapter, or just a lone solider in the KISS Army living in Kansas, now is your chance to show your allegiance. Email John if you live in South-central and Southwest Kansas and your story might end up in the newspaper! ![]() From: Gerhard Wimmer KISS were on the cover of the of "Popular 1" magazine recently, the most popular music magazine in Spain. It includes six pages about the KISS concert in San Diego from the Farewell Tour. July 28 KISS ASYLUM Video Spotlight Special: KISS - Jones Beach 6/9/2000 From: Byron Fogle / KISS ASYLUM Video Spotlight Hi everyone. I know these shows took place last month, but I finally got around to write my take on the 3 shows I saw at Jones Beach & the 2 at the Meadowlands. I would've just let it go and not have submitted these, but something very special happened to me and I really wanted to share my whole experience with all of you who read Asylum on a daily basis. I hope you all enjoy what I've put together for you. To keep the event separate I've written 2 parts, the 1st just being a review of Jones Beach & the 2nd being the Meadowlands. I'll be back with another review shortly on my column KISS Video Spotlight soon.Thanks and enjoy! Byron. Click Here To Read The Full Report! A Message From Bruce Kulick From: Kulick.net & UNION Asylum UNION is still talking about traveling to Australia, and now Japan. I had a great meeting with a new Japanese friend who seemed very interested. So I will update news as it comes. Thanks to the fans who have supported our radio campaign for "Who Do You Think You Are." Been busy of course with my solo disc, working with Curt 6 days a week (we took the weekend off for much needed rest!). I am finally ready for solos and vocals!! So, it has really been shaping up. Very exciting to hear the songs from my head onto tape! "Liar" is almost done... this is a brand new version. "495" is next to be finished. More updates after my convention weekend on August 6th, including reports on the radio show dinner in Detroit on the 5th (with a lucky winner ....hhmmmmm) and of course the expo and then the Eric Carr Foxxfest... all in one day!! Red Bulls for me that day! Regarding the auction for the Foxxfest, which can be bid on from anywhere, I have decided to donate an amazing jacket. It is a black leather motorcycle jacket with the huge Spinx patch from the HITS Tour on the back, the Chikara symbol on one arm, and a patch with HITS Tour 1990 on the other arm. This was given to the KISS members only during the tour. Very Rare from this era. Faith Walker of FoxxFest2000 has more details on this jacket and the auction. I will sign it wherever the purchaser likes. Remember the money goes to a charity for Cancer research, so support us in this cause. The Eric Carr DVD is shaping up as well, and I have seen it. Amazing additional footage etc, with lots on the Rockheads, and other previous bands of Eric's included. So that will be shown at the FoxxFest. Click Over To KULICK.NET For The Full Report! KISS Guitar Tabs - "Lick It Up" From: KISS ASYLUM Emil Ortenmark has graciously provided KISS ASYLUM with a great resource for those KISS fans that can wield an ax! Included on the page already are the guitar and bass tabs to the complete "Rock & Roll Over", "Psycho Circus", "Unmasked" and "KISS" albums, as well as "Nothing Can Keep Me From You" from the Detroit Rock City soundtrack. Just added this week, the complete "LICK IT UP" album! While we've got a great start here, we know there are other songs you may be interested in getting a breakdown on so you can drive your neighbors crazy! What songs would you like to see tabulated? Fill out the form on the KISS Guitar Tabs page with your requests and we'll do what we can to get the tabs for your playing pleasure! Click Here To View The KISS Guitar Tabs! Nightmare Child Game Review At Head To Head From: Head-2-Head.org We have just finished our review of KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child. Head 2 Head specializes in doing reviews featuring two reviewers who then go 'head to head' giving the reader 2 opinions about a specific game. In the case of KISS Psycho Circus, we had a KISS fan and a non KISS fan review the game funny enough. Click Here To Read The Head 2 Head Reviews! July 26 VH1 Fan Club Looking For KISS Romance Stories From: VH-1.com Has KISS brought you and your loved one together? Did you meet your spouse in a KISS chat room or at a KISS concert? Are you planning a KISS themed wedding? WE ARE ONLY LOOKING FOR ROMANCE STORIES RELATED TO KISS AT THIS TIME. To be considered please send us emails to the following: vh1_fanclub_kiss@yahoo.com Skid Row KISS and Tell From The Road From: KNAC.com So for the past week or so we've been touring western Canada. If you read my report from a few weeks ago you know that the Skid Row bus got a major shakedown coming into eastern Canada. You know, drug sniffing dogs tearing apart the bus. Well this time it was KISS who got held up as customs. Coming in on the KISS jet the Canadian customs officials held up the band for a few hours and went through the jet with a fine tooth comb. And after it was all said and done they had the fucking nerve to ask for autographs. What fucking balls!! Aside from that the Canadian run was a good time. The people up there are KISS freaks and LOVE to party. Click Here To Read The Full Report ![]() From: Deno Hot on the heels of issue 5 (out NOW!) comes a Limited Publication from the Clown White team. To commemorate our first twelve months, we're releasing a 'SPECIAL EDITION PACK' titled 'THE FIRST YEAR...' (released August 2000). Containing the first 4 issues of Clown White magazine in a 'Limited Edition' printed folder (see illustration attached), this offer will be retailed at a special price - four magazines for the price of two. For ordering information contact us - or keep watching KISS ASYLUM! Gene Simmons Set To Produce 'Evil Ernie' Movie From: Comics2Film.com Rock and roll legend Gene Simmons of KISS is set to produce a movie adaptation of Chaos Comics' Evil Ernie. The news comes from Chaos big-shot Brian Pulido who made the announcement at the Comic-Con Expo in San Diego. Fan Feedback Poll - Best Bruce Kulick Solo? From: Kulick.net Any fan of Bruce's is obviously a fan of his killer guitar work. It would be very difficult to list all of the awesome solos Bruce has performed throughtout his career, so Kulick.net has decided to focus on Bruce's work from the two UNION studio albums in asking for fan feedback on the following poll question: "What is your favorite Bruce Kulick guitar solo from the songs on UNION's first two studio albums?" Click Here to cast your vote and make your opinion