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The Hottest Band in the Land, KISS
By Vincent J. Swanson
Long before the Seattle grunge crowd distorted its garage band amplifiers in the 1990s, producing American legends such as Nirvana and Pearl Jam, two nice Jewish kids from New York City were experimenting with rock and roll like no one before them.

It was 1972—the year after the Beatles split—and rock was transitioning away from a political vehicle of protest, and farther away from its African-American roots—toward the post Vietnam generation of the mid-1970s. GENE SIMMONS, born in Israel as Chaim Witz, was a 6th grade teacher in Spanish Harlem at the time, and when he wasn't reading comic books or watching Dracula movies, he was practicing his bass guitar—hoping to someday become a rock star. After meeting Stanley Harvey Eisen, now PAUL STANLEY the other co-founder of KISS, Simmons' mother pleaded with him to plan his career conservatively—and not leave his teaching job—in the event that his rock idea failed. Thirty-two years later, and many millions of dollars later, GENE SIMMONS' rock idea is still thriving as his band has been indelibly etched into American culture, even affording the group an encyclopedia entry.

With all its fire and smoke—and very loud Marshall amplifiers—KISS came to the Nissan Pavilion this past Saturday with its basic rock power chords and theatrical show. Although the band's energy and soul is not what it was at its height in 1976—when the band toured the world over with its mysterious Japanese influenced kabuki makeup—the group still delivered an amazing set list spanning their over 30 years in rock and roll.

The band opened with Love Gun, a track from its smash platinum 1977 album, and then launched into Deuce, one of their earliest songs from the first 1974 album simply titled KISS, an album cover influenced by the Beatles. Simmons' bass playing was flawlessly smooth, as was TOMMY THAYER's guitar work. Thayer replaced original lead guitarist ACE FREHLEY in 2003 after Frehley struggled with alcohol and substance abuse, an affliction that has unfortunately plagued the gifted guitarist's adult life. After one more mid-seventies hit, Makin' Love—and a fairly flat mid-eighties hit titled Lick It Up—the band brought the crowd to its feet with All The Way, a tight hard rock track from the 1974 vinyl release Hotter Than Hell. Stanley and Thayer's guitar work was perfectly timed during the song, with Simmons stalking around the stage fingering his bass, and drummer ERIC SINGER surgically pounding his drum kit. Singer replaced drum legend PETER CRISS for the 2004 tour, a move that has now left the band with only two original members, GENE SIMMONS and PAUL STANLEY.

The replacement of Frehley and Criss has been a source of controversy for some, with many die-hard KISS fans arguing that the band's energy has waned without the original lineup. But Singer's and Thayer's contributions to the band have been phenomenal, as both have proved their musical ability to be professional and clean, with Thayer following Frehley's original cord changes and lead guitar solos perfectly. On Deuce and Got To Choose, Thayer—who dons ACE FREHLEY's original makeup and costume from the 1975 era—appeared to never miss a single note during Saturday's performance.

For those who have never witnessed a KISS concert—and witness is the perfect word for the experience—the theatrical surreal rock opera paired with its hard-hitting sound is an unforgettable memory. It would be wise, young or old, rocker or not, to go to a KISS concert at least once. Timed intermittently throughout the act, the band releases huge plumes of yellow and orange explosions of fire, warming the faces of the first 100 rows of audience members. The band seems oblivious to the loud interruptions of heat and fire, never missing a bass note, or guitar chord, or the beat of a drum.

Toward the middle of the show, Simmons blew fire from his mouth on the darkly lit center stage, making the feat look as though he was breathing fire. Simmons too drooled and spit fake blood during the band's Unholy performance, a stunt that has aroused the ire of fundamental Christians for three decades, who say Simmons is an agent of Satan—an allegation he finds amusing and silly. Simmons, who once seriously considered rabbinical studies to become a full-fledged Rabbi, wrote in his autobiography in response to the charge; "Have you ever seen the devil? Do you know what he looks like?" Regardless, the fire and blood troupe is an interesting window into Simmons' complex psyche as his mother is a Holocaust survivor, a period of her life that Simmons says she rarely discusses.

The band closed Saturday night's performance with its 1975 theme song, Rock and Roll All Night, from its Dressed to Kill studio album, a performance that energized the crowd.

The genius and energy of Stanley and Simmons—even for rock stars in their 50s—appears to be ready for another 20 years, maybe even with PETER CRISS and ACE FREHLEY by their side.

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