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Stanley can tell KISS tales all night long
From: Cincinnati Enquirer
by C.E. Hanifin
Thirty years after KISS first recruited its millions-strong army of fans, the band keeps on marching.

The group will take over Riverbend Music Center on Sunday with two of its original four members (PAUL STANLEY and GENE SIMMONS), and all the hard-rock anthems, black-and-white face paint and onstage antics with fire and dry ice that landed KISS biggest-band-in-the-world status in the '70s.

This isn't the same old show, though, says Stanley. (He's the guitarist and vocalist with the black star painted over his right eye). Along with monster hits such as "Detroit Rock City," KISS will rock 'n' roll all night with songs that haven't been performed live in decades or, in some cases, ever, he says.

"The tour has a whole renewed energy to it," he says. "The songs are fresh and played with a lethal precision."

The revamped show is designed to allow the whole crowd to catch the explosive (sometimes literally - these dudes still love their pyrotechnics) action. Twenty-one video monitors will be mounted on the main stage. A second stage will be positioned in the middle of the audience; mid-set, Stanley will swoop above the crowd on cables to the small platform and play from there.

Stanley, who plans to release a solo album early next year, says the members of KISS are in peak form, and they're definitely not ready to unlace their platform boots just yet.

"There's no denying that KISS is better, stronger, tighter and purer than it's ever been," he says.

Here's Stanley's take on the current tour, the proliferation of KISS merchandise and how to cop the band's classic style.

Why was '80s hair-metal band Poison chosen as the opening act for the tour?

Poison is a band that gets up there and has fun and gives the audience a really good time.

What's the coolest special onstage effect?

Oh, me. When I get a chance to fly over the audience and play from a smaller stage and give the people in the back a front-row seat, that's an awesome experience.

What's the strangest merchandising request the band has received?

Toilet paper was pretty low, no pun intended, on the list.

KISS's songs have been covered by indie rockers, string quartets and even country star Garth Brooks. What's your favorite cover?

I like the ones that are a little more challenging and offbeat. There's a great version on "Rock and Roll All Nite" by Toad the Wet Sprocket that actually sounded more like Jackson Browne than KISS.

Do you have any fashion tips for fans who want to emulate KISS's look?

Cheap hairspray, cheap lipstick and lots of attitude.

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