heard. Also, don't forget to post up your comments on BAND ASYLUM's Bruce Kulick and UNION bulletin boards at http://bbs.bandasylum.com Sweet Pain Contest From: www.pain.demon.nl OK KISS Fans around the world, for those who've emailed the band helping out with suggestions on the tracklist for our next KISS tribute cd "KISS 'EM ALL" we've captured the list of emails suggesting the choosen songs and we've picked 5 names. We will publish 1 name each week at the Sweet Pain website in the news section (starting july 30 2000), and if it's your name there... YEAH! Respond to it via email and you will receive your free/signed SweetPain-KISS'EM ALL cd when it's released. We will also pick one out of the five winners to receive a Paul Stanley/Sweet Pain T-shirt as well! This contest will run for 5 weeks, and if the winners don't respond that's their badluck! Wish us luck in the studio and "KISS 'EM ALL!!" July 25 Gene Simmons Sizes Up "Sable" From: Excite.com HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Rocker Gene Simmons, who recently produced "Detroit Rock City," is developing a feature based on the comic book series "Jon Sable, Freelance." The KISS bass player and co-founder has teamed on the project with Pacifica Entertainment, the production subsidiary of foreign sales and financing company Intermedia. Created by Mike Grell, the "Freelance" comic was an action-adventure serial about Jon Sable, a former Olympian, war veteran and African game hunter who lives in Manhattan and splits his time between mercenary assignments and writing children's books. It ran for 56 issues between 1983-1990, and was adapted into a short-lived 1987 television series, "Sable," which starred Louis Van Bergen and featured Rene Russo as Sable's girlfriend, Eden. "Creatures of The Net" Tribute CD from the KISS Army OnLine (KAOL) From: Kathy Labonte For those of you who haven't been able to get the KISS Tribute CD "Creatures of The Net" because it was sold out, we're finally re-stocking with an all new 2000 edition Remaster called "Creatures of The Net - A New Millennium". Musicians from all over the world came together thru the Internet to record this very special tribute disc first released in 1998, now back again in a special re-issue with additional music and new collector's inserts.The official release date is August 3rd but you can order it right now at the www.kissarmyonline.com website. This disc will be raising money and awareness for Alzheimer's Disease and 100% of sales will be given to the Massachussetts Alzheimer's Association. There's 20 tracks for over 70 minutes of music, a KISS Army OnLine tattoo, a full color memorial sticker of Eric Carr, and a full color glossy KAOL collectible sticker as well. Also included is a guest appearance by Bob Ezrin in the Partridge Family version of "Shout It Out Loud" and 5 brand new songs not on the original CD. One special track is an all acoustic version of "Tomorrow" by the band SHAMELESS from Germany featuring vocals by former Pretty Boy Floyd member, Steve Summers. To order the new "Creatures of The Net" please visit the KAOL website and check out the full song listing and details. You can place your order instantly by credit card at the order page or call our toll free number at 888-466-KAOL. www.kissarmyonline.com Montreal KISS Expo Update From: Patrick Demontigny We are proud to announce that there will also be a museum display at the expo on August 27th which will contain a lot of rare collector's items such as the original 1975 promo poster/calendar for the Hotter than Hell album, the ultra rare Alive II promo banner, ERIC CARR drumsticks used during the recording of Hot In the Shade, the Solo albums Black Box, rare t-shirts such as the original 1976 Rock and Roll over from the album order form, the Palladium 1980 which was Eric Carr's very first show with KISS, lots of vintage toys, promo displays from the 70's, and a lot more. We will also have hourly door prizes, so make sure you don't miss out! Once again, our special guests Mark St-John and Bill Aucoin will be on hand to sign autographs and answer all your questions. New-Hampshire's own Dr. Love will perform with a full stage show complete with the light show, smoke bombs, the whole nine yards. Tickets are on sale now at 13,50 or at the door for $15.00. Children under 12 FREE ADMITTANCE! Stay tuned for more details or check out our website at www.kissexpo.com . See you there! KISS On The Cover Of Gig Magazine From: Jasten King KISS is on the cover of GIG MAGAZINE this month. There are few pages of photos along with an interview with Gene about the "KISS show." Also, VH1 is running commericals for their "100 GREATEST MOMENTS IN ROCK N ROLL" movie; one of them including the unmasking of KISS on MTV. July 24 "Bitch Slap" A Rock Star - Gene Simmons From: www.heavy.com ![]() Click Here To Play "Bitch Slap" Gene Simmons [KA Note: Game is the product of heavy.com & is intended "tongue-in-cheek"] "SOUND OFF" - The Pulse Of The KISS Army! From: KISS ASYLUM Well KISS Army, there has been a lot going on in the KISS world of late and no doubt being the opinionated group they are members of the KISS Army have something to say about most of it! The Farewell Tour is in full swing and there are grumblings that the final U.S. show will take place at Madison Square Garden in N.Y.C. and be televised as a Pay-Per-View event. Good thing or bad thing? Ted Nugent has certainly left his mark on the Farewell Tour, not to mention Houston, Texas. How does the KISS Army feel about The Nuge and his on-stage antics? Once the Farewell Tour is over various individual projects loom for the band members: movies and producing for Gene, theater and acting for Paul, a book and solo album from Peter, and most likely new solo material from Ace as well. Is this where you'd like to see the guys heading after KISS calls it quits? And let's not forget the recent KISS auction. How did it feel to see pieces of nearly 30 years of KISStory put on the auction block to the highest bidder?
