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KISS packs 'em in at Montage
From: Scranton Times Tribune
By Reid Coploff / Staff Writer
Those who came to the Ford Pavilion at Montage Mountain last night seeking great music were at the wrong place, but those who came for a great spectacle were right where they needed to be.

Kiss and opening act Poison provided over 30 years worth of glam metal to an assembled throng of 9,250 fans fully prepared for the sensory overload in store.

Because KISS didn't give a concert so much as they put on a show. It was all about the style. It was about the makeup, the costumes, the prancing, the flashing lights, the fireworks, the fire breathing, the blood spitting, the bursts of flame and countless other bits of ridiculousness.

Midway through the set the band tore into "I Love It Loud," and the army of fans certainly must.

Everything was cranked to nearly painful decibels, including the between-bands music.

But it was all worth it to the fans, because they got to see the life-size comic book characters that are KISS. From the opening riff of "Love Gun" the crowd was at its feet, hands thrust into the air in the devil-horn sign of rock.

Backed by a stage setup that included 19 video screens of varying sizes and a literal wall of amps, KISS gave the fans exactly what they shelled out the dough to see. They played hits such as "Deuce" and "Christine Sixteen," and got the fans all riled up with between song banter.

"You aren't going to let the big cities upstage you now are you?" shouted singer/guitarist PAUL STANLEY as he encouraged the crowd to sing along to "I Want You."

And as much as the crowd expressed love for the band, the musicians showed it was a mutual appreciation. "Scranton you may just be the rock and roll capital of Pennsylvania," Mr. Stanley said.

As much as the band leapt around stage, it was not hard to tell that they are the godfathers of style over substance. Nearly all the songs sounded the same and, although the instrumentation sounds fine live, the band seems to lack a good singer. Instead what we get is either Mr. Stanley's screeching or bassist GENE SIMMONS' guttural growl.

Those are minor complaints, though, because who really goes to see a KISS show for the tunes?

It's the killer stage show that draws the black-shirted masses.

And KISS surely gave them all they could handle.

Poison, meanwhile, got the crowd ready for the headliners by playing a boisterous set full of their '80s hair metal hits.

In fact the band closed their set with its five most popular songs: "Something to Believe In," "Unskinny Bop," "Nothin' But a Good Time," "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" and "Talk Dirty to Me."

The band careened around stage with reckless abandon and guitarist C.C. DeVille played one of his so-sloppy-its-good solos in nearly each song.

But even though the crowd stood and sang along, Poison knew who the stars of the night would be.

"I am fired up right now," Poison lead singer Bret Michaels said. "You're looking at four of the biggest KISS fans right now."

He, meanwhile, was looking at nearly 10,000 more of them.

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