Well, "SOUND OFF" is the place where YOU get a chance to be a guest columnist at KISS ASYLUM. If you have something you want to get off your chest and share with other KISS fans about these (or any other) KISS related topics we encourage you to email us and submit the essay! "SOUND OFF" is looking for well written essay length analysis on any KISS related topics. No essay will be rejected simply because it contains an unpopular or "controversial" topic or opinion.... as long as it's KISS related and well written it's fair game! Recent articles have included: Online Fans Are The Worst "Fans" Imaginable * Vinnie Vincent ESQ.... What If? * Gene Simmons: Love Him Or Hate Him, You Can't Ignore Him * What Is A "Real" KISS Album? * Checklist For The Perfect Box Set * 12 Steps For Gene & Paul * Plus nearly 100 other substantive (no 4 sentence "articles" here!), well written musings from your fellow members of the KISS Army! What are you waiting for? Pick a topic that's been on your mind and "SOUND OFF" KISS Army! July 22 Give KLOS Your Blood, Get "Free" KISS Tickets! From: Kevin M Keyes KISS Fans in the L.A area can get "free" tickets to either of the 2 KISS shows there in August if they donate blood at the KLOS Blood Drive. Just call 1-800 955-KLOS and get an appointment anytime from August 3rd-5th. All you have to do is donate blood and also make a monatary donation (that means cash people) and you get a ticket to whichever night you want. This is for a good cause and the tickets are on a first come, first served, while supplies last basis so check it out soon! Sweet Pain's "Farewell Tour" Trip To The U.S. From: Michel van Tongeren of KISS Tribute band Sweet Pain June 26th me and my buddy Bart Pellinkhof took our fight to Newark, New Jersey. This was the start of our trip to see KISS play live at the two sold out East Rutherford, New Jersey shows... Next day, June 27th. Yes, tonight we see KISS live in action on their Farewell tour! This was our first time to see a KISS show here in the States and we expected a lot of this! After getting our tickets at the ticketbox, we hurried to get inside the Arena of pleasure. Finally after months of waiting, hoping and being very nervous, lights go out at 9:15 pm and we are about to see our first KISS Farewell experience. The 19,000 people in the Continential Arena go wild while hearing: ALRIGHT EAST RUTHERFORD...KISS!!! ALL HELL'S BREAKING LOOSE!! Click Here To Read The Complete Sweet Pain "Farewell Tour" Experience. July 21 Win Farewell Tour Tickets/Backstage Passes & Preview The "Nightmare Child" Game! From: Gathering of Developers / Gigex.com Win a trip for 2 to the final concert on the KISS Farewell Tour plus get backstage passes! One winner in this awesome contest will receive two round-trip plane tickets to the city of the final US KISS show, as well as transportation to and from the airport in the city of the final show. Two nights double occupancy hotel accommodations in the final show city, two tickets from the band's personal guest list to the show, as well as two backstage passes to the performance by KISS are also included! What do you have to do to enter? Well, just click over to gigex.com com and "enter your email address and download the 'Nightmare Child' trailer to enter." Simple as that! Not only do you get a chance to win airfare, tickets and backstage passes to the "Final Farewell", but you can download a demo and movie style trailer of the awesome "KISS: Nightmare Child" game while you're at it! What are you waiting for?! Click Here To Get The Game Demo & Enter The Final Farewell Tickets/Backstage Passes Contest! KISS Guitar Tabs - "Unmasked" From: KISS ASYLUM Emil Ortenmark has graciously provided KISS ASYLUM with a great resource for those KISS fans that can wield an ax! Included on the page already are the guitar and bass tabs to the complete "Rock & Roll Over", "Psycho Circus" and "KISS" albums, as well as "Nothing Can Keep Me From You" from the Detroit Rock City soundtrack. Just added this week, the complete "Unmasked" album! While we've got a great start here, we know there are other songs you may be interested in getting a breakdown on so you can drive your neighbors crazy! What songs would you like to see tabulated? Fill out the form on the KISS Guitar Tabs page with your requests and we'll do what we can to get the tabs for your playing pleasure! Click Here To View The KISS Guitar Tabs! July 20 KISS Loves It Loud From: Calgary Sun ![]() Click Here To Read The Full Article. KISS Army Omaha KISS Party With Bruce Kulick From: KISS Army Omaha Omaha is notorious for throwing KISS one hell of a party. In '96, two record breaking sold out shows! In '98, Psycho Circus sells out! Now Omaha is giving the guys and fans one last hoorah! KISS ARMY OMAHA, co-creators of the KISS EXPO 2000 back in April, has created the big send off! Sunday August 27th 2000 at the South Sokol Hall, 2021 "U" Street in Omaha. Party is from 5pm-10pm. Guests include Bruce Kulick, who will talk about his solo work and book and mingle and well just have a good time! Also on the bill is the KAO Band covering KISS from start to Psycho Circus.Prizes galore with a raffle to benefit the Eric Carr foundation, KISS Tattoo, costume and trivia contests all evening. Now is the time to pre-order tickets! Tickets are $10.00 and you can get them early by sending a check or money order for $10.00 to: KISS ARMY OMAHA P.O. Box 680 Council Bluffs, Iowa 51502-0680 Special thanks to the Holiday Inn Central and South Sokol Hall for being early sponsors and believers! Check out our website at http://kissarmyomaha.tripod.com and see tons of Expo photos! July 19 KISS Animal Refuses To Die From: JamShowbiz The thing Gene Simmons will miss the most is vomiting blood every night. Well, that's part of it. "It's almost like space and time stand still," he says of being on stage with Kiss. "There's a kind of feeling, it's an electric charge, really. I've heard Kiss described as Kiss-tianity, a kind of religion. Certainly there are shrines in people's homes. And if we're the godheads of this religion, there's a feeling that you get on that stage that you just can't buy anywhere. I can hurt myself and be bleeding and be completely unaware of that. "And when I read back some of my comments in interviews, I read cornball things like, 'when I see the look on people's faces, the joy as they're standing on their seats,' but it's true. You can't get that anywhere. "I think I will miss that most of all. It goes back to where it started, which is that it's always been about the fans and the band, the you and me against the world thing. At the end of the day, we've won." Click Here To Read The Full Article Runaway Available On DVD From: KISS Kollector ![]() Ted Nugent Not To Open For KISS In Houston From: Metal Edge Online Ted Nugent will not be on the bill at the Houston, Texas stop of KISS' Farewell Tour on August 22. Nugent bowed out because he refused to yield to pressures from promoters to clean up his very politically incorrect stage patter. Houston's Hispanic community took exception to Nugent's remarks about non-English-speaking immigrants the lat time he performed there, with the tour, in April. July 18 KISS: The Nightmare Child Collector's Edition From: Third Law Interactive & Gathering of Developers Third Law Interactive and Gathering of Developers to Release KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child Collector's Edition. Collector's Edition to Feature Specialty Items Including an Autographed KISS Poster. Third Law Interactive and Gathering of Developers today announced the upcoming release of KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child Collector's Edition for the PC. The Collector's Edition game box features linticular 3D visuals of Todd McFarlane's depictions of the Psycho Circus KISS characters juxtaposed with the famous original paintings of the band members that were featured on their four solo albums. This limited-edition collector's box also includes: A Dreamcast version being developed by Tremor Entertainment will be released in September. "Die-hard KISS fans and McFarlane fans alike will love the Collector's Edition's incredible artwork and contents," said Mike Wilson, CEO of Gathering of Developers. "It's really a celebration of the brilliant collaboration of Third Law Interactive, KISS, and Todd McFarlane Productions on this remarkable game, which itself is destined to become one of the most sought after items in any of the groups' catalogs." Click Here For More Details About The Nightmare Child Game! KISS Flying Circus Delivers The Goods From: Winnipeg Free Press via Brian Cory ![]() Click Here To Read The Full Article VH-1 To Film At Detroit KISS Expo / Dinner Party With Bruce Kulick From: KISS ASYLUM VH-1 will be in attendance at the Detroit KISS Expo on August 6th to film segments to be aired on Kiss and their dedicated fans. Be sure to show up in costume and makeup! There will also be a Detroit KISS Expo dinner party with Bruce Kulick on Saturday night, August 5th. Visit the Detroit KISS Expo website for complete details! July 17 Fan Feedback: Peter Criss Solo Album Sound? From: KISS ASYLUM While the Farewell Tour would appear to herald the end of KISS as an ongoing musical entity in full band form, the chances are very high that we will be able to look forward to solo efforts by at least one or two of the band members. In fact, in addition to wanting to work on a biography Peter Criss has also expressed a desire to put out another solo album after the completion of KISS' Farewell Tour. The only question for Peter seems to be what type of sound to go for on the album. Will he indulge his passion for the jazz/big band sound, or will he cut lose with an album full of hard rockers like "Baby Driver" and "Bad Attitude"? Well, The Catman wants the KISS Army and all his fans to tell him what you want to hear! In KISS ASYLUM's latest Fan Feedback poll we ask the question: "What type of sound would you prefer for Peter Criss' next solo album?" Click over to www.kissasylum.com/poll/ to cast your vote and make your opinion heard. Also, don't forget to post up your comments about the sound for The Catman's next solo album on KISS ASYLUM's KISS Army Online bulletin board at www.kissasylum.com/bbs/ KISS Expo in Holland with Bruce Kulick From: KISS Kollector Online On September 30 there will be a KISS Expo at Tivoli in Utrecht, with Bruce Kulick as the special guest. Not only will he sign autographs and share all the latest news on his current band Union, his upcoming autobiography, solo album and much, much more, he will also perform a couple of songs with glamrock band Shameless. Bruce Kulick/Shameless and the KISS Expo go on tour through Germany after the Dutch date: Dusseldorf (October 1), Frankfurt (October 3), Ludwigsburg (October 4), Munchen (October 5) and Berlin (October 7). Tickets, priced at 25 DM, go on sale later this month. "A Fitting Farewell?" Poll Results From: KISS ASYLUM In KISS ASYLUM's last Fan Feedback poll we wanted to know "If this is really the last time you get to see KISS live, were you satisfied with the performance you saw?" Well, the boys must consistently be putting on a hell of a show because over two-thirds of the fans responded by saying they were "Completely satisfied" with their experience. Conversely, only a scant 3% were "Completely disappointed." The complete poll breakdown was as follows: Completely satisfied, 66.9% (3892 Votes) - Ok, but expected more, 11.2% (656 Votes) - Liked Reunion Tour better, 10.3% (599 Votes) - Liked another KISS tour better 4.7% (277 Votes) - Not sure, 3.9% (227 Votes) - Completely disappointed, 2.7% (162 Votes) KISS Article In Dish Magazine From: Liberty Ray, Dish Magazine I am with Dish Magazine. We are an on-line magazine featuring KISS in our music and film section. Please check out the article at www.dishmag.com. The pictures are extrodinary (taken by the owner of the magazine). We are very proud of our section on KISS, we hope you will be too. Click Here To Read The Article KISS on CBS This Morning From: Robert Fletcher What a surprise this was. I was getting ready for work this morning, and had the TV going when I heard, "stay tuned this hour for KISS, the 70's glam group that is currently saying goodbye to fans around the country on their Farewell Tour, but not before they take a stroll down memory lane with us." They show some GREAT footage from Jones Beach in New York, and some old footage, they talk to KISS backstage and ask them why are they quitting, and they give the same 'ol answers, they are at the top of their game. What a great piece, I am glad I taped it. A Few Days Left - Vote on the KAOL 3 CD Cover From: Kathy Labonte There's just about 10 days left for fans to vote on their choice of what the final KAOL 3 CD cover should look like. We've gotten hundreds of votes already and there is definitely a preference amongst KISS fans! We close the voting on Friday the 28th so please get your vote in before then. Whichever artwork is chosen by the fans is the one we use for the CD cover of this final KISS Tribute disc, "KAOL 3 -The Spirit of '78"! The winning artwork will be announced on August 1st. There are two choices to pick from - go vote for your preference! www.kissarmyonline.com. Also, the new "Creatures of The Net - A New Millennium" will be hot off the presses at the end of the month. If you haven't ordered this one yet, you can do it at the website while you are voting. The first edition of this disc sold out in 1998 - don't miss out on your chance to grab this all new remaster. There's a special SURPRISE packed inside that you'll have to look for. It could be audio, it could be visual. We're not saying. Find the "hidden" bonus in the new "Creatures of The Net"! All proceeds from both of these discs are being donated to the Alzheimer's Association in the name of the KISS Army OnLine. www.kissarmyonline.com Detroit KISS Expo Pre-Party From: KISS ASYLUM For those coming to Detroit there will be a Detroit KISS Expo pre-party on Friday August 4, 2000 at the I-ROCK Nightclub in Detroit, MI. The KISS tribute band DETROIT ROCK CITY will be headlining that night. Come and see the full stage production with lights, pyro, smoking guitar and more. The I-ROCK is located at 16350 Harper. For directions and info call the I-ROCK nightclub at 313-881-ROCK. The seventh annual Detroit KISS Expo is Sunday, August 6th. July 16 UNION Photos From Scandinavia From: www.unionasylum.com / www.Kulick.net ![]() Click Here To Check Out These Great Shots From Scandinavia! KISS Party/You Can't Stop Rock Tour 2000 Featuring Bruce Kulick From: Florian Hedwig / skunkchild@t-online.de The long wait is over, as SHAMELESS is going on a Holland/Germany Tour this fall. German bands ACES and CHIKARA will also perform live at the traveling KISS Parties! There will be KISS music all day long, and KISS Dealers from all over the world will bring you the hottest and newest merchandise. Bruce Kulick will be the Special Guest, signing autographs and telling everyone all the latest news about UNION, his upcoming book and solo-album, and a lot more. At the end of the night Bruce will also perform a few songs with SHAMELESS. E-Tickets are available at kissdeutschland.com already, and "hard ticket" sales begin at the end of July. Below is the current KISS Party/You Can't Stop Rock Tour 2000 schedule: July 14 KISS Guitar Tabs - "KISS" From: KISS ASYLUM Emil Ortenmark has graciously provided KISS ASYLUM with a great resource for those KISS fans that can wield an ax! Included on the page already are the guitar and bass tabs to the complete "Rock & Roll Over" and "Psycho Circus" albums, as well as "Nothing Can Keep Me From You" from the Detroit Rock City soundtrack. Well, as a direct result of the overwhelming requests ("I hear and obey." -- Emil Ortenmark) both for the first album specifically and KISS "classics" in general, we are proud to present for your playing pleasure the guitar and bass tabs for the classic album that started it all - "KISS". Click Here To View The KISS Guitar Tabs! KISS Fans Needed By KISSIN' Time USA From: KISSIN' Time USA KISSIN' Time, USA fanzine is currently producing a Special Edition Issue dedicated to KISS' Farewell Tour. In addition to features covering the band's longtime career, KISSIN' Time, USA will also dedicate a special section for the memories, thoughts, and farewell wishes of KISS fans around the world. What has KISS meant to you? What's your fondest or funniest KISS memory? What do you say when the final flashpots explode and the confetti falls for the final time? Write us a few sentences, send us your photos, relive the spirit of the Hottest Band in the Land and share them with KISS fans around the world. KISS has given to their fans for over a quarter century. Lets hear what they've meant to you. Deadline for entries is July 23, 2000. Please email your entries to kizntime@ix.netcom.com or mail them to us at: KISSIN' Time USA, P.O. Box 8372, Richmond, VA 23226. VH-1.com "Rock Show" Poll Includes KISS From: VH-1.com VH-1.com's "Rock Show" is currently running a poll to determine which band was the most influential in turning you on to rock 'n roll. As it now stands, KISS is in the lead. If KISS was the band that first stoked your rock 'n roll fire, be sure to weigh in over at VH-1.com and rock the vote! Click Here To Cast Your Vote! July 13 High-energy KISS Blows Crowd Away From: Timesleader.com via Alan Stout ![]() Click Here To Read The Full Story Sebastian Bach To Open For KISS Later In The Tour? From: Metal Edge Online We hear that KISS has made an offer to Sebastian Bach to open the last leg of the Farewell Tour. Bach is currently appearing on Broadway in Jekyll & Hyde and is due to stay through October, but now it seems that the KISS tour may be extended till the end of the year and he'll be free to join the road trip. Bruce Kulick Real Video Interview At Metal Edge Online From: Metal Edge Online Members' Section Bruce Kulick's career started in 1975. Since then he has played with some of the best loved bands and artists and has gone on to form his own band, UNION. Probably better known for his role as KISS guitarist, Bruce also worked with Meatloaf, Billy Squire and Michael Bolton. In 1996, after 12 years of playing with KISS, Bruce joined forces with John Corabi and UNION was born. Two years later UNION released their self-titled debut and, quickly after that in 1999, a live CD called "Live In The Galaxy." Last February, the highly anticipated "The Blue Room" was released to a lot fanfare. It's been a pretty busy few years, considering that even when touring with UNION Bruce still found time to release an album of '70s cover songs and to produce a CD of the late Eric Carr's work titled "Rockology." Bruce Kulick's relationship with the former KISS drummer is something never too far from Bruce's thoughts or his work. Metal Edge Online has a five-part video interview with Bruce Kulick for your enjoyment! Brought to you by our very own Gerri Miller, who you all know gets good information from her subjects, it's sure to be an interview that you won't want to miss! Metal Edge Online Members Click Here Carrie Stevens To Appear At FoxxFest 2000 From: Faith Walker Playmate, actress and model Carrie Stevens joins the list of celebrities to appear at FoxxFest 2000! On August 6th, FoxxFest 2000 will do its part in the fight against cancer with guitars, drums and true blue rock and roll. A full day of festivities is scheduled to take place at The Hemmen's Auditorium in Elgin, Illinois, near Chicago. A portion of the proceeds collected that day will be donated to The Children's Memorial Hospital of Chicago located on 2300 Children's Plaza. Not long after Carr's death, The Eric Carr Foundation was formed expressly for these types of contributions. Stevens was Carr's long-time girlfriend and lent her loyal support to Carr during his battle with cancer. Stevens can be seen in Third Eye Blind's 'Never Let You Go' video. She has also appeared on the television shows Pacific Blue, Beverly Hills 90210 and Days of Our Lives. She can be seen on the E! Entertainment Television channel in a variety of specials and she was the host for Playmates of the 1970's and is featured in Playmates of the 1990's. Carrie and her home will also be featured in July on E!'s 'Celebrity Homes.' Most recently Stevens has appeared in 'Rock God,' a film staring Jennifer Aniston and Mark Wahlberg. Currently Stevens is in postproduction of 'Head Games,' featuring Michelle Pfeiffer. Stevens' rare public appearance at FoxxFest 2000 will include a meet and greet with fans. Bruce Kulick of the band UNION and drummer Bobby Rock are also scheduled to attend the event. July 12 Celebrate The Memory of Eric On His Birthday From: KISS ASYLUM Today would have been Eric Carr's 50th birthday, and you know that he's having a blow out of a party in rock 'n roll Heaven -- if you hear any thunder today... that's him! =) There are many things fans can do to celebrate the wonderful memory and legacy of Eric. FoxxFest 2000 is fast approaching, which will be an all day celebration dedicated to Eric's memory which any fan able to attend should definitely check out. Fans can also call their local radio stations to (politely) request that something from KISS that Eric was a part of be played in his honor. And, of course, we encourage everyone to click over to the Official Eric Carr online bulletin board forum to share your thoughts and memories of Eric with his fans world wide. Gone, but certainly not forgotten, please take a momemt today to remember and celebrate the memory of the one and only Eric "The Fox" Carr. Click Over To The Official Eric Carr Bulletin Boards at EricCarr.com KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child Preview From: Gamerush.com ![]() Click Here To Read The Full Review! State of the UNION Message From: Bruce Kulick Hello everyone. I wanted to tell all our fans that UNION has not broken up! The entire band supports John's decision to play guitar and have some road fun with RATT. The truth is, it has been very hard for UNION to be included in the summer line ups, and THAT is not about our talent or label support from Spitfire. I don't want to spend time with a music business lesson "Year 2000" thing here (how hard it is and so forth), so I would rather just say that as a band we have never been more happy as a unit, and so proud of our records and recent performances. We also are very, very happy with all of the fans we have gotten; they are awesome! We are hoping that a viable touring opportunity arises for the band in the fall. We would also like to go back to Sweden and Argentina in the future too. We are speaking with people in Australia as well, but in the meantime we have mouths to feed, so we are all doing things to keep the money coming in and stay active. Please remember the new track from the Blue Room, as radio adds are coming in!! This track (Who Do You Think You Are) is many fans' favorite, and even if it isn't yours, please do what you can to support it. UNION will also be providing more material to the webmasters so they have fresh material to update the site more often. Look for new messages and photos every few weeks. Thanks again for the support, and look for all of the Swedish coverage if you missed it. Also, if you see John on the road, make sure you show him your tattoos or whatever else you might want to share with him! All the best, Bruce July 10 "Nightmare Child" Poster/Action Figure Giveaway From: KISS ASYLUM To celebrate the impending release of Third Law Interactive & Gathering of Developers' "KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child" video game, KISS ASYLUM is giving away three (3) limited edition "Nightmare Child" posters. A complete set of "Psycho Circus" KISS action figures is also up for grabs! The poster, distributed in limited quantities for promotional purposes only to stores and dealers which carry video games/software, features the artwork from the four box covers of the PC version of the game and will be signed by the game's developers and creators. The contest is easy: just fill in your contact information in the contest entry form for your chance to win! One winner will be selected every Saturday for three weeks (July 15th, July 22nd & July 29th), with the first two weekly winners receiving one of the signed posters. The third week's winner will receive both a signed poster as well as a complete set of "Psycho Circus" KISS action figures! Click Here To Enter The Contest! KISS New Jersey Show Recorded For Japanese TV From: Metal Edge KISS recorded its show in E. Rutherford, New Jersey for a Japanese TV program called "Live From New York". July 7 Hard Rock Cafe Purchases $300,000 of KISS Memorabilia At Rock Group's First Auction From: PRnewswire.com ORLANDO, Fla., July 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Hard Rock Cafe acquired more than 20% of the 800+ items offered for sale at the first-ever KISS memorabilia auction in Hollywood. The $300,000 acquisition expands upon Hard Rock Cafe's 63,000-piece music memorabilia collection now worth nearly $32 million. Tentative sites for the recently acquired KISS memorabilia include several newly-designed Hard Rock Cafe restaurants and the new Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando scheduled to open in January 2001. The auction was organized jointly by Butterfields, a unit of eBay Inc., and Greg Manning Auction Inc. KISS fans as far as Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom bought an estimated 200 items over the Internet. In total, music fans and collectors spent $876,000 on KISS items, which spanned the group's three decades of fame. "KISS is a unique band because it appeals to so many different generations," said Barrie Lapins, Hard Rock Cafe's acquisitions manager and music memorabilia expert, who scans through thousands of music memorabilia pieces each year looking for items to add to Hard Rock Cafe's vast collection. "The new KISS memorabilia expands on our existing collection of a complete set of KISS costumes, guitars, dolls, drums from Peter Chriss, a tail worn by Peter Chriss, a blacklight poster and photographs of the band," said Lapins. "We are constantly looking to expand the music experience that guests have in our cafes." On behalf of Hard Rock Cafe International, Lapins spent about $300,000 on 22 KISS memorabilia items, including a set of four life-size mannequins dressed in black leather from the group's 1998 Psycho Circus Tour. In addition, nine original prototype KISS guitars were acquired, including the original Gene Simmons guitars used on the Psycho Circus Tour and the Hot in the Shade Tour as well as the Paul Stanley guitars used on the Alive Worldwide Reunion Tour and the Crazy Nights Tour. Click Here To Read The Full Article Atlanta KISS Expo 2001 From: Phil Elliott Attention KISS Fans! Kreatures of the South International is proud to present the 7th Annual Atlanta KISS Expo Sunday, February 18, 2001 at The Luxureous Atlanta Hilton Northeast in Norcross, Georgia. Being donned as "The Biggest and Best KISS Expo" today by the loyal KISS public, we will continue to bring new innovations to our show! The 2000 Atlanta KISS Expo was a tremendous success again with firsts of their kind such as VH-1 Rock Collectors & MTV broadcasting live from the show, Special guests included Ex-KISS drummer Eric Singer, Former KISS Bodyguard Andre Augustine, Baltimore Maryland's KISS Tribute Band Love Gun, KISS Author Dale Sherman premiering his latest book, and the best KISS dealers, and KISS collectors from all over the world! ***(We also were the only KISS Expo to have Vinnie Vincent in Full Makeup!) We aim to top each years show, so expect BIG things to happen in 2001! The "new extended" show hours will be from 11am-9pm. The extra hour is needed for the extra LARGE show we're planning! Ticket/Dealer/ & Room information will be available in the upcoming months. Stay tuned to KISS ASYLUM for the latest and greatest info concerning The 7th Annual Atlanta KISS Expo! See you at the 2001 show! E-mail Phil with all your Atlanta KISS Expo questions @ KREATURESS@aol.com "Farewell" Article Makes An Impact From: Alan K. Stout - Rock Music Editor, Times Leader [We at KISS ASYLUM got this note from Alan K. Stout, the rock music editor at the The Times Leader in Wilkes-Barre, PA]: "I'd just like to thank all of the KISS fans from around the entire world for e-mailing me regarding my commentary `Farewell To The Kings.' It's actually been quite overwhelming, and trust me - although I may not have time to reply to each one - I've read every one of your notes and appreciate your kind words. As for KISS, I said everything I have to say in the story. And I was very happy to find out on Friday night in Scranton that the band had seen the article. If I didn't lay it down hard and tell it like it is, I'd have been forsaking all of the positive things I got out of KISS' music over the years. It was my pleasure to `Step Up!' '' Farewell To The Kings From: Leader.net "So, this is farewell?" I ask Paul Stanley, beginning what will at times become a bittersweet phone interview. "This is it," says the Starchild. "This is where we part." In case you haven't heard, KISS - the powerhouse rock band that Stanley helped form 27 years ago - is packing it in. The group's "Farewell Tour" is heading into the home stretch, as millions of fans around the world head out to a stage near them to say goodbye to the self-proclaimed "Hottest Band in The World." And that, of course, includes me. "What's that?" I can imagine some of you saying. "A music journalist? Having an affinity for KISS?" You bet your 1978 Gene Simmons action-figure I do. As of this writing, I've seen KISS 24 times in concert. And I've never seen any band put on a better show. Trust me. I've seen everybody. No group is better. Click Here To Read The Full Article KISS Guitar Tabs - "Rock & Roll Over" From: KISS ASYLUM Emil Ortenmark has graciously provided KISS ASYLUM with a great resource for those KISS fans that can wield an ax! Included on the page already are some guitar/bass tabs to some of the most recent KISS songs as well as the just added "Rock & Roll Over" album. While we've got a great start here, we know there are other songs you may be interested in getting a breakdown on so you can drive your neighbors crazy! What songs would you like to see tabulated? Fill out the form on the KISS Guitar Tabs page with your requests and we'll do what we can to get the tabs for your playing pleasure! Click Here To View The KISS Guitar Tabs! A Proper Farewell From: Leader.net You wouldn't think that a band such as KISS - which has long prided itself in its close relationship to its fans - would have broken up without saying its proper goodbyes. But that, according to guitarist and vocalist Paul Stanley, is exactly what nearly happened at the end of the band's 1998 tour. "Psycho Circus" - the group's first album featuring all four original members in nearly 20 years - was well-received by fans, as was its accompanying road jaunt. And the band's 1996/97 "Alive Worldwide" reunion tour was the biggest concert attraction of the year, helping cement one of the greatest comebacks in rock history. Both occurrences, says Stanley, had the group asking itself: What can we possibly do next? "Toward the end of 'Psycho Circus,' we kind of said 'Ya know, maybe it's time to go home,' " says Stanley in an interview in the Times Leader. Click Here To Read The Full Article Larger Than Life - The KISS Experience From: Theweekender.com If these indeed are the end of times (don't bet on it!) for KISS, the pioneering rockers also want to make sure they are the best of times for their fans. So the legendary band that launched a thousand careers is saying thanks and good night in a high-energy Farewell Tour that is rolling close to its end. "KISS fans are appreciative and as dedicated to us as we are to them," says Paul Stanley. "I don't think they ever let us down." Fellow lead singer Gene Simmons, he also of the bass and long tongue, agrees. "The KISS Army has always been alive and well. KISS fans are absolutely the craziest bunch of people you'll meet on the face of the planet," he says, laughing. The members of the band always return the favor. "We make no secret we always make a spectacle of ourselves," says Simmons. And while in some respects this tour is a back-to-the-basics, stripped-down KISS on stage, just walking on that stage is spectacle enough for most people. "We've never been afraid of making a spectacle of ourselves. There's nothing to lose. People want to be entertained," says Simmons. Click Here To Read The Full Story July 6 Thanks From Peter Criss! From: KISS ASYLUM Peter wanted us to pass along a huge "Thank You" to all the fans who sent in feedback on the drumhead question posed several days ago. The response was overwhelming, and Peter thinks he has all the info he needs to make a decision. As soon as the special Peter Criss drumheads are available at KISSshop.com we'll let you know! In the meantime, Peter would still love to hear from all his fans on any topic you want to write him, so please feel free to continue sending him snail mail letters at: Peter Criss, 1933 Hwy 35, #363, Wall, NJ 07719 (This is Peter's official mailing address). July 5 Vote For Your Choice Of The KAOL 3 CD Cover From: Kathy Labonte The recent Fourth of July weekend was the perfect time to update our website for the final KAOL KISS Tribute CD soon to be released - "The Spirit of '78". This disc is based only on the songs from the 1978 solo albums by the individual members of KISS. It is the final installment of the KAOL Trilogy series most known for "Creatures of The Net" and "Music From The Folder". Proceeds from the "Spirit of '78" CD will be given to the Massachussetts Alzheimer's Association as we start a brand new campaign to raise money and awareness of this disease. This grand finale of the KAOL series is also dedicated to Peter Criss. We want as many people to get involved with this project as possible so we are letting the public decide which artwork to use for the CD cover. There are 2 roughdrafts available on the website to view. Both are done by artist Dave Magee and we want everyone to vote on their favorite one. Get interactive! Get Patriotic with the KISS Army! Whatever you choose - we use. http://www.kissarmyonline.com UNION's John Corabi Plans To Tour With RATT From: www.unionasylum.com You may have heard rumours about John Corabi touring with RATT. Yes, it's true and the following is the offical press release statement from UNION Entertainment: "When K.K.'s spot opened up (RATT's rhythm guitarist), the job description that RATT created was: 'Find a very good name rhythm player. He must be energetic and interact well with others on stage and also have a great voice to sing alongside and harmonize with Jizzy Pearl, RATT's new singer.' John Corabi just came off tour with UNION and has some time before the band goes overseas to do more dates. There are a few other UNION obligations that he needs to move around in order to make things work, but John is a big RATT fan (anyone who saw the last RATT tour saw RATT pull John up in a few cities to jam) and heard about K.K. leaving for SNAKEPIT and thought it would be a gas to go out with them for awhile while he was off tour with UNION. Being good friends with Jizzy, Warren, Bobby and Robbie, Crab began jonesin' to go out with RATT (knowing it would be a blast) and loved the idea that he could be the rhythm player with no lead vocal responsibility. He called Warren & Bobby and said 'What if I can move around my UNION stuff and became available for K.K.'s spot on your tour? Would you guys be up for it?' After a resounding yes, John is in the process of trying to open his schedule. However, John's 1st commitment of course is to UNION, but it looks about 98% sure that he is RATT's rhythm player for the upcoming tour." July 3 ClownWhite Magazine News ![]() Issue 5 of CLOWN WHITE magazine will be published July 20th, including "exclusive" photos and story from our stay in Canada during June. There'll also be all your regulars - news, reviews and feedback - plus a superb feature looking at the involvement of 'Public Relations' in KISS's success story. The "Who Do You Think You Are" Radio Campaign & Contest From: www.unionasylum.com Ok UNION fans, the time has arrived to SHOW 'EM WHO YOU ARE by calling and emailing your local rock radio stations to show your support for UNION!! Spitfire Records has sent "Who Do You Think You Are," the second single from UNION's "The Blue Room" album, to radio stations around the country and radio adds for the single begin on Monday, July 10, 2000. So, NOW is the time for you to be calling and e-mailing the stations nearest you to request they play "Who Do You Think You Are" by UNION! In conjunction with UNION and Spitfire Records, UNION Asylum is honored to host a contest to coincide with the release of "Who Do You Think You Are" to radio. The strong support of UNION by all the online fans has been an invaluable part of UNION's growth and continually expanding success. To say "thank you" to all the online UNION fans, Spitfire and the band have made available some great cd prizes for all the winners of this contest! Read on for information on what prizes are available and how you can enter to win. Good luck everyone! Click Here To Enter The Contest Click Here For Information On How To Get UNION On The Radio! VH-1 KISS Video Collection From: Amie VH1 is airing a KISS Video Collection on Thursday, July 6 at 10:30 p.m. eastern time. Be sure to tune in to get your daily dose of KISS! Racing Champions 1/64th Scale KISS Prowler From: Nowell Herman ![]() KISS Coming To Town For A Final Goodbye Smooch From: Hampton Ticketvia Brian Cory His days of wearing cherry-red lipstick, clown-white face paint and a single black star around the right eye are numbered. Paul Stanley, the guitar-wielding romantic icon of KISS, is packing away the 7-inch platform boots and the glitter- and rhinestone-studded leotards. So are his three cohorts -- Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss -- as rock's best-known theatrical band is taking its last bows after 28 years. The group's farewell tour began in March in Phoenix and will wind its way to Hampton Roads -- stopping at the Virginia Beach Amphitheater at 7 p.m. on Sunday. The program includes performances by Ted Nugent and Skid Row. Click Here To Read The Full Article July 1 Paul Stanley Calls In To WNEW From: Ike Are After he missed his studio appearance on the show two weeks ago, Paul called in after the D.C. show last night. Ed Trunk, DJ on the 10pm-2am radio program on 102.7, interviewed him about pretty standard topics. Paul said he would like to do a solo album in the more distant future, after he gains some space and figures out what he wants the album to sound like. On the topic of playing the Garden in NYC, nothing seems final. Broadway still appears to be a priority for him. On the subject of Alive IV, Paul really seemed uncomfortable, and he said it was caught up in red tape and bureaucracy, something KISS tries to stay away from. At the end of the interview, Ed Trunk asked Paul to pick a tune off Paul's solo album, and both agreed on Tonight You Belong to Me. Afterwards, the DJ spun Strutter and Dreamin.' FoxxFest 2000 Ticket Information From: Faith Walker Step right up children of all ages It's the announcement you've all been waiting for! Tickets for FOXXFEST 2000 are now on sale! Come celebrate with us the memory of beloved former KISS drummer Eric Carr. Ticket Prices before August 6th are as follows: $14.50 for Adults, $8.50 for Kids under 12. Tickets will also be available at the door the day of the show, but prices will increase slightly: $18.00 for Adults, $12.00 for Kids under 12. For your convenience, The Hemmen's box office accepts the following forms of payment: MasterCard, Visa, Discover/Novus, Personal checks, Cashier's checks and Money orders. To order by phone: Call (847) 931-5900 - Credit card orders only ($1.50 Handling fee). To order by mail: The Hemmen's Cultural Center, Attn: Box Office, 150 Dexter Ct., Elgin, IL 60120. Hotels in the area: Crowne Plaza - (847) 488-9000, Baymont Inns - (847) 931-4800, Hampton Inn - (847) 931-1940, Ramada Inn - (847) 695-5000, Days Inn - (847) 695-2100. Mention FoxxFest 2000 and The Hemmen's Cultural Center when calling for reservations. Also, keep an eye on the official FoxxFest 2000 website for regular updates and details: http://www.osacj.com/EricCarr/ | ![]() |
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